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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. This is spot on....? Yes Awakening, Enlightenment, Nirvana is just a story... The individual that is seeking so desperately for a better experience in the future recognizes its own unreality thus revealing the futility of its desperate attempts to find a better experience in the future. The once solid brick house of 'ME', becomes a wobbly unstable house of cards ready to topple over at any further deep introspection.... it begins to collapse, and once the bottom of the bucket falls out it will never hold water again ❤
  2. The conditioned concept of healthy or unhealthy is what goes bye-bye. It's the disentangling from the socially conditioned mind Matrix known as ME. ❤
  3. It's a run away train that never had a driver. ❤
  4. It's becoming more common with the younger generation and thus less awkward more and more. I think there'll be a big shift in the way most eat in the next 10 or 20 years. "Three things cannot be hidden for long the Sun the moon and Truth"
  5. LSD can create new pathways of thinking and perception. Can shake up the normal habitual ways of thinking and perceiving. Just have fun, expectations are kind of silly cuz you never know what you're going to get. ❤
  6. ? ❤ And when the 'ME' is clearly seen through its simultaneously recognized there is nothing to throw away because it was an unreal identification from the start. The once solid brick wall of ME turns into a wobbly House of Cards and starts collapsing. And once the bottom of the bucket falls out, it never holds water again
  7. I get what you're saying ❤ There is nothing there, it's complete nothingness. And words can't describe nothing. ❤
  8. Interesting story, fortunately the 'I' is an illusion. its a tuff break for the sense of 'I' though. ❤
  9. All your thoughts,choices and actions stem from past conditioning... The way you were taught by society to interact, think and make choices has all been programmed into your mind by societal conditioning.
  10. Recognizing this 'YOU' character only exists in conditioned thought.
  11. The word truth assumes that there is something false. There's nothing true or false because there is no real point or purpose to anything. Only conditioned thoughts label true or false right or wrong good or bad. Nobody knows this!! ❤
  12. Yeah man it's every experience... it's THIS experience! You are trying to find it somewhere else because you believe THIS isn't it! ❤
  13. Here is one of my favorites Robert Wolfe, who seems more of a neutral figure but interestingly enough told me on the phone that Tony Parsons is a great teacher. Any teaching that cuts directly through the illusion is key. ?
  14. ? ❤ nailed it... Another way to say it is, reality seems to get skewed by self centered perception. The sense of self or ego places an overlay on top of reality and functions from that perception. (What's in it for me) Ego lives in a world of duality...right vs wrong; good vs bad; subject vs object. You said : " we all have an ego" Who is WE? Is WE something other than the ego? Is there really a ME and a MY ego or are they one in the same? ❤
  15. @Kel Varnsen Who is this character that wants to know? What makes up this 'YOU' character? What does 'YOU' consist of? Where is 'YOU' located? ❤
  16. Yes it's not somewhere else the names are also this!
  17. That's what's being experienced there it's whole complete and perfect ❤
  18. It seems to be hidden by being everything. The cosmic joke or Open Secret ❤ ?
  19. Words are also it, and It's not foolish to try, that's just another mind story. Nobody experiences Awakening. And being infinite love; State change to self realization and the Consciousness game are all just more mind stories.❤
  20. @Moksha Awakening is 0 you don't become this or that trust ❤
  21. But what if this statement was recognized as just a figment of imagination, just another mind story "eventually awaken spiritually to the God that you are"
  22. Yes, there was an apparent situation. But there was never a ME involved. It only seemed so. Notice Liberation isn't a denial of feelings and emotions.... All feelings and emotions arise there just isn't a real owner of them ❤
  23. This is a perfect example of uneasiness/suffering due to self centered focus. It may seem subtle but she's essentially focused on an apparent cultural normality of good vs bad situations that seem to occur. The question is can illusory self-identification be seen through? As in not happening to me but just apparent happening in general.
  24. Yes the body will surely die. The sense of self experienced within that body is an illusion. So it does not die, because it was never real from the start.... death is already the case ❤