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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Seems to be a survival tool run rampant and became an entity unto itself.
  2. Be the watcher. Watch the mind and how it operates. Create a gap between the thinking and the identifier.
  3. He is good ?... Although you can't really move closer or further away from that which is everything. The moving away from truth is just a concept of the mind. ❤
  4. What's karma? There's only what's happening regardless of whatever name its given.
  5. Yep free fall / dancing emptiness And even that is just a story ?
  6. Hard for who? There isn't a real YOU!! Stop identifying with the ME thoughts. Then its just thoughts for no one.
  7. Yes, change feels threatening and vulnerable to the ego/sense of self. No need to believe its stories...?
  8. It wants to understand THIS. It wants to place THIS apparent happening in a box and check it off as understood or figured out. It wants a belief system whether it knows it or not. It absolutely hates not knowing because this makes it feel vulnerable or insecure. It's always on the move keeping itself distracted from recognizing its own unreality as a real entity. There are no answers to THIS because any answer would just be another conditioned concept of the mind. In that sense, THIS is truly and always unknowable. And NO, it is not wrong to try because that would just be another conditioned concept of the Mind. ❤
  9. Enlightenment is recognizing YOU as the seeker of enlightenment is unreal. So the question is WHO is trying to get organized in pursuit of enlightenment? Take a close look ❤
  10. There will always be apparent inconveniences or emotionally tough situations. It's not avoidance,becoming naive or dis-attached to these situations, it's accepting them exactly the way they are(non resistance) and then adjusting. Riding the wave of change, not drowning in it. When the judgmental illusory 'YOU' gets out of the way, it just flows. Or "If you find your here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally. If you want to take responsibility for your life, you must choose one of those three options, and you must choose now. Then accept the consequences.” - Eckhart Tolle ❤
  11. This is good work ❤ Keep looking into these held beliefs such as: yourself; god; truth. What are these?
  12. The appearance or physical reality doesn't change. It's recognizing that the meaning purpose and value placed over top of reality by the illusory individual sets up a dream story which is ultimately unreal. ❤
  13. It doesn't matter whether seeking occurs or not because there is no goal or end result that needs to occur. When the body dies, there won't be a memory of the suffering or the bliss that was experienced. There won't even be the slightest remembrance of existence. It simply can't be done right or wrong, because right & wrong are conditioned concepts ultimately lacking in reality. ❤
  14. When the word TRUTH is used here, it sounds like there is an expectation to find something solid, concrete, unchanging, something that will always be true, something permanent. THIS is impermanence, unknowable, fluid like, constantly changing, instability, never to be grasped or caught and hung on a nail, it cannot be pinned down labeled and checked off as understood like the mind wants to do to it. Its neither real or unreal. Can a thought even grasp the implications of infinity? The word TRUTH is a thought created concept and futile attempt to squeeze the unsqeezable into a box. Truth = Infinite = Unknowable Unknowing = Truth ❤
  15. The ego is YOU. It's the fictional character experienced within the body comprised of accumulated knowledge, experience, ideas, beliefs, concepts, dogmas, parameters, emotions, conditioned thoughts, ....all identified with as 'ME'. But it's an illusion or misidentification if you will. Sometimes this illusory sense of self is seen through and seems to collapse( Awakening) ❤
  16. There is no purpose for anything. The illusory sense of self places an overlay of meaning purpose and value over top of reality and operates from that belief. This is essentially what creates the dream story. An unreal individual operating from an unreal perspective...❤
  17. Empty the glass and through it out ?
  18. What is "I"? What does "I" consist of? Where is "I" located? Can you put your finger on it? Or Is "I" a mere concept or assumption of thought? "I" or "ME" is an illusion. A misidentification with conditioned thinking. So the Seeker starts out on a journey from a skewed perception to begin with. Sort of like starting on a quest with a map of the wrong territory. I never finds what it's seeking because I isn't real. Needless to say it's quite funny when it's recognized ❤
  19. There is no "MY" journey or "MY" enlightenment, that's literally what is revealed. And how can that possibly be described? ❤