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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Truth suggests their is something false. There is nothing false- only misunderstandings and or poor translation. Truth isn't somewhere else, its already the case. Its THIS. Truth is a concept created within the dualistic dream story of individuality. The knower/full glasser never recognizes THIS. Only nobody finds THIS...❤
  2. The ME character is like a bundle of conditioned memories, knowledge, ideas and beliefs. Its more like an assumed identity than anything else, and it seems so damn obvious that its rarely ever inspected closely. If that body had been born and raised in Moscow Russia for example, it would have a totally different bundle of conditioned memories, knowledge, ideas and beliefs. So in that sense the apparent individual is its conditioning. But is there a real individual there inside the body? LOOK closely...
  3. Seems to be an evolutionary survival strategy. Its a misidentification as this or that.
  4. Yes exactly, but also SEE that apparent others are simply caught in the dream of being an individual where meaning, purpose and value are inherent beliefs holding together their reality. THIS seeing is unconditional love. The love and understanding is there because 'YOU' were once in their shoes. ❤
  5. Notice your beliefs don't actually change anything in reality. You could believe you are the almighty eternal pink elephant god of Syria. DOESN'T change anything....its only mind delusion.
  6. That experience is whole complete and perfect. It's not what's being experienced here ❤
  7. Perfect, you got time to get yourself right. ❤
  8. No one was ever not enlightened either. Can u ?
  9. Just leave it at, no one knows LOL...joke ❤
  10. The sense of self expects there to be a grand firework show because its death sounds like such a big important happening. It can be shockingly extraordinary and simultaneously ordinary... every experience is a little different and simular in ways. The phrase "ego death" is pointing to a dis-identification process as the sense of self. Or as I like to call it, a disentangling from the socially conditioned mind matrix known as ME. But it's more of a non happening because it's clearly seeing through the illusion of self. And when its seen clearly without a doubt the disassociation occurs naturally to some extent. The energy that was once given to this illusory ME is drastically reduced and it deflates under the weight of Truth.
  11. Yes imaginary lines can get blurred quickly ?
  12. There was never anyone racing to begin with. The start, race and finish line was a dream story. THIS doesn't go anywhere, there's nothing to achieve and no one in which could achieve it. ❤ I'm sure Adya was referring to post awakening integration.
  13. There was apparent trauma for an apparent individual with apparent repercussions after the events. Hence the phrase real and unreal experience. Look closely enough though and it can be recognized that there was never a real experiencer anywhere. Only conditioned thoughts and emotions being identified with as the ME. ❤
  14. Which issue is that exactly? I would need to understand your perception of the issue.
  15. Remember its not about denial or detachment.(not saying your doing that) There was clearly a body that went through so-called traumatic and pleasant life experiences. There might even be pictures and or videos to back that fact up. It's about clearly seeing that the individual that identifies with the experiences and turns them into a good or bad personalized story, is an illusion. It's that conditioned self-centered perception that creates the dramatic dream story. It places a conditioned overlay imbued with meaning purpose and value over top of reality and operates from that perspective. When these memories are reflected upon after awakening, they are recognized to be more like fictional tales in which self-centered perception distorted the reality sort of speak. Suffering is recognized to be simply a misidentification with so-called conditioned negative thought patterns stemming from an unreal self-centered experiencer. ❤
  16. There is nothing wrong with this behavior. When that's realized the problem ends. There may even be less craving attention because you have allowed yourself to crave as much as you can handle. ❤
  17. It seems hidden by being everything. And its not what the 'ME' expects that's for sure ?
  18. Thanks for the share bro, I really like this video from him. Its cut and dry and he explains it as well as any I've heard. ?