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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Exactly, instability has always been the case. Stability was illusion. Rest in free floating and yes things mellow out. ❤
  2. Whether it's infinite reality or infinite illusion, there is still no where to land, no way to truly confirm anything. Paradoxically the freedom is in not knowing which is already the case. ❤
  3. There isn't a you and nothing isn't something real
  4. There's nothing to find for the seeker so there's nothing to integrate either. The experience of loss is an illusion. ❤
  5. There is no purpose to anything. And nobody understands that.
  6. Exactly, Nobody breaks free, nobody arrives without a sense of self. Its freedom for no one because there already isn't an individual. Then it's just BOOM THIS without the stories of how or why. Unknowable perfection. ❤
  7. Its not something to find because its already everything ❤
  8. Empty of any real meaning,purpose and value. Full of unconditional love for exactly the way everything seems to appear. It's an all-inclusive wild roller coaster ride. Maybe just try to have fun instead of trying to figure everything out. ❤
  9. There seems to be so called levels, degrees or facets. In a sense there IS and there ISN'T.... hence the phrase "real and unreal experience". When the vail drops or the so-called individual experiencer is recognized to be illusory, what's left is what was already EVERYTHING or THIS without separation. Enlightenment is the end of that experience that something was lacking for someone. Its the revelation that the seeker attempting to find liberation was only an illusion of self or maya. Nobody becomes enlightened, nobody crosses the gateless gate. The very one seeking it is the illusory experience of separation. " the separation never occurred" ❤
  10. Exactly ?, it's already What IS including the experience that it isn't or that it's somewhere else.
  11. There isn't a right or wrong religion or belief system. There isn't a right or wrong spiritual path. There isn't a right or wrong way to live life. It's not even right or wrong to believe that there is a right and wrong. Can you comprehend the freedom that's being pointed to which is already the case? If so or not there's nothing right or wrong with it. Can you feel that freedom? ❤
  12. Yes absolutely ? there is nothing excluded. Even the experience that everything isn't perfection is also perfection. There's only what's appearing to happen which can be anything and is simultaneously everything.
  13. ME is like a web of memories and conditioned patterns of thinking and feeling. If ME lost all its memories, who would it be?
  14. ? yeah you can't go right or wrong when all there is is everything which is simultaneously nothing which is simultaneously this. ❤
  15. There's nothing that needs to be figured out, that's the crazy part. Whatever seems to be happening is literally everything. Nothing needs to be done or not done. Yep it's that free. ❤
  16. Well its wild and crazy and completely outside the parameters of the conventional way of looking at things, so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. It's a real trip because on one hand the seeking for it perpetuates the belief that there is a real individual that can one day find it. And on the other hand you shouldn't seek it unless you seek it like a man whose hair is on fire seeks a pond. It's completely illogical and when it's recognized its simultaneously realized that nothing actually happened or ever needed to. ❤
  17. It's not something that's remembered, it's a clear recognition that this seemingly real self is a complete illusion. It's a completely personal experience with an impersonal outcome. So-called positive and negative emotions and feelings can still arise but they are no longer identified with by the sticky self illusion claiming ownership over all experience.(ie. my emotional baggage). And yes of course human problems still arise like needing money to purchase food and a place to live. Nothing matters transcends the self illusion that would immediately ask the question "so then what do I get out of it" or "so how does this help me". It's the recognition there isn't a ME, there only seems to be. ❤
  18. Well the message attempts to point out that the individual experiencer of said emotions is an illusion of self. So in that sense it's a completely useless message because it disregards the wants and needs of an illusory individual searching for a correct recipe to deal with life's problems. Simply put: It doesn't leave a leg for the "sense of self" to stand on. There isn't a solution for an unreal problem. ❤
  19. Its everything... love fear happiness sadness anger bliss jealousy confusion excitement contentment loathing. It can't be pinned down and hung on a nail or squeezed into a label box. Why would anyone want to. ❤
  20. ❤ Yes its frustrating. That's why it's referred to as the cosmic joke. The ME that finds it frustrating isn't a real entity. The ME that feels like it needs to find something or understand something for liberation to occur isn't a real entity. Yes, emotions arise in the body and this message is not denying that. This message is saying there isn't a real owner of these emotions and feelings.... it's an illusion of self. And this recognition can be shockingly ordinary. ❤
  21. I'm not trying to criticize or pick on you or anything like that. I'm hoping you can see how many concepts are typically held about the right or wrong way to be spiritual... there spewing out of the top for most so-called spiritual people. Liberation has nothing to do with somehow falling into alignment with all these so-called correct spiritual concepts and landing on the one perfect path. It's literally recognizing all these concepts are held by an imaginary "sense of self" attempting to get somewhere on the so-called spiritual path. There's nowhere to get to and no one that could get there. ❤
  22. If nothing matters then there ALSO isn't a problem with "you" going into your feelings to so-called properly deal with them... Spiritual bypassing/mental masturbation isn't real because it suggests that there is a real wrong path that someone could accidentally take leading them further away from the correct path. When it's recognized that there isn't a real right or wrong path, the idea of spiritual bypassing becomes a silly concept within the dream story of being a separate individual. Don't paint your Prison Walls pink... See that their parameters are unreal. ❤
  23. Liberation is recognizing the very one seeking liberation isn't real. It has nothing to do with a new righteous self-proclaimed identification as this or that. And that recognition doesn't matter at all because no one acquires anything..... no one becomes enlightened and reaps the apparent benefits. Its the end of those illusory needs. ❤
  24. ? & the really insane part is it's not even real.