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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Everyone has trouble in this area because the "ME" experiences from self centered perception. It's not that there isn't apparent separation between objects... It's that the sense of "ME" within the body that believes "I am here and everything else is out there" is an illusion! ❤
  2. When the bottom of the bucket falls out, it never holds water again. It will be freedom from the mind ❤
  3. You would probably enjoy Robert Wolfe's Ajata Project ❤
  4. In other words: The finger-pointing; The space in between; The moon itself and the name moon is all equally the Eternal Tao or wholeness. ❤
  5. The sense of self has to constantly perpetuate it's illusory existence. In other words if it's not seeking it's dying ❤
  6. And this really can't be comprehended prior to Awakening.... prior to seeing through the sense of self. That's because the sense of self always perceives from a subject/object perspective. It will always project wholeness being somewhere other than here. ❤
  7. The Tao that is named is also the Tao. The signposts, pointers and teachings are also it. To believe wholeness is somewhere else is duality. Wholeness is already the case.... a misunderstanding does not constitute real duality.... that's why it's called an illusion ❤
  8. The words are just expressions used for communication purposes. The experience of being an individual is ultimately unreal yes, BUT it still feels very real. The same way a mirage in the desert has the ability to keep you walking for water up ahead. The water was ultimately never there, but the thought about getting a cold drink of water soon is felt and experienced in the body right? Most seekers start with the deep conviction that they are a real separate individual in the body and that with enough diligent practice can one day become whole and complete or experience enlightenment. Jim and Tony are simply pointing out what is already the case. There never was a separate individual. "The separation never occurred" -- A Course in Miracles
  9. The message seems to transcend the idea of a someone liking or disliking anything. It leaves you empty handed without a leg to stand on. ❤
  10. Yes the prison cell is 'you' and it isn't real, it's an illusion ❤
  11. I was just pointing out the importance of emptying the glass. The issue with reading about what enlightenment is, is that the 'sense of self' creates a story of what it believes the words to mean... for example God Consciousness might be taken as becoming an all-powerful all-knowing being... See the 'sense of self' will twist the meaning of the words around to fit its idea of enlightenment. ❤
  12. "The challenge of Awakening is recognizing no one was asleep" -- VeganAwake
  13. Beauty: The end of the need for anything to be other than what it is.
  14. Happiness: The end of the need for anything to be other than what it is.
  15. There is no one way to live your life or believe. So in that sense you can't make a mistake or go wrong. Whatever is happening is exactly what's happening... it's that free ❤
  16. Liberation has No limits or parameters. It's the recognition that limits parameters and concepts/meaning purpose and value.... are a product of social conditioning. It's complete freedom!! Freedom from the socially conditioned mind matrix known as 'ME'.. This can't be described. But escaping from the prison is just the disentangling from the socially conditioned mind matrix. It's the end for the need of a better experience in the future... such as Awakening. It's the end of seeking because it's recognized, the only thing that was seeking was thinking.
  17. Then that's what's being experienced there. It's whole complete and perfect ❤