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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. That's pretty messed up bro are you going through a midlife crisis or something we can talk about it...??
  2. All I'm trying to point out is that the end of seeking is the clear recognition that the seeker isn't real and nothing was missing. I don't have anything figured out because what happened was the hardcore desperate seeker named travis was seen to be an unsatisfiable illusion-of-self. It would just go in circles seeking and seeking and seeking endlessly. The liberation which is longed for isn't in finding out or attaining something called truth or enlightenment..... It's recognized as already being the case when the seeker goes by by! ❤
  3. What's being said is that very conditioned sense of self which believes facing your fears of life & death with sincere clarity of's an illusion of self running on the hamster wheel trying to find something called truth in that which is already everything. When that sense of self which believes it needs to meditate for 4 hrs a day +10 yrs straight is realized to be a silly illusion, then there's just BOOM THIS without the need of it being otherwise! Enlightenment is the end of the individual that believes it has to jump through endless spiritual hoops to hopefully one-day stumble across or discover something within everything called truth which will make things all better! It's absolutely never what the illusory individual believes it will be like. THIS is already complete! ❤
  4. Well like axiom said, this is just a projected concept that the sense of self believes awakening/enlightenment will be like. It also believes that upon attaining enlightenment there will be a firework show held in your honor and you will be able to teach extra spiritual vipassana retreats and get your toes kissed by sexy hippie seeker chicks. ? That is not going to happen so give it up!! ❤
  5. Bringing it up was a good idea! Maybe one of them really needed the milk more than you. I would just forget about it and try to act as normal as possible and if it happens again I would look for another place to stay. ❤
  6. There isn't a you and then another thing called an ego. The ego is the experience of being you. That experience can stop happening spontaneously.... then it's just BOOM everything without a second because the experiencer or witness was recognized to be unreal!! ❤
  7. There is only what seems to be happening and it does not matter at all whether it's called Truth, Pure Consciousness, Dirty Underwear or Peanut Butter. There's only what seems to be happening....end of story! Notice it seriously! ❤
  8. The body is already surviving and functioning.... the ego is the illusion of self which says "I'm doing that" ❤
  9. There already isn't an ego so how are you currently functioning/surviving? The ego is an illusion of's not actually happening but only seems to be which is exactly why calling it an illusion seems to be the best word. ❤
  10. When I was in my late teens(40 now) I would take LSD and or mushrooms to escape anxious reality and have a crazy fun trip with friends. During one particular trip with liquid LSD, the habitual identification with thinking was completely shattered because the monkey mind was shut off or quieted for hours due to the drugs effects. 20 years later during meditation I started quickly having very similar effects of the monkey mind being hushed for a couple hrs here and there. This rather quick resulting phenomenon seemed to be related to taking psychedelics....almost like they created a path of excessability. When it's recognized that there isn't a thinker of thoughts, it's not that the thoughts completely end.... it's that there's no longer anyone listening! ❤
  11. Sometimes they can have effects years later also. There's usually no need to take them over and over again until your brain is half fried!
  12. @Someone here nice bro! These realizations are like the zen ox taming pictures. What you have said here are some of the same realizations that happened to me in 2018/2019. What happened here is that I took these realizations and applied them inwards into who I was as a person....what makes up this character called ME!! There seems to be endless and ever-changing perspectives as to what makes up this individual called ME! It's infinite and can't be pinned down or separated! This is exactly the realization that nonduality is pointing out. ❤
  13. Well I'm not really sure if you understand what was being said....most of the time this communication is totally misunderstood. I like to help truth seekers because that's what I used to think I was.....making things up is not how I try and help! ❤
  14. Yeah man & it's not even ego death because it was never real or alive from the was a misunderstanding or misidentification as being that! It's similar to when there was a belief that santa claus was real....that belief creates an experience with all kinds of additional thoughts and feelings about this illusory jolly dude bringing everyone presents. No one actually recognizes it because the recognition is that there isn't a someone there....but nonetheless it's completely obvious! It's the end of knowing because how could anything be known when the knower wasn't real from the start! No one left getting caught up in personalized experiences often referred to as the Matrix! Then everything just becomes the immediacy of THIS apparent reality...BOOM direct and in the face! ❤
  15. What's really shocking is realizing there just isn't anyone there period!! ❤
  16. @billiesimon It really does seem like a lot of people try to force-feed spiritual awakening. Often it sounds like some kind of brain washing.....not saying that's whats purposly happening there. Just be careful & remember that the ego/sense of self, lives in a world of lack or incompleteness. Awakening reveals that everything is already simply cannot be gained or lost because it's all there is!! ❤
  17. Gotcha, yeah it's not a teaching though. It's a communication pointing out that the individual that believes there are different spiritual levels is completely unreal! ❤
  18. Then that's what's being experienced there. It’s whole, complete and perfect! ?
  19. I understand everything you worries & no offense taken at all ♥ And it totally makes sense that their communication would not interest "you" because their communication is pointing out that the very individual that's attempting to find a useful application in life is an illusion! It's like the opposite of what the seeker is looking for. Have you seen this interview?