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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Enlightenment is realizing there never was a you or a game.... there just seemed to be. There isn't even an outside or inside of so-called IT because it's everything & nothing. It's the end of knowing! ❤
  2. There are apparent separate bodies experiencing apparent different deer in the woods eating smelling sensing different things. The individual "ME" within the body that seems to recognize these differences isn't a real entity. It's an illusion of self also known as ego. When this recognition occurs the conditioned body-mind continues its apparent existence as before without the constraints of upholding the needy self structure known as "ME". Like an actor realizing that the character he's been playing for 20+ years was fiction. But in this case the actor & the character are both recognized to be totally unreal entities. ❤
  3. The very individual "you" attempting to rid itself of the ego IS the ego. But it's not real. It's more like an assumed identity continuously upholding itself. The recognition that "this" individual was never real sometimes begins a sort of unraveling of this tight knit self structure which is often referred to as Awakening. ❤
  4. That's right! It's something and it's simultaneously nothing. What a trip right? ❤
  5. @TDLH There is no higher self or unconditioned you underneath the ego. There just isn't anything there. It's literally mind blowing. That's the nothingness being pointed to. ❤
  6. @TDLH @RickyFitts It just doesn't matter in the sense that there's no ultimate goal to life or spirituality. Within the dream story of separation there can appear to be a benefit from facing fears/mastering emotions and such, but when you get down to the brass tacks it's just another subtle idea the ego believes will help with getting what it thinks it needs. The ego thrives in future goals and simply can't recognize the perfection of what already is. For the ego the answer is always just up ahead around the next corner.... like dangling a carrot in front of a donkey's mouth. "The ego says seek but do not find" - A Course in Miracles ❤
  7. Yep, No real better or worse. It's crazy because people will jump through spiritual hoops for 30+ years and still never realize what "you" just realized. What a trip right! ❤
  8. The idea of spiritual bypassing is just more spiritual nonsense. It suggests that there is an incorrect path of avoidance or something similar that one could take as apposed to a correct spiritual path. But there isn't a real right or wrong path because nothing actually matters.
  9. It's just not something that's attained by a someone. It's the end of the someone that feels like something needs to be attained. ❤
  10. The persistent illusion of self wants to live forever. And the cosmic joke is there already isn't anyone alive to go on reincarnating.
  11. Yes, here it was realizing the ME/self/ego was never a real identity to begin with, it just seemed to be. This realization seemed to occur after about a year and a half of hardcore desperate seeking....during deep inquiry into what this ME character was? At first it felt like I had become a new enlightened individual and then it was realized THAT was the same illusion.... even that identity was recognized to be completely unreal. That entire sense of individuality seemed to unravel loosen up and dissolve. It's freedom from the need to become ❤
  12. There's only what seems to be happening. It's whole complete and perfect ❤
  13. Just remember the ego doesn't want there to be an endpoint.... for the ego there will always appear to be just one more step to integrate.(hamster wheel) ❤
  14. It can't be grasped because it's not stable or permanent. The so-called grasping is realizing its ungraspable.
  15. Maybe check out some of the essays from Robert Wolfe's AjataSunyata Project.... ❤
  16. It can be described infinite different ways. But notice it's always just what's happening ....which is unknowable. Anything describing it is just a perspective and is impossible to validate....and who or what could validate it anyways?
  17. What seems to be happening is neither right or wrong. It's just simply what seems to be happening! ❤
  18. A nonrealization or nonexperience Nothingness ❤
  19. And if there is no real witness is it still considered a real happening? ❤
  20. Nothing behind the apparent witnessing and experiencing. ?