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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Note: The conditioned mind will twist and distort the stories it hears about what Awakening or Liberation actually is to meet its grandiose beliefs of what it wants it to be like. Hence the importance of completely emptying out the glass.(it's not really important but pertaining to Enlightenment it's absolutely necessary). "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it's the illusion of knowledge" Simply put: believing you already know or have the answer to something obscures the realization from being recognized. Same as "It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows" ❤
  2. Gotcha...Its not anyone's fault and you have no control over the conditioning, it just happens. For example: a woman that was raised to always keep her face and body covered in public, may have a difficult time breaking out of that conditioning, even if she changed religions and moved to a different part of the world. It is fair game after Awakening and there is nothing that's definite. When the identification as this illusory character in the body is recognized to be bogus and starts collapsing, a lot of the values, motivators, life goals, concepts and beliefs often collapse along with it. A weird aspect of awakening is that there can still be this heavily conditioned character that ultimately recognizes its own unreality but continues to play out the apparent negative conditioned patterns... I call this "dabbling back in duality" and it's been called "The Divine Game of Lila" Liberation is the end of the belief in behavior being right or wrong... Its complete freedom from all socially conditioned concepts like that, and it's not what is expected. ❤
  3. I get what you're saying! What I was attempting to point to is that until this illusory self collapses( collapse meaning: the direct recognition that it never existed) there will always be a search for knowledge and truth to put the illusory self in a better position. I call it the hamster wheel effect ❤
  4. Hi, It's actually the opposite. Clarity comes from the dropping of all the conditioned concepts and ideas gathered such as fear=bad; fearlessness=good. ❤
  5. Its the non-position or non-condition prior to conditioning. It's not somewhere else. Unknowing ❤
  6. Exactly, hanging around on a forum and being apparently steeped in what is expressed, are both meaningless and do not matter at all. The only thing that would say otherwise is a conditioned thought ❤
  7. Well it doesn't perish because it's already not real. But I get what you mean ❤
  8. @friend-man yes it feels like diving into the deep waters of the abyss. It's the disentangling from the socially conditioned mind matrix known as ME What comes out on the other side is pure emptiness or nothingness.... which happens to already be the case so fear not ❤
  9. Is it possible that the idea of eternal being is just a projection of the illusory "I" or conditioned mind? Could that be a possibility? ❤
  10. The only thing that is completely unreal in THIS whole apparent experience, is the sense of "I am".... the unreal seeking the unreal. Now that is quite the conundrum. ❤
  11. The beautiful reunion is a delusion of the sense of self that so desperately wants to continue existing. The biggest problem for the sense of self is death... the same as realizing it never existed ❤
  12. ❤But Is it possible that the conditioned mind has also created the idea of a creator with no beginning and no end?
  13. The seeker/sense of self desperately seeks for a better experience in the future. It has an unquenchable thirst that can never be satisfied. See the permanent quenching of thirst would be the end of the seeker. So it sets up an unachievable goal to constantly seek, but never fully find. It sets up its own circle jerk under the radar to perpetuate its illusory existence. It's very cunning. It has a slew of defense mechanisms or gate guards to distract, deter and camouflage the freedom that's longed for. It wants its cake and to eat it too.... it simply cannot fathom or recognize its own unreality, because that would be its demise. It wants to be there when what's longed-for is found. It wants to be the Satisfied Seeker. ❤
  14. @Bazooka Jesus the craziest thing is nobody really knows anything and nothing really matters. Man what a trip
  15. Yahtzee you got it, there is no real hierarchy in anything ? The collapse/uphold are actually identical because it's an illusion. Awakening is an non-happening. It's the death of something that was never real... so it's complete bs if you will. ❤
  16. "The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent, everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinions for, or against, anything" - HSIN HSIN MING
  17. Sounds like you are looking for a quick fix which is very unrealistic for 99% of humanity. But always sought after. One of Leo's favorite lines that I love is "Awareness alone is Curative" The more you become aware of the conditioning and conditions that create suffering, the easier it is to understand and have unconditional love for even the most outrageous behaviors. For example today in the Navy I had this guy flipping out over something silly and I recognized immediately that his superiors had been pushing him too hard for Perfection and he was trying to uphold this unrealistic expectation causing him a lot of unneeded stress. I recognized I had been exactly in those shoes before. Explore yourself, watch your mind and notice the conditioned responses and recognize those responses in others also. Recognize the conditioning of this body mind organism and you will recognize it in all other body mind organisms. Peace and understanding are not separate things ❤
  18. Emptying the glass completely...? "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance- it's the illusion of knowledge" Simply put believing you already know the answer hides what's already the case. Unknowing ❤