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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. @Identity I thought this was an interesting video. He talks on some of what you're saying...
  2. I love this...❤ I would also like to mention: - You should want it more than anything else in the world.( want it like a person whose hair is on fire wants water) - You should believe that you are capable of this realization.( don't create roadblocks for yourself) - And simultaneously you completely surrender and turn Within(it is not outside of yourself). ❤ ❤ ?
  3. @ivankiss I read up a little bit on psychosis and what it's like going through it. I understand your post better now and I'm glad you are okay, that must have been a scary experience. I can see why are you are so grateful for what life hands you in any regard. I apologize for making everything about enlightenment. I should have taken the time to understand your experience Through Your Eyes. Love of life is your enlightenment... I'm very happy for you have a good evening my friend ❤ ❤ ?
  4. The realization is that you are pure perfect Intelligent consciousness that was never separate or lacking in any way. The problem is this pure all-encompassing" I am "consciousness gets filtered through your conditioned mind(survival tool) and tricks you into believing you are a small limited separate human being that needs to seek outside of itself for completion.(ego running a muck). The ego will do anything to keep you believing in this illusion for it knows if you discover the truth it will be its demise. And since it's the path that energy once took it's easy to keep going in circles for your entire life and not seeing its the ego is running the show. When Awakening occurs you realize the true self was always there and the ego had you locked in the prison of Illusion. Simultaneously this starts untangling you from social conditioning and you snap out of The Matrix. And boy it's a wild ride lol ❤ ❤.
  5. The less you do the more you will accomplish!!
  6. Correct ❤ ❤...and there is a realization and almost an event that occurs. The veil needs to be lifted.. Maya needs to be seen through. Combining everything including the illusion or maya and calling it absolute Infinity isn't the same thing although it's a better start than most. See Illusions don't mix well with reality it just clouds things up. Does this make sense?
  7. @WHO IS remember you are already infinite pure consciousness perfect in every way. The true self or pure Consciousness is perfect intelligence. The problem is the ego or mind which is a dysfunctional survival mechanism gets in the way and clouds things up it's like a veil of Illusion or Maya. It makes you feel incomplete and gets you to seek outside of yourself for the answer. Yes we are the universe becoming more conscious of itself day enlightenment will be the first thing taught to the human being. Thank you!!❤ ❤
  8. Yep love that part at the end of MIB. Makes me wonder...
  9. @MusicalPotato or what if we are like a subconscious thought in God's head and he doesn't even really know we exist. What if we are cancerous cells in God's body. We will use up all the resources and destroy the Earth and then move to the next planet which are like gods organs. Eventually we will eat him alive and become him. Lol
  10. @Shaun Shawn did you receive my last transmission? Did it make sense to you or not? ?
  11. exclusions except for illusions!! ?
  12. And this is where Awakening comes in: See we believe we are separate programs on an infinite computer until Awakening occurs and we realize we were never separate and that duality(aka separate program) was actually a self made survival program(aka ego) created to maintain homeostasis whether it's positive or negative for the organism. And since duality is illusory, Non-duality, aka: God, Collective consciousness' conscious awareness, absolute Infinity, pregnant nothingness, pure potentiality is what's TRUE. This is basically what Leo is saying, he refers to it as God dreaming itself. I refer to it as existence experiencing itself. Maybe Rupert says Consciousness being conscious of itself. Everything is connected everything is one we just think it sounds different because we use words. Notice this!!
  13. Haha I see what you're saying ... It was more along the lines of do what naturally makes you happy. As opposed to just following in somebody else's footsteps because they told you there experience was fun.
  14. @arlin Correct.. I like to think about it as natural as possible. Like: What would I do if I was the only human on the planet? I would do whatever the hell I wanted = happiness is a choice.
  15. @arlin Although I don't believe there is any true purpose in life other than just living. Finding true happiness is like the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae. ❤
  16. It's because they don't resist life they just live it. When the constant monkey chatter of the mind is quieted life can be very enjoyable.(no mind) ?
  17. This isn't directed at anyone this is just in general: You're more than welcome to wine and dine, nurture and love the heck out of your ego with all the compassion in the world....❤ I am just pointing out that, that approach is not going to lead to enlightenment (especially since it's an illusory sense of self). Enlightenment is not about attaining or adding something more to yourself, rather it's the dropping of the egoic self agenda altogether. It's dropping the labels of the false self peeling the onion layers off and completely detaching from this false sense of self. Most people are terrified of this Letting Go process. But when you understand your sense of self is an illusion it's easier to drop. We create layers upon layers a false beliefs about ourselves and then consider that to be our true self. When you shed the layers and realize you are nothing that you thought you were, you simultaneously realize you are everything. Your true self is found and you become aligned with Divine wisdom. Nobody can enter the gateless gate so be nobody!! What I have shared with you is from personal experience...I promise ❤ ❤
  18. Hello, I'm not sure what you are referring to exactly, but everything I shared on here is from direct experience. ❤ ❤ have a good day my friend!!
  19. @ivankiss thank you!! I understand what you are saying. Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water after Enlightenment chop wood carry water. In my experience though the egoic self agenda was completely seen through and the ignorance was dispelled. I could never go back to including it in my everyday life, because it(ego) was discovered to be an illusion, it was my false sense of self claiming to be my true self. The tricks of the ego were completely seen through. When you peel off the layers of your false self, it untangles you from social conditioning and you snap out of The Matrix. The end result is seeing that your own mind(ego) was keeping you in this prison with the belief that something outside of you will complete you. This is a radical shift that completely changes your entire life. Of course you still have to work and carry on normal life but the resistance to what is has been dropped. This resistance is what causes suffering. That's why so many describe Enlightenment as the end of suffering. Thank you for the conversation as well and many blessings to you my friend. ❤ ❤
  20. I'm just confused on what your stance is with the ego in general. You have mentioned transcending, merging and inclusion.. so which is your final answer. I think you have tasted the honey and you can see what is possible.. I'm just confused on the recommendation of inclusion of the ego to the general public. I have never heard that before but you weren't the only one who said it so I guess it's pretty common on this forum I would imagine. If you have found peace and happiness then you are home. Nothing else needs to happen ❤ ❤ Take care and nice talking with you!!
  21. @JustThinkingAloud I'm also sorry if I made it sound like an argument I'm working on my social skills every post. ❤ It just seemed like this was a very large misunderstanding that could easily cause confusion and possibly damage. With the ego you don't want to ignore or entertain you simply see it for what it is and it will fade into the nothingness where it came. This is the middle path ?
  22. @JustThinkingAloud The ego is the false sense of self that believes it's lacking and needs to seek outside of it's self for completion. The very definition of ego is duality. See one has to understand this before going any further or you'll just keep confusing yourself and going in circles. You cannot integrate and align with something that's an illusion. You can have one without the other because one isint real. Its like continuously being tricked by a mirage in the desert but then saying well I need to integrate this into my survival strategy because it's all a part of reality, but then being tricked over and over again by The Mirage. It doesn't make any sense. This is quite literally the realization that comes with enlightenment. Do you understand now. It's like telling a schizophrenic just to integrate and align with their hallucinations and delusions. It's not going to help them see the truth anytime soon!!