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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. There isn't a real you that needs to contemplate anything. The relentless feeling that something needs to be found or attained stems from an illusory experience of separation.... When it's clearly recognized there isn't a you in the body...BAM Enlightenment, Freedom! It's so already that it seems hidden. ❤
  2. Sounds like it's already been recognized there's nothing to find. The individual that attempts to find something particular within everything is an illusion. You are free because there already isn't a real seeker or anything to find. ❤
  3. I'm just not sure how you define suffering. There can definitely still be inconveniences or apparent bad situations like your brother getting hit by a car or getting mugged. But yes like you said there is no longer anyone left to create a dramatic personalized story to dwell upon or resist. Yep, emotions and feelings still's not like an emotional detachment/denial or something like that. However the emotions do feel impersonal or completely raw and unfiltered. Guilt free. Nothing physically changes in the appearance of reality. But it's recognized nobody is experiencing it. Apparent existence becomes very dream-like or unimportant. The illusion of self doesn't create seems to distort it, which is why it's referred to as the Dream Story. ❤
  4. Very well said... Yes it's just raw emotions or feeling. The illusion of self which attempts to push away so-called negative emotions for so-called positive one's is seen to be completely unreal. Internal conflict is over because there is no longer anyone left that prefers a certain emotion over another. There is no one left to say "yay I am enlightened and this is incredible". There does seem to be an incredible sense of freedom from the needy self which attempts to control its apparent reality. ❤
  5. I get what you're saying. That's the radical thing about Awakening, it kind of throws out the baby with the bathwater. It's recognized there never was an unhappy or suffering individual in the first place.... it was an illusion or misunderstanding. ❤
  6. Bodies can communicate but there isn't a user or doer inside of them. Similar to wolves howling or birds chirping. ❤
  7. Not talking about the apparent separate physical body.... There is a conditioned body that can learn to speak; jump out of the way of a moving train; turn its head when its name is called and prefer coffee over tea.....but it's totally empty! The illusory part is that sticky centered sense of individuality within that body that claims to be the doer and thinker of thoughts. The arising of the illusory individual within the body blankets reality with concepts of meaning, purpose and value and the belief that all phenomena has something to do with this big important ME character. "Awakening is the disentangling from the socially conditioned matrix of mind known as ME" - Samadhi (Maya illusion of the self) ❤
  8. Thought you might like that ❤ I'm also a big fan of Cookie Monster!
  9. No nothing matters, and that isn't good or's unconditional freedom!! It doesn't even matter that it doesn't matter which can seem to be an issue within the dream story of meaning, purpose & value. In which also doesn't matter!! ❤
  10. I get what you're saying. Here at some point it started becoming obvious that there just wasn't a real self centered entity called me inside the body. The energy that went into upholding this illusory self construct began to diminish. The Matrix or Dream story is reality perceived or filtered through the conditioned lenses of an illusory separate individual. It's not real at all but it sure seems to be. ❤
  11. Nobody knows it but nonetheless that's how it can feel. It can also feel terrifying/shocking/important. The sense of self lives in a dream story of meaning, purpose and value. It always feels like something is missing and or needs to be known. So when that whole delusional reality is recognized to be completely nonsense it can feel very blissful/freeing/relaxed etc... ❤
  12. The word experience insinuates or assumes there's an experiencer. But the experiencer is an illusion. When the experiencer is recognized to be non-existent, reality can become very dream-like or fluid and feel very unimportant or ordinary. And not taking reality seriously can feel very liberating!! ❤
  13. I'm not sure what you mean by consciousness. Here it was recognized consciousness was just the body feeling alert or aware... it's not a big spiritual event or something! There are definitely some very creative minds... although for the most part the mind seems to mostly just go in patters or circles in a very habitual/repetitive way whether it's consciously or subconsciously. Yeah I'm sure it can seem to be very therapeutic to understand the way the mind operates! ❤
  14. Awakening reveals that the very individual that believes it wants to awaken is an illusion. In fact "I" doesn't actually want to awaken because awakening is the end of "I" or the revelation that it was never real from the start. "I" wants to be there to reap the so-called benefits of awakening.... it wants its cake and to eat it to. And when "I" recognizes it's illusory existence is under threat, it can cause all sorts of drama often referred to as ego backlash or dark night of the soul. It literally fights awakening all the way through....and the most ridiculous part is: IT'S NOT EVEN REAL!! Like an illusory identification crisis which is trying to survive..... the whole apparent situation is just ridiculous. Point being the sense of "I" simply cannot fathom what Awakening is like because it's stuck within the dream experience of separation. Awakening can actually be a terrifying realization or shock to the sense of "I". It's complete freedom for nobody. No one actually becomes awake. And surprisingly it's exactly that freedom that's being sought after. ❤
  15. Yeah, I also like "real and unreal" There seems to be an apparent difference between thought and the absence of thought. A thought for example can seem to create a reaction or experience within the body. But a thought that's not identified with or entertained just seems to arise and then fall away without causing any reaction similar to absence of thought. So was there even a real happening? It was real & unreal!! ❤
  16. Yay we've established that thoughts definitely seem to arise from somewhere..... We are really getting somewhere now ?
  17. The reason I call it a recognition is because it's not like a disidentification or denial. It's sort of like hearing that santa claus isn't real when your young and then actully seeing your parents putting the presents under the christmas tree....the fantasy is OVER and it's simultaneously realized it was never real from the start. When it's clearly recognized that the You/ego/sense of self (whatever you want to call it) isn't real.....the belief in it starts falling away pretty quick and simultaneously it's obvious that it was never real from the was an illusion of self. If it's like anything, I would describe it as a web or bundle of memories, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, concepts, biases.... basically the entire centered sense of individuality is shattered or realized to have never been. ❤
  18. The YOU that wants to experience no self already isn't real. It's so easy that it's already the case and seems hidden. ❤
  19. I don't know why this seems so tough to understand. The very individual or sense of self that is trying to have a no self experience IS the illusion itself. What more needs to be said?
  20. Well there definitely seems to be a source but it's literally coming from nowhere & going nowhere. Its not that the bodies typing and responding to messages is an illusion......the illusion is the experience that real separate individuals are communicating from within those bodies. The bodies are empty.... there's no one actually in there or anywhere for that matter. ❤
  21. There is no source....the source is an illusion. ❤
  22. Yep, and something that's not real from the start can't be known because there's nothing & no one real to know about it. ❤
  23. When it's clearly recognized that ME is an illusion, there isn't anyone left with an agenda to go on attempting to realize its true nature. It's clearly seen that the very entity that attempts to GO ON & ON & ON is totally unreal. That's why liberation is referred to as "the end of seeking" If there is still any attempt whatsoever to identify as THIS or THAT then the illusion was not clearly seen through. This apparent situation is often referred to as SPIRITUAL EGO or SUPER EGO. It's a very sneaky last ditch effort of the ego/sense of self to preserve its illusory existence. Some clever illusion huh ? ❤