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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. But If someone picks up a rock without you being conscious of it and nails you in the back of the leg you'll become conscious quick that there was a hard piece of matter otherwise known as a rock that apparently exists.
  2. Well then that would be what's happening. It's whole complete and perfect ❤
  3. Well that's the interesting part bro because Awakening is the collapse/death of the separate individual that believes something special needs to occur for awakening to be experienced. So in a sense it's a non happening because something that was never real to begin with collapses ? As far as describing it, ordinary and extraordinary describes it well. But It's the disentangling from the socially conditioned mind matrix known as ME... Seeking ends because it's recognized finally that the only thing striving to put itself in a better position was the conditioned sense of self believing there's a better experience to be had in the future and perpetuating its own illusory existence. It's simultaneously recognized that none of this seeking matters in any way at all, but that understanding can only be fully grasped upon the collapse of the individual. ❤
  4. Well the illusory part maybe that it means something holds value or is important in some way or the other. Yay I'm conscious that the body is picking its nose right now this is great.. My cat appears to be conscious that I just put a treat on the ground for it... yay this is incredible!! The only thing that believes that higher Consciousness will be beneficial is the separate sense of self that wants to get something out of everything. But that's the game of the ego... as long as it's seeking for a better experience of course always in the future, it perpetuates its own illusory existence.( running on the hamster wheel) ❤
  5. it can be recognized that the dream character in the dream story places an overlay over top of reality and operates from that self-centered perspective. When this starts becoming recognized it can be quite funny and or shocking... This Is essentially Eckhart Tolle's entire teaching squeezed into a few sentences Also not saying that this recognition has not occurred there ❤
  6. Ajata Project Welcome An Empty Answer You want me to “say more” about nothingness. Could anything be more paradoxical for the reader than to try to understand “nothing”? Why? Because most people start from the conviction that there is something which does exist; if nothing more, at least “me”. So, you will not likely appreciate nothingness unless you have come to realization through advaita. At least we will, then, begin without the assumption that a “me” really exists. But even for the realized advatin, there will almost certainly be a presumption that “something” exists in the realm of reality. Even “reality”. Advaita points to ajata, and ajata is about nothingness, or emptiness. The Diamond Sutra of Buddhism, points exclusively to it. Hui Neng, the Sixth Chinese Patriarch, declares flatly: ‘There is nothing from the start.” These sources, among others, set your foot on the path, but recognize that most people are then going to immediately be lost. I have written clearly about advaita, and several have understood what I’ve said. I have spoken, to some of these, about what lies beyond the “Absolute,” and a couple have understood. So I will try to explain it, as best I can. The “ultimate condition” (if any) is nothingness, the complete “absence” of anything—no thing, of any possible description. The (approximate) comprehension of this would be to conceive of “emptiness”, as the emptiness of which not anything could be emptied; pure unassociated emptiness, and not even an emptiness which is within some imagined boundaries. The word “void” could be applied; but this “actuality” is not void of something—in any positive sense. So the nothingness of which we speak is totally empty, free of any subtlety which could even be envisioned. Hence there is not anything “within” it that can be subject to any kind of movement, or even change. Not anything can “come from” nothingness, nor “return” to it. It is not the “origin” of anything. In fact, it could not be applicable to say that it exists, or does not exist. Thus we can’t say that this is the “beginning” condition or the “ending” condition. At best, we could say that (if it were “existent”) it would be the ever-present condition. Yet, it is not an abstraction: its presence is “eternal”. “In” its presence are supposed creatures, and the world and universe they seem to inhabit. But all of these supposed things are “in” nothingness. They have not appeared from nothingness, or out of nothingness, or because of nothingness. In fact, they have not actually “appeared”, except as nothingness. The creatures take their reality, their “existence”, for granted; and thus also the reality or existence of the world and its universe—not knowing that they are nothing. The assumption is: ‘There was a time when I didn’t exist, a time when I existed, and a time when I will no longer exist”. But there are no such times. Not anything has ever “existed”, from the standpoint of nothingness. In nothingness, there is no “time”. What makes this so difficult to understand, is that because we say that “I have existed”, we conclude that there is some thing. And indeed we look around and say there are other things, such as a world or a universe. But the presumption that there was a time when I did not exist (or do; or will not exist) is false: no arising, abiding or decaying exists in nothingness. In other words, not anything “happens” in nothingness. “We” are nothing, the “world” is nothing, the “universe” is nothing. In nothingness, there is neither existence nor nonexistence. There is only nothing. From the standpoint of nothingness, no questions can arise. We can not ask for, nor expect, an explanation: not anything ever happens, in nothingness. The value of this understanding is that not anything really matters. Even understanding this does not matter. All is emptiness. That is the “empty” answer. The scriptures speak of one who is in sahaja samadhi as having “no mind” or an “empty mind”. It is this appreciation of nothingness that is referred to. - Ajata Project (Robert Wolfe)
  7. Words will always will be understood differently. There will always appear to be an individual perspective until there's not. ❤
  8. But I'm talking about the ocean of knowing otherwise known as the Mind Matrix.
  9. It's not a shift, it's the collapsing or death of the sense of self which is simultaneously recognized to have never been real in the first place. There isn't a self at all in any language. There isn't a higher self, a lower self, a self realized self or anything in between. Post real awakening these misunderstandings are recognized as nothing more than continued projections of the illusory self within the dream story attempting to rebuild its box of knowing...❤ "Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretence. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true" - Adyashanti
  10. No one goes full circle. Hence the saying "no one becomes enlightened" Which BTW seems to be much more rare than previously thought here. After Awakening both relative and absolute concepts of the self are recognized to be nothing more than a projection of a conditioned web of beliefs otherwise known as the Mind Matrix. It seems that Harris and spira are still both very disillusioned in ways that seem different but are essentially exactly the same. The Mindmatrix/ web of belief is a b**** to completely break free of and it's very rare. ❤ Awakening is the recognition that the individual simply never occurred/ snapping out of the Mind Matrix known as ME!
  11. This could mean a lot of different things. "You are the storm" could mean that the resistance to what is can cause a seemingly storm of suffering. ❤
  12. Ordinary and extraordinary seems to be the best way to describe it. ❤
  13. No because there actually isn't a 'You' to have something called Awakening. ❤
  14. What if it's just that particular body/mind organism imagining that birth and death are imaginary? The creation of the separate individual within the body-mind organism seems to be the only completely illusory part of this apparent experience.
  15. Others apparent consciousness was still there, but his was gone. That means when that body/mind die's, it's completely lights out. There won't even be the slightest inkling of anything ever existing, just like before birth. ❤
  16. Consciousness is nothing more than the direct experience of the body/ mind organism and it's perceptual imagination. This is why you're not conscious of what the neighbor had for dinner tonight or how many fingers I'm holding up behind my back or what's happening at a gas station in China. If a meteor annihilated planet Earth and all life was destroyed instantaneously... it would be completely lights out... there would not be anything left to claim such a thing as consciousness. There would not even be a memory of existence ever existing. ❤ Surprise!!
  17. Like when people thought the world was flat and the sun circled around the Earth
  18. And well of course simultaneously it can be labeled, placed in a box and believed to be understood... Time is a great example of this. There is apparent time: I can schedule to meet with my real estate agent in the next hour to discuss the selling of a piece of property. And simultaneously that concept of time was created by humans and doesn't really exist. This is what is meant by saying the experience is simultaneously REAL and UNREAL.
  19. @Someone here yeah you can call it whatever you want, absolute truth, dirty socks, cupcake,... its infinite ❤
  20. ? "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players" - William Shakespeare
  21. You can't place a label on that which is infinite, and hang it on a nail, mark it off like a badge of accomplishment... it doesn't work like that. It also can't be placed in a box and checked off as understood. But go ahead and try as you will nothing wrong with that..❤
  22. Are you looking for truth or the end of seeking. Because the end of seeking is recognizing the Seeker was just the mind running rampant. It's unknowable but not in the sense that things can't seem to be apparently discovered. It's unknowable in the sense that whatever the mind projects onto these apparent discoveries is just another conditioned and limited concept. So in that sense you could say absolute truth is that everything is absolutely unknowable and infinite ❤