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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. That's what's being experienced there, its whole complete and perfect.
  2. It's interesting when the path of deconstruction is seemingly taken, it ends up right back where it began. Construction and deconstruction is an unreal experience occurring within the dream story of a separate individual moving through time and space.
  3. Death is the biggest problem for the sense of self. ? When the body/mind dies, the ability of the illusions go as well. There won't even be the slightest inkling of existence. And I know that's the last thing the sense of self wants to hear. It will reject this message. ❤
  4. That's because Awakening isn't adopting some Guru's set of beliefs and sort of intellectually understanding it. It has to be seen clearly and first-hand that the individual seeking for fulfillment in the future is completely unreal. Who knows it? Who doesn't feel it? Who doesn't really get it? Where is that one located and what does it consist of? ❤
  5. I gave an explanation and you apparently didn't resonate with it, and yes that's fine. The message wasn't trying to convince you of adopting any new beliefs. It was pointing out there was never a gap that needed to be filled in the first place. ❤
  6. Exactly, this is a completely illogical message. It simply cannot be heard by the sense of self.
  7. That's because the body with its senses is neither the tree or the dog. There IS apparent separation in that sense. Non-duality or Enlightenment is not about metaphorically smashing everything together into one entity or something weird like that. It is pointing to the recognition that the individual "I am" experienced within the body is an illusion. Thus making any real idea of separation non-applicable. (e.g. There can't be separation without two or more separate individuals). And yes even the concepts of enlightenment, union, non-duality or whatever else dissolve because they are clearly seen to be based within a dream story of a separate individual moving through time. It's freedom for No One. ❤
  8. We are the aliens and yes we may indeed destroy our own existence. But there's nothing right or wrong with that, it would be quite interesting wouldn't you say. ❤
  9. ? Let it all go... even the idea of an immortal being that cannot be pointed to, but seems to exist outside of time and space. Let these deeply held beliefs go completely or rather see clearly there unreality. ❤
  10. No need to cling on to all of this so-called acquired knowledge and experience.(not saying you are) The mind will twist and distort everything anyways until the original message or pointer is almost completely lost. Use them as stepping stones only. Follow your heart to feel authentic teachings. Not with the mind, but feel that what's being said is authentic. At some point there'll need to be a Trust so deep that you become the teachings themselves and the "I" is nowhere to be found. Then it may be recognized that there was never a Truth to be found or an individual in which could find it and know it. ❤
  11. Yahtzee ? It seems to be hidden, by being everything. ❤
  12. What if THIS is already what your longing for. What if it was recognized THIS is as good as it gets. Who would continue seeking for a better experience in the future? Who or what believes that THIS is not already everything? What if every experience whether judged as good or bad was already completely perfect. What if THIS is already the Kingdom of Heaven disguised as something else.
  13. Maybe stop resisting it, dive into it, wallop in the s***. "Embrace the suck" - Marine Corps "Be the Observer" - ET No one may come out clean. ❤
  14. ? agreed It's been said that a good clear understanding of Adviata or Nonduality firstly can lead to a better understanding of no creation, nothingness or Ajata in the latter. Robert Wolfe has some incredible essays in this area on his AjataSunyata Project website. ❤
  15. Yeah that's it ? ❤ It's completely unknowable. No way to pin it down or place it in a box and check it off as known. Freedom that was always the case but seemed to be hidden. And even this is just a story.
  16. Yes, the sense of self cannot fathom its own unreality. It's literally its own prison. It wants to be there to experience enlightenment. It wants to reap the benefits. Yes, solid self-inquiry can result in the recognition that the individual inquiring is not actually real. This recognition is then usually hijacked again by the sense of self turning it into a personal experience. This apparent experience is often referred to as spiritual ego, but it's really just the sense of self taking back ownership in a more subtle and sneaky way... hence the new and improved identification as the higher self, true self, no self or whatever it wants to call itself. However with a deep enough Awakening this illusory identification cannot rebuild itself because it no longer has a basis in reality. It simply has nothing to attach to....the tools and construction materials burned up in the fire of Truth. ❤
  17. Well, ? Deconstruction implies something was constructed. Nothing was ever constructed, it was an illusion meaning it seemed to be real but ultimately was not. Disassemble, deconstruction, collapse, die before you die, transcend, ego death, disillusionment... these words are mere pointers within the dualistic dream story of individuality in which an illusory character seems to fall away. But there was never a character from the beginning, again it was just an illusion. ❤
  18. Gotcha, I'm definitely not trying to deny the seemingly real experience of separation. Let me ask you a question: Lets say you have a dream at night where you get pulled over by a police officer and given a $300 ticket for improperly tinted windows and you are very upset. When you wake up, do you continue being pissed off for this $300 ticket? Do you start calling your friends and telling them how irritated you are with law enforcement regulation. Of course not because it was clearly recognized that it was Just a Dream. This is how Awakening is. When this illusory character and its web of believes is clearly seen through, it begins to dissolve under the weight of Truth because it was recognized to be only a dream story... there's no need to kill it or collapse it because it's literally recognized to have never been real. Awakening is the end of the dream character attempting to put itself in a better position in the future. No one becomes enlightened and no one ever will. ❤
  19. Yes exactly, it's the clear recognition by NO ONE that there simply never was an individual that could gain or lose anything to begin with.
  20. "Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretence. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true". - Adyashanti Remember bro, it's not a gaining of any kind. Its the dissolving of all concepts and beliefs identified with as 'ME'. The glass is full there. This full glass is an illusion.... The 101 Concepts about Nirvana seem to hide it. Nirvana is already the case. Drop the concepts and Nirvana is revealed. ❤
  21. Exactly because it's freedom for no one which is already the case
  22. Interesting, This conversation sounds like its pointing to the illusion of free will and choice. There is a conditioned body-mind making conditioned choices...and then the sense of self or ego claims it as MY decision or choice.
  23. Reality doesn't care what concepts are given to it, it just continues being itself. 101 concepts can be given to reality, it doesn't change anything because reality is already doesn't have an identity issue.