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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Bro...we've talked about this numerous times.... I still love you lol!! You don't seem to be very open or flexible to speak about existential s*** like you have at the bottom of your page. It obviously depends on what your definition of real is! Is something that makes a temporary appearance and then disappears back into infinity real? Is something that's constantly changing real or unreal or both? Its real in the sense that there seems to be some kind of boundless energy taking physical form and then eventually crumbling back into everything...yes Unreal in the sense that these physical objects/appearances and or mental belief systems/concepts are constantly changing and are never something permanent. Is a rainbow or gravity something real?.... sure it has an appearance or an apparent effect.... but are those two things actually something real? BTW, what exactly is a new not two (neo advaita) what does that even mean? You are frustrated and simply not understanding what's being said because your experience is still a separate individual in the body running around trying to figure out s*** endlessly! Why don't you pop open an older Jim Newman or Tony Parsons video and try to really grasp what's being said! See the freedom in their demeanor and appearance! Maybe stop believing that freedom is reserved for ancient mystics of the past and everybody else is full of BS. ❤
  2. It's infinite and unknowable in the sense that it's not even real. The conditioned mind simply cannot be used to understand infinity or nothingness or be used as positive confirmation that "I am that". The very so-called observer that declares "I am that" is an illusion! ❤
  3. Boundless energy experiencing itself as localized or contracted energy within the body. This energy taking the same path over and over again within the body will always feel like there is an experiencer observing. This abundance of energy and or its source is completely unknowable and timeless. Something totally outside the barriers of understanding.....& I get the sense that it's not even something real in which could be understood..... but damned if it's not fun to try right! ❤
  4. Yes there is a body which seems capable of generating thoughts....but there isn't a "you" that's doing it! If that body there bumped its head hard enough and forgot who someone here was, the body would still continue to go on moving and generating thoughts.... the thinking would just no longer be about someone here because he was forgotten about. And if another body told that body your name was Tony and you are 27 years old from India, that would start your new illusory identity off. There are bodies and thoughts, but no one to become awake! Awakening only occurs within the dream story of being a real someone here! There isn't a real "you" inside the body, its an illusion of self or maya! ❤
  5. Here it was realizing that thoughts/assumptions/descriptions about who "I" was as an individual, simply did not equal a real "ME". It felt like the "ME" was falling away but then recognized as having never been! ❤
  6. Even labeling awakening as truth, good or bad, right or wrong, this or's all clearly seen to be just conditioned thinking! It's just not a something that can be pointed to, pinned down or labeled. It's the end of the someone that thought something needed to be found! ❤
  7. Awakening is the recognition that there never was anyone in which could wake in that sense it's a non-happening or the end of something that never actually started! The experience of the separate individual called ME within the body is clearly seen BY NO ONE to be illusory. Its just seeing! Nobody wakes up! ❤
  8. "Try to understand the ego. Analyze it, dissect it, watch it, observe it, from as many angles as possible. And don't be in a hurry to sacrifice it, otherwise the greatest egoist is born: the person who thinks he is humble, the person who thinks that he has no ego. "That is again the same story played on a more subtle level. That's what the religious people have been doing down the ages – pious egoists they have been. They have made their ego even more decorated; it has taken the color of religion and holiness. Your ego is better than the ego of a saint; your ego is better, far better – because your ego is very gross, and the gross ego can be understood and dropped more easily than the subtle. The subtle ego goes on playing such games that it is very difficult. One will need absolute awareness to watch it." - Osho ❤
  9. The original idea of saying that is probably pointing out that the baby hasn't developed an illusory separate sense of self yet along with all the social conditioning which occurs as the body grows. ❤
  10. If you like her communication you might also like these:
  11. Non-duality will never be a popular message for the separate sense of self. In fact it hates this message because it doesn't give it anything to grasp ahold of and work towards.... it doesn't give an illusion any practices because it denies its very existence which is like kryptonite to it.... the message attempts to reveal the unreality of the separate sense of self which is attempting to find or obtain something called enlightenment. It's hilarious to read these so-called negative comments about Anna Brown's message. It's essentially like somebody that's never been to Hawaii attempting to describe what Hawaii is like and why you should or should not go there. Her communication is 99% spot on.... she does add in a little bit of extra dramatization for rating purposes but that's expected of course. ❤
  12. Yeah man it's totally all-inclusive. Real & unreal It doesn't really matter whether the experience feels separate or not..... "There is only whatever seems to be happening".
  13. Yeah but there is a big difference in someone stating that all of reality is an illusion compared to pointing out just certain aspects of reality as being illusory. There's no doubt that THIS/Reality is an explosion of light color and sound, a completely undeniable apparent phenomenon or experience. Illusion is already a funny word so there can be numerous misunderstandings of the way it's being used.... it's literally a word attempting to describe something that actually didn't happen. What is referred to here as an illusion is: The experience of there actually being a real separate veganawake person inside the body that's conscious or aware. If this apparent identity called ME is looked at closely enough, it can start becoming obvious that there just isn't anyone or anything actually behind the those emptiness dancing!! The biggest illusion is the experience that something is incomplete or needs to be done for THIS to be perfect!! THIS is already heaven; THIS is already enlightenment; THIS is already whole, complete and perfect because there isn't anyone real to claim THIS as something other than perfection ? ❤
  14. For some reason YouTube wouldn't allow me to embed the video but it let me embed the link at least. I hadn't listened to anything from Andreas Muller for quite a few months, so when I stumbled across this I had to share. It's a perfect non-dual interview ❤
  15. It's just so obvious that nobody really knows what the hell is going on with reality... "there's just what seems to be happening". Nothing is hidden because it's literally happening now...look around.... it's an explosion of light color & sound!!! ❤
  16. No that's still just ego thinking it elevated its identity to True Self or God. (often referred to as spiritual ego) The ego is very cunning and cannot stay intact without some kind of identity. Ego = Identity illusion ❤
  17. Enlightenment has nothing to do with no longer seeing physical separate bodies with different belief systems. Rather it's the clear recognition that these apparent characters along with their entire culturally conditioned belief systems, still don't equal a real separate individual within that particular body. That conditioned reality is what creates the dream story or matrix experience as often heard of. There isn't a real someone within that body actually experiencing or controlling anything!! Cultural differences also seem to do an amazing job at perpetuating the experience of there actually being a separate YOU & ME!! ❤
  18. @Matthew85 Its the ego which thinks there are real traps. But this entire egoic construct is completely unreal including all of its beliefs and identification games of being this or that.
  19. Well whats recognized is there never was a VeganAwake in which could be asleep. There's not a real Michael Jackson that identifies as God's an illusion of self identity. Awakening throws out the baby with the bathwater in that sense!! ❤
  20. Interesting belief system MJ. Notice THIS is already unlimited freedom whether there is a belief held that "I am God" or not! The freedom is completely unconditional & already the case! ❤
  21. This phrase just feels fresh and seems to carry with it that calming sense of freedom from our anxious and often hectic reality. It really encompasses the whole experience because it includes: - The feelings of THIS is not enough. - That something needs to be understood - That something is missing or lacking. So, no matter where you are, or what your doing, it's always just what seems to be happening whether it's regarded as good or bad or whatever!! ❤