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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Nope, I didn't say anything about conditioned ethics. I said that if nothing really matters there won't be a problem with you saving your mother if she was drowning.
  2. But if nothing matters there won't be a problem with you saving your mother either
  3. Why don't you bless us with your great understanding of what he was trying to say?
  4. Clouds seem to block the Sun. When you transcend the clouds in an aircraft there is nothing but sunshine.
  5. What's being pointed to transcends the dualistic idea of there even being a separate individual in which could have free will and choice. So in that sense there is no way to arrive at a yes or no conclusion when the individual is plucked out of the equation. ❤
  6. Find out who or what is asking this question first. ❤
  7. Deprogram; unlearn; unknowing; not knowing; die before you die; empty cup. These are pointing to the end of using a programed or conditioned thought process to attempt to know.
  8. Sensation, will, desire and action seem to occur. But the individual that takes ownership or that it seems to occur for, is an illusion.
  9. Decisions seem to occur. But there's no one making them. This recognition reveals that the dualistic notion of an individual with free will and choice is simply a misunderstanding.
  10. Yep, when the ME gets out of the way of judging/labeling... it's just THIS which is real and unreal/something and nothing. ❤
  11. You didn't release anything. Releasing of tension seemed to occur and You claimed it as Your doing. If You had control wouldn't You have released it a long time ago.
  12. Bingo yahtzee...? Seeing clearly is ?
  13. Enlightenment is not a transformation... it's the end of the individual that believes transformation needs to occur. It's a falling away of the unreal rather than a gaining or transformation. But of course It can be called anything. ?
  14. Processes to become more complete are just a part of the dream story. Enlightenment is the end of processes. It's the end of the dualistic belief that there is a separate individual that will one day become complete in the future. ❤
  15. The true self is spiritual ego... it's an illusory identification. Ego equals identification. Enlightenment is literally the end of any kind of identification as this or that... The changes that occur after Enlightenment are because it's clearly seen that the ego or sense of self was just trying to put itself into a better situation..... so those desires tend to just fall the way on their own, it's not something that's forced. Its fair game after enlightenment... sometimes things drastically change and other times they barely change at all. For example of father-of-five children that awakens might still continue to be a crane operator making $90 an hour to support the family. Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water, after Enlightenment chop wood carry water. ❤
  16. There may be a way to also set up suicidal red flag warning notification for certain words like: jump; end; kill; hurt; die etc... This may already be the case. ❤
  17. Maybe you can become a moderator to help with such issues. Get a chance to experience things on the flip side sort of speak. ❤
  18. No difference at all because enlightenment is not real, it's the end of something that never occurred. It's an illusory collapse of an illusory individual that seemed to have free will and choice to chase or not chase. If you look closely though, everyone is chasing something whether it be materialism or spiritual materialism: success, wealth, great family, nice car, beautiful clothes, expensive jewelry, enlightenment hehe. ❤
  19. With all due respect to his family, friends and this community. It's nobody's fault... nobody's. Like Leo said, nobody really knows what was going on there. Often times this sort of thing is long planned and hidden very well so it won't be interrupted unfortunately. In 2013 we lost a friend that was playing poker with us the very night before he shot himself in the armory the next morning... literally no one saw it coming, it was absolutely mind-boggling and tragic at the time. There are lots of Suicide Prevention programs available nowadays.... the one they taught us was called ACT. A-ask C-care T-treat ❤
  20. ? or another way to put it: Nothing is asking nothing is this real or illusion?
  21. With no knower its absolutely nothing. Not even one. And yes concepts of non duality and void are recognized as nothing. Even the recognition that it is nothing is also nothing. ?