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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. But what if the concept of anything being right or wrong is clearly recognized to be nothing other than societal conditioning nonsense?
  2. Exactly, Ego tries to rid itself of itself attempting to put itself in a better position....It's hopeless!! This recognition being pointed to is void of position, hope, meaning, purpose and value. Meaningless Position-less hopeless freedom for no one.
  3. It's unknowable and it's left at that when the illusion of the knower is seen through clearly. Ego = identity, so it will always identify itself as SOMETHING whether that be God, Higher Self, Pure Consciousness, The Self or what have you. It cannot fathom its own unreality because its biggest problem is death. It simply cannot grasp that it's already unreal. Best wishes my friend... Fair Winds and following Seas ❤
  4. The sense of self or ego has a fantasy dream story about what Enlightenment would be like, so it chases that concept endlessly, there is no end because it has to constantly seek to keep itself intact (hamster wheel effect). The end of seeking is the recognition that the sense of self/ego along with all its stories, beliefs, concepts and fantasies were completely unreal. The rug is pulled out beneath its feet sort of speak. It's scale of certainty goes from Probable to Unlikely to Illusory and begins to collapse/ disappear under any deep investigation. ❤
  5. I get it... There's a ton of what seems to be conflicting information out there. Stop obsessively thinking about it. LOOK and ? for yourself. What is this ME? What does it consist of?
  6. Now that's "my" kind of language...? ❤
  7. @Forestluv Really like what? can you explain them?
  8. But it's only more conditioning that believes there is something wrong with your particular minds conditioning. There is no right or wrong way to be because only a conditioned thought would say otherwise. This is freedom from belief and Concepts and conditioning. Some body minds have lots of friends others don't, some get irritated easily others are very patient. You are identifying with that particular body Minds conditioning and taking it to heart. Are you getting a peek at the freedom that's being pointed to? ❤
  9. Exactly bro, It doesn't really drop because it wasn't real in the first place, it was an illusion.
  10. @WaveInTheOcean it doesn't matter whether you believe you are God or not, it doesn't affect reality in any way. If that body runs into a mama bear with a cub, it will kill or maul that body. If that body runs face-first into a tree it may be knocked unconscious. If you jump off a cliff that body will Splat on the Rocks below.
  11. Maybe It seems difficult because there is a belief that the individual has to recognize THIS. But when the individual gets out of the way or collapses, there's just clear seeing. And this doesn't mean all the questions get answered. It reveals the seeker or the questioner with all of its conditioned beliefs and concepts, was never real. ❤ Nothing actually needs to happen because it's already that way, it just needs to be seen clearly (hence the term Awakening)
  12. I understand everything you were saying. Underneath the stories there is a deep love and satisfaction for all of existence. Unconditional love ❤
  13. Fred Davis is pretty good. Jim Newman, Tony Parsons, Andreas Muller, Richard Sylvester, Robert Wolfe, Eckhart Tolle, Osho. ? ❤
  14. There is a conditioned body just like the tree, but it's empty of the individual... the self the me the I is the only absolutely unreal part of THIS entire appearance known as life. Check out 1:05 - 8:10
  15. Yes and seeing it clearly is key. The identification with the seeking energy and thoughts runs you around trying to find something that was never missing. The thoughts can still continue for some time they're just no longer identified with or taken seriously. The ego is identification.... it will constantly try to identify as something... see it for what it is and it will deconstruct itself sort of speak. ? ❤
  16. It's not a problem because the self was clearly seen to be non-existent.... so who would it be a problem for? Or in your belief structure, why would God have a problem? ❤
  17. Love, hate and self are illusory constructs of a conditioned mind. When the mind is empty of these concepts there's just everything and its freedom, salvation, enlightenment ❤
  18. Take a close look at what makes up this so-called "I". Deconstruct it....break it all the way down. There are memories, thoughts, beliefs feelings, ideas..... but does that accumulated bundle of things make up an "I".... or is "I" more of a concept of mind than a real individual? Take a real close LOOK. ❤
  19. Awakening is the recognition that there never was a "YOU" in which could be asleep or awake in the first place. It seems hidden by already being the case. Sort of like looking for your glasses when they're already on your head. ❤
  20. The peace and happiness longed for is the complete acceptance for each and every experience that seems to arise. Constantly striving for a better experience in the future seems to hide that freedom, and makes the present moment feel inadequate or less than. Everything is already whole, complete and perfect but you're too busy looking for something which is already the case.
  21. Maybe he means reality is already itself, already complete prior to the illusory individual attempting to place concepts and biases over top of it.