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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Cheese and f****** rice, it isn't a real thing! What you're doing is saying it's real and then trying to justify it. The Ego is like a huge bundle or web of different things which seem to create a personal identity: beliefs ideas concepts preferences dislikes knowledge career experiences.... all which seem to create this big important self construct. This huge bundle of identification does not equal a real individual.... it's an illusion of self. There's no one underneath it. It's a misidentification happening to no one. ❤
  2. The word ego is pointing to the illusory sense of identification as this or that. It's the experience of separation. Sometimes the ego hears about something called enlightenment and it embarks on a journey (hamster wheel effect) perpetuating the misunderstanding that there is a real separate individual that can one day find or experience something called enlightenment in the future. Ego = Unsatisfaction ❤
  3. Nothing is the end of using concepts to try to know what THIS is. There's nothing behind the appearance, its empty of any real meaning purpose or value. No deep truth hidden underneath or inside the appearance. Literally unknowable in the sense that any label, concept or belief placed on top of reality can never be confirmed or denied..... who would confirm or deny it? It's empty and full/something and nothing Empty of meaning or nothing. Full of appearance or something. ❤
  4. If reality could be understood, known or predictable it would become mundane and boring very quickly. It's perfect in its unpredictability and unknowable in its unknowability. ❤
  5. "What truly liberates is dissolving misunderstandings, seeing through delusions and letting go of beliefs, not picking up new belief systems and clinging to them as security blankets. When I talk about liberation, I’m talking about this moment here and now. Liberation as I mean it is never about yesterday, tomorrow, once-and-for-all, once-upon-a-time, or some permanent state that some phantom abides in forever after. It is only Here / Now. It is not a personal possession, nor is it the attainment of something new. It is waking up to what is and relaxing into being this moment, just as it is. Life cannot be captured in any system or formulation because it is alive, ever-changing, and nothing stands apart to capture it. And yet, here it is—just this—one whole happening that can neither be avoided nor grasped". - Joan Tollifson
  6. I know, there's good intentions behind it. ❤
  7. There's nothing behind the appearances, they are empty of any real meaning purpose or value which is precisely why it's referred to as nothing. Which seems terrifying because it's so unconditionally free. ❤
  8. That's because it's not an idea. It's the end of ideas about what something is or is not. Nothing is not a belief..... it's pointing to the recognition that anything the conditioned mind comes up with to describe this apparent reality is simply a concept which can never be definitively known. And no it does not make any kind of logical sense at all. ❤
  9. Stop blaming apparent trauma on others... suck it up and move on bud. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.
  10. Yes and what I'm saying is thats exactly what's happening. But you're looking for something other than what's happening. You're looking for a future event that will satisfy the feeling that "WHATS HAPPENING" is not already everything. ❤
  11. You guys are off in la-la land. If I do A, B, & C I will become the infinite and realize my true nature. ? There isn't a you so there isn't a true nature to recognize. ❤
  12. You can't take enough drugs or do enough meditation to change the circumstances. Enlightenment is the full acceptance of exactly what is happening. That's why it's called freedom because it's the end of resisting the current circumstances ❤
  13. It's never going to shift into some unreal idea the mind thinks up. That's the illusion right there. Believing you will somehow find something other than THIS! This is all there is bro.... accept it or not!
  14. So-called consciousness is just the body's ability to see hear smell taste feel think. Notice It doesn't go beyond that. Hooray for consciousness I have the ability to do EXACTLY what every other human is doing. Lol it's just funny! ❤
  15. It's just a big fun play of life... I say s*** I don't mean all the time LOL.... but whatever it doesn't matter! ❤
  16. Yep, situations sound personal, there's just what's happening for nobody. So simple it's complex/ so ordinary it's extraordinary. ❤
  17. Yes there will always be apparent winners and losers at the racetrack.
  18. I don't either ? seems all interconnected and completely unavoidable! ❤
  19. I just don't think you understand that the body-mind organism has a natural tendency to avoid things that will cause it physical pain or death. It's super obvious when you look out in nature and watch the way animals live. If the body was ignorant of this obvious fact it may very well jump into shark-infested water or walk off the edge of a cliff. You show me even one completely fearless body-mind organism and I will show you a body-mind organism that is either ignorant of the inherent threat, or has some kind of serious physical and or mental disorder.(I would consider being brainwashed a disorder)
  20. Yes fear can still seem to arise but there is no one taking ownership and giving it energy any longer so it does not cause suffering.