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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Yes it seems like a continuum but there isn't anyone actually there for it to continue only seems so. Everything is always fresh and immediate.
  2. @EntheogenTruthSeeker The disconnection isn't real although it feels very real. You feel separate and alone and thus the journey begins to find wholeness and completion. But the separation is an illusion. There never was a separate individual within the body. So this illusory energetic experience of separation runs the body/mind around looking for wholeness within wholeness..... like someone searching for their eye glasses when there already wearing them. An illusion of self cannot find wholeness/infinite love because IT'S the very experience of separation.(often referred to as ego) It gets in its own way sort of speak. But it can be recognized that it's completely unreal. ❤
  3. Yep...Its hopeless because the identity seeking freedom isn't real. Its never what's expected
  4. There only seems to be. The individual is like a reaction to a reaction to a reaction. We are told who we are by society and this so-called self identity seems to build upon itself, layer after layer like an interconnected web of ideas, beliefs, concepts, experiences starting from a young age. Awakening is seeing through this illusory identity that seems to build-up over time. There actually isn't a real built up individual there, although there certainly seems to be....its an illusion of self. ❤
  5. The end of something that wasn't real.
  6. It's not about becoming, it's realizing there already wasn't anyone there. ❤
  7. ? Yes, the sense of self would expect there to be a grand firework show, but it can also be quite ordinary.... it's never what's expected that's for sure. Liberation isn't a particular state of mind or particular experience within everything..... it's not exclusive it's all inclusive. Simultaneously you don't become a meditating pacifist where everything just slides by without any judgment or skepticism whatsoever. If that was the case It would be very difficult to function in society, it's actually the opposite because without ME decisions can be made rather quick and easy without distraction as you mentioned. Liberation is recognizing there already isn't a YOU. That's why it's common to hear the phrase "Enlightenment is already the case". The individual isn't a real entity it just seems to be. ❤
  8. Staying centered. Not swinging too far in any one direction. Not buying into everything and simultaneously not rejecting it either. Push Pull. Walking The Razor's Edge. The middle path. Radically open-minded and simultaneously grounded.
  9. Freedom is completely free. It allows for Change and Unchanging. Perfect/imperfect, right/wrong, good/bad....all conditioned concepts of the mind.
  10. No one experiences it. It's just recognized that "I" will never find enlightenment because "I" isn't really there. ❤
  11. @Kksd74628 If that body was born in Ethiopia it would have a whole different experience with different beliefs, concepts, religion, etc... The illusory self construct is a product of its societal conditioning or upbringing. There isn't a real individual entity within the body, it's just a conditioned experience being identified with as "ME" & "MY" experience.
  12. Yes, Is recognizing a mirage in the desert isn't real, a happening? It seems like someone's witnessing a seeing through the illusory self construct, but the witness is the illusion. No one sees through it, but its seen through nevertheless. ❤
  13. Surprisingly what's longed for has nothing to do with finding the correct technique, pointer or stumbling across the right information. Look for who is seeking.
  14. Yeah but the experience seems real for them. You can unconditionally love and accept everything while stopping the rape and putting out the fire. Yep it's that free. Much love to you as well brother ❤
  15. No one actually ends the chase. It's recognized that the individual chasing after a better experience in the future isn't a real entity within the body. There SEEMS to be a real individual chasing enlightenment but it's an illusion of self. ❤
  16. The needy individual IS the prison. Trying to become is referred to as "painting the prison wall". When the individual is clearly recognized to be unreal it's run on the hamster wheel game is over. A poem. "Ending the chase leaves the ego no place and it tends to fall away" ❤
  17. But that's just the ego trying to get what it thinks it wants by becoming a more loving and accepting individual. This is known as spiritual ego. It's better to recognize this needy spiritual ego attempting to become a more loving and accepting individual is completely illusory. ❤
  18. Hehe only joking ? But yes the belief of right or wrong/ good and bad is like a web of societal conditioning and survival instincts. There can't be any real right or wrong in that which has no meaning or purpose behind it.
  19. Just referring to how the experience of assuming the dog was on the leash and assuming I am a separate person is similar. When it's recognized the self structure is completely unreal its simultaneously revealed that separation is an impossibility because there is no one which could be separate. Everything could be referred to as just stories because there's no real meaning or purpose behind anything. ❤