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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. He's kind of skimming the surface. It's clearly seeing this fantastic incredible individual is an illusion. It's not an action like attempting to become dumb. Its an unhappening which also sounds like an action but it is not. Enlightenment is so already the case that it seems hidden. And It seems hidden by already being everything. ❤
  2. ?And simultaneously there's nothing wrong with thinking you know. Right or wrong, this or that are dream story concepts of an illusory individual or knower.
  3. Yes levels are within the dream story of a separate individual that believes it can get somewhere else. There is no where to get to and no one in which could get there. ❤
  4. Everyone has fear it's the nature of the human. Just see it for what it is and it stops being so scary. ❤
  5. Love is acceptance of everything exactly the way it is.. It's unconditional. It has nothing to do with hugs, kisses and feelings and simultaneously it's that as well.
  6. Yes because any label given to THIS is just a concept of a conditioned mind. It's neither real nor unreal. It can never be pinned down labeled or hung on a nail because it's everything and simultaneously nothing. And that's the freedom longed for.... knowing that THIS is completely unknowable. ❤
  7. ❤ ? Do sensations, thoughts, stories, and experiences equal a ME having them? Or do they just seem to happen?
  8. You are trying to find a way to escape death and there already isn't someone that's living.... it's an illusion of self. It's hopeless and that's simultaneously the freedom. ❤
  9. Whether it's given the name illusion or reality doesn't matter in the slightest. It's just what seems to be happening. Reality equates to a dreamlike experience because when you awake in the morning the dreaming ends... when the body/mind dies the experience of being alive ends. So what happens in the dream doesn't matter and what happens in apparent reality also doesn't matter. No one gets out alive. ❤
  10. There isn't a lower self or a higher self, they are both the same illusion of self. ❤
  11. It only seems like it's in the opposite direction or any direction for that matter because the individual feels like something's missing and needs to be found. Nothing is missing because the individual that believes something is missing, isn't real. It's impossible to get closer or further away. It's not something that's learned or found either. It's the end of the experience that something was missing for someone. ❤
  12. There will always seem to be a character that prefers coffee over tea, will turn its head if its name is called, and jump out of the way of a moving train.... nothing can ever touch that so-called character. Awakening is recognizing these responses within the body/mind do not equal an individual.... There is an apparent conditioned body, but there is No One inside of it. Its emptiness or energy believing it's an important separate individual. Awakening is freedom from the very individual that thinks it needs to get free. They're already isn't an individual it just seems like there is. ❤ ❤ ❤
  13. You're burning out because so-called spirituality isn't something separate than everyday life. The map IS also the territory, there is no separation. The apparent issue is an illusory individual attempts to find a particular something within everything in a futile attempt to make everything better... but there is only everything without separation already. There's no getting outside of everything to point at it and say 'see i found everything, it's right there' and this is the path which led "ME" there. There's nothing in particular to find, everything is already whole, complete and perfect......this recognition is like Kryptonite to the "sense of self" which lives in a world of meaning, purpose and value where something always feels like it needs to be found. Nothing is missing already. That's the Cosmic Joke and Open Secret. ❤
  14. The very one that thinks it's going to get somewhere or get something out of this practice is the illusion of self. ❤
  15. ? It can't be pinned down or hung on a nail because it's everything without separation. Unknowable freedom/dancing emptiness. ❤
  16. Yeah thoughts can be slowed down by meditating, relaxation techniques, certain substances or whatever. But this slowdown is usually temporary and can build back up due to the fast-paced world we live in. The freedom piece is the revelation that no one is actually having these thoughts, no one owns them, they just SEEM to arise in the mind like a reaction to a reaction to a reaction. This "sense of self" builds and builds from a young age. It's completely assumed without question that we are infact these separate individuals living in a world of meaning and importance. Like a constructed web of identification stemming from the original misconception of being a separate individual.(aka dream story) Awakening is the disentangling from the socially conditioned matrix of mind known as "ME". And the really crazy part is when this so-called disentangling occurs it's simultaneously recognized that there never was anyone tangled in the first place. No one becomes untangled. No one was tangled. No one wakes up. No one becomes enlightened. Its a non happening.... meaning it's not real. ❤
  17. Is suffering in the mind? Is it felt in the body? Where does it go when happiness arises?
  18. @blessedlion1993 What is suffering at its core? Break it all the way down. See if you can pinpoint it.
  19. Yeah exactly, it's just what seems to be happening. It doesn't actually matter in the slightest, it only seems to for an apparent individual living in a world of meaning, purpose and value.
  20. Notice everything is just happening regardless of the thoughts, stories, & concepts given to it. Who has gotta deal with it?