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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Nobody wakes up and that's the thing that's impossible for the ME to grasp.... it simply can't fathom its own unreality. It's the Revelation that the very individual attempting to wake up or realize it's God or whatever, was never real in the first place. It's never what the individual expects it to be...BTW And it's not just some concept about what no separation would seem like and trying to "live from that state of mind" It's clearly seeing that there just never was a separate individual in the body in the first place. And when it's clearly recognized the energy used to uphold this unreal self construct begins to dissipate or collapse. This can happen rather quickly in some cases or seem to slowly unfold. ❤
  2. Its completely unknowable but nothing wrong with trying. ?
  3. Exactly, its very needy and has to constantly perpetuate its reality by seeking something it feels is missing. And if it hears not seeking is the answer it will try to become the non-seeker's hopeless because it subtly turns the non- seeking into a form of seeking(trying to get what it thinks it needs). Sometimes this sense of self is recognized to be unreal and can loosen up and start unraveling sort of speak. But it doesn't really die or evaporate because it's already not real. ? ?
  4. Notice the benefits of having so-called meta knowledge is imaginary. There is no real difference between the so-called open minded meta knowledge-seeker and the so-called closed minded bible thumper. It's unknowable and timeless.... But not because someone knows it. Because the individual that seems to be moving through time acquiring so-called knowledge and or finding the so-called correct spiritual belief system is recognized to be completely unreal. In other words there's no getting closer or further away from truth because there isn't one. This is recognized by no one when "I" goes bye-bye. It's actually very rare and already the case. ❤
  5. Everything is mysterious bro! Literally mind blowing ?
  6. Nothing is separate because the individual sense of self within the body isn't a real entity. It claims to be the body and thinker of thoughts but it's not actually there. No real individual = No real separation ❤
  7. The concept of nothing IS nothing appearing as something.
  8. Who is asking? Who believes they can be led to all truths & realizations? Who believes your never done?
  9. No prob. Yes his communications are not as popular because it denies the seekers existence and illuminates the futility of trying to find something particular(Enlightenment) within everything. It leaves the seeker empty-handed & without a leg to stand on sort of speak. ❤
  10. "Already Being What is sought remains hidden from the seeker by already being everything. It is so obvious and simple that the grasping of it obscures it. Never found, never knowable, being is the consummate absence that is beyond measure. Looking for being is believing it is lost. Has anything been lost, or is it simply that the looking keeps it away? Does the beloved always dance constantly just beyond our serious focus? By seeking the myth it dreams it can attain, the seeker effectively avoids that which it most fears … its absence. Liberation is like a fuse that suddenly blows, and all the little lights go out and there is only light. This is not a message about you or me or anyone getting anything. This is about the realisation that there’s nothing to get … that what has been sought has never been lost" - Tony Parsons
  11. He's referring to the END of the endless needs and requirements the individual believes it needs to obtain or realize before Freedom or Liberation can be.
  12. Sometimes it can break up these habitual patterns of feeding this so-called sense of self constant energy and attention... Sometimes when its clearly seen that this assumed identity isn't real, the energy that went into upholding this self structure can relax and dissipate on its own accord. There is no method though because there already isn't any real separate self. "Much ado about nothing"
  13. Yep the body can seem to have attachments and preferences...there is nothing right or wrong with that. There's nothing right or wrong with anything. Yes just habitual patterns of energy assumed as the 'ME'. Nobody awakens; Nobody arrives at enlightenment; Nobody comes out pure and free of attachments and desires. It's recognized the very one on this so-called spiritual path to freedom simply never existed. ❤
  14. See if the sufferer can be pinpointed? Where is it located? What does it consist of?
  15. Who would get lost? Ego/sense of self are completely unreal, which is only recognized when there is no one. It has nothing to do with perspective. When it's clearly seen, there is no questioner or question left. There are no correct or incorrect platitudes or believe systems. Who would deem them correct or incorrect? There isn't a real separate 'you' over there with your beliefs and different 'me' over here with my beliefs. The apparent separation is an illusion of self. Awakening reveals, there just never was a you or me or anyone else. Nobody wakes up. There's just what seems to be's not right/wrong; good/bad; higher/lower. It's THIS or exactly what seems to be happening. It's not somewhere else. ❤
  16. Yep, Can't get closer or further away from everything. Every direction or staying put is already it. There's only nowhere to get to.
  17. The unsolvable mystery because there was never a real problem.
  18. The ego and or sense of self are the same illusion. There isn't a pure unconditioned self underneath them. Nobody Breaks free because there was nobody bound in the first place... it is an illusion of self. ❤