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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Yep, There are no right or wrong paths because right and wrong are concepts within the dream story of an illusory individual where meaning, purpose & value are its prison walls.
  2. That's not what enlightenment is. Enlightenment is the revelation that the individual that thinks it's alive and will one day die is completely unreal The body will surely wear out & die but the illusory sense of self does not die because it's not alive in the first's an illusion. ❤
  3. I know what you mean ❤ you were a listening ear for me so I try and pay it forward. During the apparent enlightenment experience here, there was an attempt by the sense of self or ego which had been recognized to be unreal to start identifying as a higher self or as God or as everything. But this ego's game of identification had already been seen through. It literally couldn't reidentify as this or that because it was so clearly recognized to be unreal from the start. It's freedom but not for someone or something. ❤
  4. There just isn't a self already. From the perspective of an unawakened individual, an enlightened individual will still seem to be a conditioned character riddled with all sorts of concepts about reality because that's what is being experienced by the unawakened individual.....(mirror effect). The internal experience of separation gives rise to the external experience of separation... (I am here in this body and everyone else is out there in those bodies)... both of which are unreal. It's just too radical and simultaneously obvious when it's recognized. And the weirdest part is it's not an experience or a happening. It's the end of something that never actually started but only seemed to. ❤
  5. That's not a fact.... it actually reveals how tricky or sneaky the illusion of self actually is. That which proclaims "I exist" or "I do not exist" stem from the very same illusion of self. There isn't a real you to identify or disidentify in the first place.... (that's the cosmic joke) There isn't a higher self or lower self, that's literally what not two or non-duality is pointing to. It's just been heavily misunderstood because the illusory self centered energy seems so real. It can't conceive of its own unreality... the illusion of self will always try to identify as at least something. ❤
  6. Yeah, I think a lot of it had to do with the language barrier and misunderstanding what he was trying to point to. The apparent issue is there are hundreds of concepts on this forum about what enlightenment is or isn't like and none of them are actually it because enlightenment is literally the end of conceptual personalized experience. Osho once said something along the lines of "having to force-feed someone a spoonful of sugar for them to understand what it really taste like". That kind of force-feeding obviously doesn't work too well with the regulations in place on this forum. ❤
  7. Enlightenment is the realization that the very individual attempting to reach, achieve or maintain it....isn't real. In other words it's wholeness recognizing the experience of separation wasn't valid. ❤
  8. The "I am" that believes itself to be God isn't real and neither are it's beliefs. Illusory beliefs stemming from an illusory individual. ❤
  9. That statement is pointing more towards how the experience of being a separate individual creates a self centered dream like or illusion like reality where everything becomes blanketed with meaning, purpose and value and always has something to do with the "ME". ❤
  10. This is literally the definition of the dualistic dream story of separation. No one wakes up because no one was actually was an illusion of self believing it needed to follow a spiritual path of detachment in order to wake up. It's so obvious that it seems hidden! ❤
  11. @Nadosa That sounds like some very honest inquiry. It can really seem and feel like quite the mind f***. Sometimes it will just unfold at its own pace. ❤
  12. If the body is imaginary try running full sprint into a brick wall while thinking about doing your 2021 tax return. I think it might be discovered it's a little bit more than just a mental hold or attachment. Enlightenment has nothing to do with detachment. Its the revelation there never was a real "YOU" attached & in which could become detached.... it throws the baby out with the bathwater sort of speak. ❤
  13. @PepperBlossoms yeah it's kind of difficult to explain... there is apparent time, like being late for a job or an appointment or missing a train or bus. Basically the experience of being a separate individual creates a story which feels like an individual is actually learning and advancing or moving through time. Past memories and experiences and future thoughts and projections shape the reality the illusory individual seems to experience in the immediacy. These conditioned experiences and projections are like an overlay placed over top of reality making it seem like a very important meaningful something instead of an ordinary empty nothing (the dream story). ❤
  14. It doesn't break anything in reality. It reveals there isn't anyone really alive in which could die in the first place. ❤
  15. It's not's just recognized to be total or complete. What its called makes no difference at all! ❤
  16. Yep, There's no backwards or forwards. There is just the immediacy of what seems to be happening. It's not going anywhere and it didn't start anywhere. ❤
  17. So called consciousness is just the bodily senses and thought process. It's not anything special at all. It only seems special to an imaginary individual that thinks it's on a spiritual journey. Time is an illusion or an effect within the experience of being a separate individual. ❤
  18. There actually isn't a we to be all one. The individual is a misunderstanding or misidentification.(Not talking about the separate bodies, talking about the illusion of self experienced within the bodies) There is only EVERYTHING without any real separation whatsoever. No real separate individuals = No real separation. ❤
  19. Yeah man no one is alive so no one dies....the experiencer already isn't real. Hence the phrase: "to die before you die" ❤
  20. Just be aware Awakening doesn't necessarily mean that all attachments or long going habits will immediately fall away or even fall away at all. It's the realization that there isn't a real YOU within the body in which HAS these attachments/'s an illusion of self. When this is recognized clearly this dense sense of self usually starts collapsing on its own.... or better yet its recognized to have NEVER been real from the start. There's really no need to keep taking a lot of psychedelics or what not. Awakening is wild & crazy enough without them. ❤
  21. Yes there is a conditioned body with sensations, perceptions, thoughts, etc...but it's empty. There isn't a real YOU in that body experiencing said phenomenon. The experience of there being an experiencer is the completely unreal part. The one who is trying to become enlightened is the illusion of self. There already isn't a real separate individual to become enlightened in the first place. There doesn't seem to be a cause or a way to have this realization.... although it does seem to be more common after years of desperate hardcore seeking but that could just be an incorrect projection. ❤