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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Full of appearance. Empty of meaning, purpose and value. Empty of a real lasting experiencer. The conditioned illusion of self, doesn't like the way this sounds. It's biggest problem is death. It wants to avoid death at all costs, but its already not alive (cosmic joke) Empty = bad Full = good Everything = good Nothing = bad Real me = good Unreal me = bad It can't fathom its own unreality. It avoids seeing it clearly at all costs. ❤️
  2. Everything is human level, no need to say "come to the human level" when that's all there is. Agreed, everything is a temporary appearance, but it's not reflecting anything. Emptiness has no reflection. There isn't a now and there also isn't a before or after birth....all 3 are empty and ungraspable illusions of time! Gift of consciousness? Who gave you that gift? The consciousness fairy lol? Unneeded words! Yes the body learns to read and write from a young age.... Is this surprising to you? Silly and funny? Umm sure, why not! ❤️
  3. It's not a real thing! Sounds nice though 😁
  4. Trust....I've been slapped before 😆 The point was, there isn't a real You inside the body getting slapped or doing the slapping. There isn't a Higher Non Egoic You beneath a lower egoic you......they are the same illusion!
  5. There wasn't anyone there! It was recognized that even the idea of something called "the truth" stemmed from this nothingness or illusion of self! ❤️
  6. Even if something was apparently comprehended, who would there be to compare it with to fact check the apparent comprehension?
  7. Or it's puzzling because there isn't an answer that can be grasped or comprehended.
  8. What authority declares what a higher or lower perspective even is? Some overly happy brainwashed guru? Old scriptures from the diamond sutra? The old testament? A compilation of spiritual teachings? How can there be a higher or lower anything, if there isn't an actual authority dictating it! ❤️
  9. This character believed that finding the truth was possible. I thought for sure that if I could know/understand the truth, it would make my life better. This character harnessed every last bit of its anxious energy to meditate compulsively, do yoga, read numerous spiritual books, eat vegan.....etc...etc... I was convinced that I could figure it all was complete desperation. No matter what, I was going to be the human that uncovered the truth or died trying. At some point this energy turned inwards to explore or reveal what the driving force was behind this intense desperate exploration. Can you guess what it was? ❤️
  10. Understanding that there isn't an understanding is the understanding 🤯
  11. Once it's proclaimed that THIS is about something, the illusory dreamer immediately creates an illusion of separation between THIS and what THIS is About. It believes that there is a particular something within everything that holds the key.......then the endless seeking for this so-called something commences! It's an honest misunderstanding that's all 🤷‍♂️ ❤️
  12. Does it matter who says what though? Or what the message is pointing out or attempting reveal? 😉 There's no actual right or wrong way to do anything.......There's only ways brother! ❤️
  13. Yup, Nobody finds a certain way. It's seeing all there is, is way! ❤️
  14. There's no real traps or wrong paths to go down, because there isn't a real someone taking it! 😆 ❤️
  15. Fearlessness is recognizing that all thoughts and the apparent identification as the thinker of these thoughts, isn't actually happening or taking place. It's an illusion of self or maya identifying as the source of thoughts! Sooo, a conditioned illusion fears death although its not even really's illusory 🤣 Boy oh boy, what a conundrum for a somebody ❤️
  16. There seems to be something mysterious for sand particles blowing across the desert in a larger frame though 😳 Seemlessly and perfectly are conceptual words, kind of like "conditioned opinions". It could also be described as random, rough and chaotic to a different "conditioned opinion". There truly is no description that can capture everything.......infinity includes every description and is none of them simultaneously! everything & nothing? ❤️
  17. No one realizes it and nobody becomes enlightened because enlightenment is the recognition that the illusory individual was seeking an illusory concept called enlightenment in a desperate attempt to fix an illusory problem! ❤️
  18. Spiritual cannibalism.... I'm vegan, no way jose 😜 💗
  19. Ego feeds like a hungry wolf on beliefs of being everything with absolute power, it simply can't fathom its own unreality. When it comes to ego, it's all about the identification, & bigger will always feel better! Hence the notion of "inflated ego" Ego's come to this forum and hear about something called enlightenment. Of course this sounds incredible for the ego. So it does a fake stripping down old self ritual and immediately starts building up its new profound spiritual ego/higher self identification. It will identify with any notion that it believes will make it stronger. At first it believes it's just acquiring prolific spiritual knowledge.....but it's actually slowly morphing into that as identity. Then in a lame attempt to keep itself inflated, this spiritual super ego runs around the forum telling others about what they have learned.........and knowing all the while, if they go outside the forum with this message, they will be extradited immediately for insanity! The end! 😁 ❤️ 💙 💜
  20. Enlightenment is recognizing the very character that believes ⏫️, isn't even real! That's what's referred to as spiritual super ego! But these beliefs will only collapse upon clearly seeing that the believer is an illusion of self! ❤️
  21. Hehe cup is empty while you describe your spiritually conditioned interpretation of it.....classic!!😜 ❤️ 💙 💜