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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. I'll give you my address but you probably can't afford the trip ?
  2. Yes it can be shocking, scary and simultaneously liberating when the parameters of our own beliefs are recognized to be meer conditioned concepts held onto by an illusory self.
  3. It's recognized the individual that worried, believed there is nothing to do and that everything has already happened is completely unreal. Its that free ❤
  4. Yes exactly, for ego/sense of self there will always be one step further that needs to be done. This is the ego trick to keep itself intact. As long as there's someone seeking, it perpetuates the belief that there's something to find, and someone to find it. The seeker is unreal ❤
  5. Well truth is a man-made concept which points to something particular or something narrow. So in that sense truth isn't real because it's not a particular something within everything. It literally is everything..... including the experience of not being able to find truth.
  6. Well the individual attempting to be free is an illusion. Freedom is the unconditional love for everything exactly the way it is which includes the judgments, the happiness, the fear, the confusion, the anger, the bliss..... Freedom is that free completely all inclusive. It's so close it seems hidden which is why Tony Parsons describes it as the Open Secret. ❤
  7. The freedom that's being pointed to here does not have stipulations or should and should nots. It's literally being okay with not liking someone, or a job or a religion exc.... It's not like a denial saying everything is actually just great while your house is burning down and your sisters getting raped. And it's most certainly not becoming a meditating pacifist letting people walk all over you and such. Its like an underlying peace of being with the situation(because that's what's happening) weather that shows up as anger, frustration, confusion, happiness or sadness and then adjusting to the apparent predicament as needed without creating a big drawn-out personalized story about what should or should not have happened.(Eckhart Tolle actually has a lot of good information in this area). And it's not that there's anything wrong with creating a long drawn-out personalized story.... it's recognizing the one creating this personalized story isn't real. ❤
  8. Money and life are seen as good, and cancer and death are seen as bad for that which believes its alive. When suffering and bliss are seen as equal where can a problem arise and manifest. ❤
  9. Then that's what's being experienced there. Its whole, complete and perfect. ❤
  10. There's no prescription because it's a non-happening meaning something stops that was never actually happening. It was just recognized one day that this "sense of I" was like an assumed fabrication held together with a bunch of stories about who I thought I was. It felt like everything I thought I knew or believed to be real was crumbling away. This assumed self structure went from a solid brick wall, to a house of cards, to being recognized it was never real at all and that nothing actually happened. It was an unhappening. Take a very close look at this so-called "self". ❤
  11. Yeah its completely radical. It really boils down to the identification aspect. The self is a very seemingly felt experience. The normal assumption is that "I am a real separate person". And yet somehow this identification seems to fall away and not because something stops but because it's recognized as having never been real in the first an assumed identity or misidentification so to speak. And this apparent realization can happen whether the body is a sociopath, psychopath, or any average joe. It's often referred to as a non happening that's experienced by no one. ❤
  12. .... another way to talk about this is that each apparent person born is brought up with different societal conditioning/life experience. (A person raised in Iran will have an apparent different experience than A person raised in Portland Oregon). So each person will have an apparent different experience depending on their societal upbringing.... but this so-called person (per son a) that seems to arise out of this so-called conditioning, is an illusion. Every different way the person judges reality is just a learned or conditioned concept which seems to create an entire different dream story experience. And even this is just a story ❤
  13. It could be said that it's a real and unreal experience. Real in the sense that yes it really feels like there is an individual within the body moving, learning and progressing through time. Unreal in the sense that when this apparent individual is recognized to be an unreal entity, its simultaneously realized that it was never actually there in the first place, which is why illusion is the best word to describe it.... something that seems completely real but ultimately lacks in reality. There is a reason why it's called Awakening. ❤
  14. Yes exactly, and whether or not the individual is recognized to be unreal doesn't matter in any way at all because it's actually already the case.
  15. Everything is just Everything. Relativity & Infinity is the same, it just seems different from a dualistic subject-object perspective. The map IS also the territory.... and the finger pointing to the moon are all included within this everything. When it's recognized that the individual looking out of those eyes is just an illusion of the mind and not a real entity..... no separation or non-duality is recognized for the first time. There simply cannot be any real separation when the individual is clearly seen to be unreal. ❤
  16. Nothing that I thinks will work because I is the problem. THERE ISN'T AN I I will endlessly run in circles trying to find something. ❤
  17. Because it's not like a temporary state of mind or something like that. It's a jaw-dropping permanent holyshit this apparent individual I thought I was is an illusion. WTF ❤
  18. That's the cosmic joke because it completely undermines the individual's experience of trying to find something it feels is missing. It doesn't lead anywhere. Its freedom from identification as the individual that believes there's something particular to find within everything. ❤
  19. Yes there's nothing a 'you' can do about suffering because the Identification as a 'you' that suffers is the apparent issue.
  20. Suggestions can seeking only perpetuates the belief that there's a separate individual that will one day find something that it believes is missing. See that was a suggestion.