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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. There's nothing that should or should not be talked about, it's all the same.... that's the freedom ❤
  2. Psychedelics seem to shake up the mind's typical way of thinking and perceiving. But placing meaning purpose and value on these experiences are just the mind's way of making sense out of everything and always for survival purposes. ❤
  3. It doesn't seem like Connor completely and or clearly enough saw through the tricks of the Mind like Frank appears to have. As if he doesn't understand the nothingness that's prior to the minds understanding. But it doesn't matter ❤
  4. But Enlightenment is the recognition that the individual that was striving for a better position in life to become enlightened or attain an LOC of 1000 was an illusion, and that illusory experience of not feeling complete is the very thing that seems to hide the completeness/freedom/liberation that is longed-for and yet already the case. ❤ That's why this recognition is often referred to as the cosmic joke or the Open Secret.... it's so obvious that it's simply overlooked.
  5. It's definitely some interesting material and you can tell they spent some time putting it together. But how can there be a scale placed on something constantly changing. For example would somebody that created a sustainable living environment on Mars have a higher LOC than a Tibetan monk meditating his or her whole life in the mountains. The rating scale is imaginary. I guess you could say it's perspectival at best. Like what about Willy Wonka he figured out how to make ice cream that doesn't melt... he must have a goddamn IQ of 160. Forrest Gump seemed quite at peace with everything...❤
  6. You will not find mental health therapy here. Please look and reach out to your local mental health provider or therapist. You guys are expecting way too much! Please look elsewhere ❤
  7. In this story the snow represents the accumulation of societal conditioning, knowledge and experience. Think of the sense of self/ego/me like a snowball. It starts off almost non-existent, but as it rolls down the mountain of life it collects layer upon layer of snow, getting bigger and bigger. It becomes an entity unto itself. It says 'I am here' and everything else is out there. It becomes a complex snowball full of concepts, preferences, dogmas and beliefs. Now imagine the snowball gets curious one day about what it's made out of and looks into a mirror, but all it sees is snow. For the First Time The Snowball recognizes it was never separate from the rest of the snow, it was just a misunderstanding all along. The sun light reflecting off the mirror begins to loosen up the layers of snow and they begin to fall back into the side of the snowy mountain of life. So although the snowball seemed to be a separate entity, it was just a misidentification with accumulated societal conditioning, experience and knowledge. The snowball/sense of self/ego/me was never real to begin with, it just seemed to be like a mirage in the desert. After the Mirage/duality is seen through there's no need to keep talking about it, as if it was once real, the snowball/ego/me/sense of self was clearly seen to have never been real from the start. "The separation never occurred" - A Course in Miracles ❤
  8. @James123 ❤ yes these are gems absolutely and he sums it up nicely at the end of the very first video. Psychologist: So it all comes down to security, but can the individual find that security. Krishnamurti: No, the individual can never find that security.
  9. And it's not a gaining as the mind would have you believe. It's the collapsing of something that was never real to begin with ❤ "Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true" - Adyashanti
  10. I assure you it wasn't directed towards any 'individual'. It may have been inspired by a story of a man who was told by his Guru at a retreat, that this was not a therapy session. Years later the man returned and thanked his Guru immensely. ❤
  11. Yep it's that free. There can't be a real right or wrong direction when there is no real goal that needs to be met. But simultaneously this does not mean that goals should or should not be created. It's pointing to whichever way the path seems to turn.... IS THE WAY!! Its impossible to do right or wrong because right or wrong is a mere concept of social conditioning. ❤
  12. Yes the sense of self/ego can't grasp it.... it's almost as if the recognition slips by the ego without it noticing
  13. Oh 'YOU' thought the topic was about 'YOU'... no way Jose ❤
  14. Nothing really dies... it's recognized to have never been. If you believe there is a ME and an Ego then Awakening hasn't occurred because the ME and the Ego are not separate. Illumination is just another word for enlightenment or liberation ❤
  15. Yes the freedom that is unraveled with enlightenment or Liberation is immeasurable for sure.... But Most mental health issues need to be dealt with and addressed with proper medication and mental health professionals trained in these areas. I've seen someone go from barely wanting to live, to feeling really well on a day-to-day basis within 7 months. It's shocking how many suffer in silence. ❤
  16. Yes there can be all kinds of glimpses that can occur. Here the self was just clearly seen to be completely a figment of imagination. It was recognized there just never was a ME. And what's funny is it was completely ordinary but shocking simultaneously. Yes those samadhi films are spot on, the third one should be coming out soon I believe ❤
  17. @Javfly33 I think you should recognize there's a time and a place, and this ain't your time or place ❤
  18. There's no Global shift in Consciousness that's happening. These are tough times period. It is what it is and that's all that's happening ❤
  19. Staying sober could also be the craziest trip of all don't forget that ❤
  20. You have to empty out the glass completely bud. Right now you're so full of concepts it's spilling over the top of the glass. The mind is accustomed to believing that the accumulation of knowledge will get it what it wants. But Awakening is the letting go or dropping of all conceptual knowledge to reveal what was already the case... prior to the socially conditioned mind matrix creating the dream story. Awakening is the disentangling from the socially conditioned mind Matrix of thought, known as 'ME'. So the Mind actually becomes a hindrance to Awakening and it's not until the Mind does an in-ward flip in on itself and recognizes the futility of the way it operates, will the mind become liberated from the "ME" illusion!! ❤
  21. But that's why it's called Awakening brother. For the sense of self there's always the search for a better experience in the future.... that's literally how it perpetuates it's illusory existence. Let's be honest everybody really wants to be done with seeking, to find closure, to have an answer, to know the truth But there isn't an answer or a truth for everything....everything just is. So in that sense the closure ends up being the recognition that there was never a secret truth hidden somewhere awaiting to be discovered.... The truth is that there isn't one. ❤
  22. It's not that there isn't apparent other bodies walking around... It's that the sense of "ME" in the body that claims "I am here and everyone else is out there"... is an ILLUSION! ❤