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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. I agree with everything you said ❤ The signs and maps are pointers and not the territory. I agree we are not even close to being there yet but I try to stay optimistic and people are waking up quickly. ?
  2. That's awesome yes a grounded openness is a perfect position. Yes absolutely when you drop all the layers of armor you've collected since birth you become completely vulnerable and simultaneously invincible because there is no one here to get injured anymore. The Personal me is seen as an illusion and what isn't real cannot get injured anymore.( this of course take some time to sink and it's not immediate). You become curious and excited like like a young child seeing the world for the first time again with new eyes(reborn). You feel weightless and unburdened and available to start living life for the first time. There are lots of little phases but when everyone is seen as you and the unconditional love starts flowing you know you are getting close to home. Everything starts becoming beautiful again which it's always been ❤
  3. If a man is crossing a river and an empty boat collides with his own skiff, even though he be a bad-tempered man he will not become very angry. But if he sees a man in the boat, he will shout at him to steer clear. If the shout is not heard, he will shout again, and yet again, and begin cursing. And all because there is somebody in the boat. Yet if the boat were empty, he would not be shouting, and not angry. If you can empty your own boat crossing the river of the world, no one will oppose you, no one will seek to harm you…. Who can free himself from achievement, and from fame, descend and be lost amid the masses of men? He will flow like Tao, unseen, he will go about like Life itself with no name and no home. Simple is he, without distinction. To all appearances he is a fool. His steps leave no trace. He has no power. He achieves nothing, has no reputation. Since he judges no one, no one judges him. Such is the perfect man: His boat is empty. Osho Rajneesh
  4. "Nobody can enter the gateless gate so be nobody" "Between nothing and everything is" "The biggest obstacle to Discovery is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge" "The Great Way it's not difficult for those who have no preferences" " it is what it is" "Let go" " I am that I am" "Be still and know that I am God" "Nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal exists herein lies the peace of God" " We are all saying the same thing we just think we describe it differently" " take the middle path" " Walk The Razor's Edge" " The only thing to fear is fear itself" " Become nobody to be everything" " happiness is a choice" "The pathless path" " The gateless gate" " the way less way" "The Road Less Traveled" "There are only two choices in life the choice of Love or fear but what is all-encompassing can have no opposites" "I am" "Just be" "pregnant nothingness" ❤
  5. @silene Most of this material describes taking the middle path staying neutral and not becoming attached. He didn't believe in beliefs and he always described himself as nobody. He was wealthy but didn't need wealth. The great way is not difficult for those who have no preferences ❤ When we fully accept the isness of each moment we do not suffer. Resisting the present moment is what causes suffering. The ego loves to have an opinion on the way it prefers things to be ? Nobody can enter the gateless gate so be nobody ❤
  6. It sounds like you need more self-love/ accepting yourself the Way You Are... positive affirmations are a wonderful tool for this: "I accept myself exactly the way I am"(100 times a day in a mirror) ❤ "I love myself unconditionally and right now"(100 times a day in the mirror) ❤ "Loving myself makes me feel good"(100 times a day in mirror) ❤ Start off with these and see how you feel within a month....? Its all love!!
  7. I agree, oneness is the biggest picture understanding. 98.9% of the planets population does not understand this and or know how to implement nonduality into their everyday lives and so they suffer. They want the sweet without the bitter the good without the bad the payoff without the understanding. The only thing required for nonduality is the highest understanding that everything is non-dual and couldn't be otherwise....❤
  8. Everything requires an opposite for contrast. You need dark to have light you need up to have down you need left to have right you need good to have bad and so on. Suffering is caused by ignorance of this fact and resisting what is. ❤
  9. They may if they wanted and if they couldn't they wouldn't...?
  10. They would accept it and therefore eliminate a lot of unneeded suffering. Resisting what is, is the cause of most suffering on the planet.
  11. You connect to it by being aware that you are being itself. No need to seek for what you already are. ❤
  12. I was wondering what you guys thought about this Marianne Williamson quote from her book "a return to love"? Apparently it gets confused quite often as a quote from Nelson Mandela but it was her original quote: "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others". Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles" Please share what you think...❤
  13. I understand everything you said. Thank you ❤ ❤ ❤
  14. @Eu Sint thank you!! ❤ ?
  15. Haha, I totally see what you're saying ❤ And here I was just trying to find inner peace/truth, and I discover the "ME" that I thought I was never existed and I am everything. Whoohoo I work in mysterious ways LOL. ? The story just got very interesting!! ❤ Thank you ❤
  16. Correct but this was more than a language limitation was what I was believing to be true. ❤
  17. Well that's wild. I am it totally so to say I am observing myself technically is still duality. That's weird man lol. I think I got it. What do you or I rather think?
  18. Practice what being? What practice is used for being? ❤
  19. I'm not sure I would have to look around I hope you can find it ..good luck. ❤
  20. I understand what your saying. I believe we are the universe experiencing itself. We are that which does not change observing ourselves change(paradox). ❤
  21. Prior to thinking the Consciousness that is looking around and observing everything. That is you!! It's you experiencing yourself(universe) through human form. Its that simple ❤
  22. @Mikael89 You are that which does not change... think about this though.
  23. The "I" that you are referring to is your conditioned character aka false self. You don't have free will because it's not you. It runs on conditioned autopilot mode going in circles.(Suffering) Discovering the true self as conscious awareness, that which is prior to thought. You can sit back and observe the ego run on this conditioned autopilot mode I describe. When you stop identifying with this false conditioned self, Its the end of suffering. Isn't this what you're seeking?
  24. So true ?...The Mind runs on its own conditioned program like muscle memory. One can sit in Conscious awareness and observe the ego doing its thing. We think we are controlling its thoughts but we aren't... it just runs on autopilot. ❤ What if you realized you already were the universe and there's nothing outside of you? ?