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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Put a little non-dual spin on it ❤
  2. Aready knew "you" were a fraud.... There's no one there ? Happy holidays ❤
  3. @Someone here what's being sought isn't going to be found in a bowl of fruit. The fruitfulness is already everything but you still believe it's within a certain piece of fruit. ❤
  4. If that's the case keep mental masturbating. You may not understand what this means until later. ❤
  5. Genuine inquiry is realizing you don't know what the f*** you're talking about in any way at all or who/what is even inquiring for that matter. Like a three-year-old again! ❤
  6. Trust me I get it bro, ❤ Awakening seems like just another personalized experience that could be deemed as either truth or delusion. Nothing said here will be convincing within that framework. It sounds like there's a pretty serious trust issue occurring there.(Might want to check that) An open and trusting outlook is usually required to even get the jist of what's being communicated. "the greatest obstacle to Discovery is not ignorance - it's the illusion of knowledge" ❤
  7. @SOUL I know what's being communicated sounds ridiculous or like BS. It's seeing appearances without a narrator or a someone creating a story about what it is or is not. It's the end of conceptual experience. Like seeing everything for the first time without the judgmental self or knower narrating the scene. ❤
  8. Agreed, but then that wouldn't be awakening. Who would still be attached to the story if it was recognized there never was anyone experiencing it. Awakening is the end of the personalized experience of I am. There can still be preferences like coffee over tea; dark over white chocolate. The body will still turn its head when it's name is called and jump out of the way of a moving train. Awakening is just never what the sense of self expects it to be like. It surprisingly has nothing to do with becoming a better person or behaving differently. ❤
  9. No need to attempt to let go, there already isn't anyone is a solid recognition there just wasn't anyone there experiencing in the first place. There seems to be because that's how things were perceived for a very long time.(I am in here looking out at everything out there) This sense of self is like an enormous web of ideas, beliefs, thoughts, assumptions, perceptions, knowledge..... break it down and recognize it doesn't equal a real ME. And the self would expect there to be a grandiose firework show or something when it's recognized...... but actually it can be a quite subtle recognition also at first ❤
  10. Well there isn't a real you or a me to be helped or disappointed. Spiritual bypassing implies that there is a real individual that could choose to take a so-called right or wrong path in life. All which seem to occur within the dream story of separation and the exact misunderstanding that this post attempts to illuminate. ❤
  11. The fear of missing out (FOMO) on enlightenment & feelings of inadequacy or lack during the search are probably the two biggest contributors to stress and or suffering on the so-called spiritual path. Let's investigate. Do you remember asking to be born? Do you remember asking to be raised by your parents or guardians and within the culture you were brought up in? Do you remember asking to be subjected to physical or psychological trauma or abuse? Do you remember asking for any of the apparent qualities (physical/psychological) that seem to make up this character called ME? No, this apparent ME did not choose to be itself. Enlightenment is & isn't what you think. It doesn't complete someone or reveal the missing link. No, it's way more radical and off-the-chart than that. It's the shocking revelation that there never was an individual to be complete or incomplete in the first place and nothing was ever missing (yes it throws the baby out with the bathwater) See the apparent individual could be described as a product OF or identification AS its cultural conditioning & inherited genetic makeup. For example a person raised in rural China will SEEM to be completely different than a person raised in Brooklyn New York. But these apparent cultural differences do not equal REAL separate people....there isn't like a real unconditioned or unaffected ME underneath these apparent physical and cultural differences. The differences are trivial or perspectival at best... and when they are broken down all the way sort of speak there just isn't ANYONE THERE ? Welcome to the empty fullness which was never anything or anywhere other than THIS HERE! ❤
  12. Yeah it's funny how things make sense in your head and then when you post it you realize it is all over the place. Kind of works out because I'm an all over the place kind of nobody ? Thanks for the feedback ❤
  13. You're very welcome. That whole explanation of course is also just a story but can seem to pack a punch. ❤
  14. There is a reason why it's called awakening or non-dual awareness. It's kind of like if your roommate started going into a very detailed and dramatic story about his dream last night at the breakfast table. When he starts slamming the table and crying into his eggs about why things went the way they did, it becomes obvious there's an inherent misunderstanding that's not being recognized. It's not that there isn't empathy for the feelings or emotions experienced about the dream. It's that the best way to help your friend get over his apparent dilemma isn't by reinforcing the delusions that there is in fact a real dilemma. It's by pointing out that this whole apparent dilemma is founded within a dualistic dream story of separation where meaning, purpose and value seem convincingly real but are ultimately NOT. ❤
  15. you can't know that it's not that either it's just whatever is apparently happening ?
  16. This is what's referred to here as the spiritual ego. But don't take my word for it, investigate whether or not this unlimited being is real or just a new ego identification in a last-ditch-effort to avoid its demise. ❤
  17. Just allow the thoughts and feelings to arise. There's no one doing it anyways. Don't focus on them and simultaneously don't resist them the middle path. ❤
  18. Thx, I love to throw a little more fun into the mix when possible. ?
  19. Who is asking the question "what are good self-inquiry questions to ask"?
  20. A crazy recognition is that there already isn't anyone to stop seeking... there never was an individual that could be complete or incomplete in the first place. It's wild. The seeking energy feels separate and lacking & attempts to find a solution to an unreal problem. It will even try not seeking as a way to get what it believes is missing.... Yeah it's a real mind-f*** ❤
  21. Yes the seeking energy feels constantly needy, lacking, incomplete and unfulfilled.... it feels like it's missing out on something right? I call this FOMO, fear of missing out. Do you think it's possible for that experience of lack and unfulfillment to be recognized as a completely false claim? ❤
  22. Enlightenment reveals the questioner is an illusion. It's the end of questions and answers. God I hope you become enlightened soon!! Joke! ❤