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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Yes the layers and labels of the false self are just opinions ideas beliefs perspectives about yourself they are not who you really are. When the labels and beliefs are dropped, you realize there is nothing there except the pure consciousness that is not limited by time or space. It's the nothing that is everywhere and nowhere. It's the isness or being itself.
  2. I like how Osho described everything, he said to react spontaneously to life in the moment... if you feel like explaining it explain it, if you don't, don't. Avoid making plans to react in a certain way live life in the spontaneous reality of the NOW!!
  3. Pregnant nothingness the nothingness that is nowhere and everywhere. It's everything and nothing. Between nothing and everything is. Everything equals 0, it's perfect contradiction.
  4. Try turning within and identifying who this one is that needs to attach meaning. Sometimes there's deep conditioning that needs to be seen through. Once the light of awareness is shining the problem can dissolve. Awareness alone is Curative. The problemless problem is using words to discuss the wordless no way, yeah that's the false truth - "me"
  5. At first I teared up and then it seemed laughable like Alan Watts describes it's one giant Cosmic game of hide-and-seek with yourself. And when you're ready for some more action, you can dive back into the game and ruffle some feathers if you want just for the drama but while still knowing deep down it's just a game. It might sound a little silly but who is judging?( nobody it's just you AKA God). Apparently not a lot of problems tend to pop up when you realize you're responsible for everything.
  6. A strong dose of full acceptance and some Peter Ralston Enlightenment videos always helps me, that guy seriously cracks me up in every way. He is awesome!! Good luck my friend..
  7. Everything you see, feel, touch, hear or think comes from and manifests in pure Consciousness. Time and space emerge from pure consciousness. Your body and that of millions of other human beings, as well as trees, animals, rivers originate from and appear in this pure consciousness. When you understand that all that exists is the manifestation of a single substratum, Being, there is no more conflict. You are that pure consciousness; it is your true nature. You are that! You are the ocean. All the waves, whether gentle or rough surf, are a product of the ocean. It will never be otherwise. You are the ocean, not the waves. The waves come and go; the ocean is unchangeable. Pure consciousness is what you are. Recognize who you are and live your life in peace. There is nothing else to do. There is no learning curve, there are no challenges to master, no problems to resolve. Just BE. The ego always needs a challenge to prove that it is competent, that it is better than it was yesterday and that it is making progress. It wants to be better than the others so as not to feel unworthy. It creates a future and spends its life trying to live that future. Beyond the ego, which is based on duality, there is your Self, the oneness in which all is manifested. Pure consciousness is not divided into either two or a hundred parts. There is no division; there only is the One eternally undivided. This truth cannot be understood with the mental, because it is beyond the mental. Only your consciousness can apprehend this truth.
  8. @Inliytened1 that's awesome... I just recently had a big realization of the magnitude of this oneness understanding. It brought tears to my eyes, my ego had resisted letting it fully sink in. Once the bottom of the bucket falls out, it does not hold water any longer. It is so beautiful ❤
  9. I see what you mean although it's only when you perceive the waves as separate from the ocean does it become so. Although the ocean water evaporates into clouds and then rains over the land the water always returns to the source and was never actually separate, it always remained the ocean. Duality is actually an illusion, a figment of the imagination, all there is is non-duality or Oneness. The reason they are indistinguishable is because non-duality is all there is, so there's nothing to compare it to. Haha I apologize if we are saying the same thing I just wanted to tweak it a little bit. ❤ ❤ Thank you for the nice comments!!
  10. That is really interesting I've definitely listened to some long manly P hall speeches. Wasn't he a high rank freemason? Smart guy!! Something that always brought me inner peace earlier on, was a quote from A Course in Miracles: " Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, herein lies the peace of God.
  11. @Serotoninluv thanks yes I try to paint short and sweet pictures. It's incredible how simplistic yet meaningful something as short as " I am that I am" or " be still and know that I am God" can be. Thank you for your work and all your service as well ❤
  12. Haha that's great I've never heard that before I love it..
  13. @MAYA EL I see what you are saying. Do you think it's possible that because thousands of people have had similar experiences, people that did not know each other and in different parts of the world, without prior knowledge that there could be something to this realization. This resonated with me because when I experienced the dropping away of the false self(no self), I realized I was nothing and simultaneously everything all along, under the illusion of a separate limited self. The realization that the boundaries of Duality were a fiction, a trick played on myself. It's like our own mind keeps us locked in a prison to stay safe. When one becomes awake they have jailbroken their mind and there Consciousness shines through their masks, the illusions of Duality crumble away. I like your big picture thinking ..You are right to be skeptical. Thank you for replying and as always I'm here to help with anything. Let your heart guide you. Have a good day my friend!!
  14. Yes this is all good stuff, just accept the fact that you are unmotivated about anything at this point in your life. Maybe you won't be motivated by self-actualization later or maybe you will....but currently you are not so just accept what is currently the truth. Resisting the truth is like rowing a boat Upstream, you will get worn out quick. ? ❤ ✌
  15. @The Don Do you think it could be your resistance to life being meaningless that's causing your depression. If you could just accept the fact that life has no meaning, do you think it would cut yourself some slack and just allow what is to be. Eckhart Tolle talks a lot about how suffering is the resistance to what is. The unacceptance of Truth. Just a thought hope this helps good luck have a good day!!
  16. @MAYA EL Good questions... because waking up increases Consciousness, and Consciousness is the truth and Truth is our nature... I'm not forcing anyone just offering my assistance. I guess you would have to trust that somebody is awake and can safely guide others to this realization.( Enlightenment is difficult to prove because it's a realization of what is already true but hidden behind a veil of Illusion). Enlightenment is a dispelling of ignorance. It's a falling away of the false self and simultaneously a realization of what's true. It's not a process to be feared or a gaining of knowledge that may be incorrect. I completely understand and you are correct to be skeptical because there is a lot of misleading information out there about awakening. My best advice is to follow your heart do what you think is best! Have a good day!! I am here to help anyone seeking it.
  17. @SoonHei thank you these are words of wisdom. Osho was great and had such a good sense of humor. I definitely like to refer to it as a realization that was always there and we just weren't aware. The ignorance is dispelled and one can see the illusion of the ego clearly. And once the bottom of the bucket falls out it does not hold water any longer. Have a good day!!
  18. Yes that still point in the center of the accordion that does not move. That is where the permanent self or true self resides.( which is the essence of existence) An awakened individual can still dabble in the impermanence expansion and contraction, but their heart resides in the center. And they are aware of that fact.
  19. Maybe we are the universe experiencing itself. It's a natural unfolding process. I find peace in accepting what is. I've always liked this quote from A Course in Miracles: " Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, herein lies the peace of God".
  20. It kind of sounds like you have deflated your ego. If that's what it is, in my experience the more you can stay in this state the more it will deflate. I always think of that song ...I can see clearly now the rain is gone. When you can calm the whirlwind of the Mind, truth starts revealing itself quickly. I think you were describing between nothing and everything is... the still point of the Spiral. when one decides that they will never give up and simultaneously they surrender at the same time. That's when things get real interesting. That's awesome stuff!!
  21. @MAYA EL I understand... I'm here to help wake up humanity. You can private message me anytime if you ever want to talk or need assistance with anything related. Thank you!!
  22. @Serotoninluv Thank you. Yes it's been quite an experience, and it still continues to unfold every day a little bit at a time. I believe I was going through a slow Awakening already and then I sped up the process by a lot of meditation and triggered what I have come to learn as a Samadhi type experience during this awakening. If you are interested in hearing a similar experience, check out the: Daniel Schmidt Buddha at the gas pump interview and producer of Samadhi (Maya the illusion of the self) movie. His experience of Samadhi mimicked my own experience which I found very interesting that I stumbled on this movie within 2 weeks after my experience. Felt like the Divine was sending me a resource because I was so confused at what had happened.
  23. @Nahm haha thank you very much. you are great as well it took me a long time to write it... there's a lot of other realizations and things I didn't mention but those were the main factors. Have a good evening