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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Check out from 22:00 - 26:00 ❤
  2. Still it's the only and best show in town!! What to do about nothing? ❤
  3. Totally, there isn't anyone there now making continuation an impossibility because nothing actually ever started! It's a ridiculous setup....? ❤
  4. It's not that the conditioned body and the mirror are's the sense of self within the body or as the controller of the body which is imaginary. The body is completely empty actually, there isn't anyone inside of it. The apparent individual which could get offended or hurt by someone calling it a jackass ........that's the illusion of self! There's no one really in there! ❤
  5. Well it doesn't actually exist....thats exactly the misunderstanding. It seems real just like a mirage in the desert until it doesn't. ❤
  6. Well it's random in the sense that there's no one or no thing actually controlling or changing the appearance of everything! There's only whatever seems to be happening! ❤
  7. Gould call bro.. Did ya check out the vid?
  8. I get it bro. It's just obvious there isn't a real understanding of what enlightenment actually is. There are definitely no stages involved or me's left unsatisfied. In this particular situation, if the self was clearly seen through, there wouldn’t be anyone left to feel unfulfilled and wanting more. That would still just be the endlessly needy illusion of self continuing to seek more and more.(which is all it can do) In other words.....THAT which prefers a more tantric approach to spirituality, is the very illusion of self that is seen through in actual enlightenment. It's the end of seeking because the seeker is clearly seen to have never been. ❤
  9. That would be like taking a course to start believing in Santa Claus again..... it's just seen to have never been. ❤
  10. @undeather @LfcCharlie4 Is it possible that maybe you both misunderstand key points of the so-called neo-advaitist communication and then create an entire story based off of those certain cherry picked misunderstandings? Because one huge misunderstanding would be that the communication is some kind of teaching, approach, or way of life for an individual to use! Rather the communication is simply pointing out that the very 'sense of self' that attempts to find the so-called correct spiritual approach and avoid the incorrect, is a spiritually conditioned 'illusion of self'. It innocently reveals that there is no real right/wrong; should/shouldn't approach to life, because there isn't a real individual living it! The communication doesn't provide anything for the individual because it recognizes that the endlessly needy individual never was. Nobody becomes enlightened! "Awakening doesn't depend on anything. Liberation is beyond understanding; beyond all sense of individuality; beyond any requirement to change, to become something, or to have a still mind. In fact, awakening is the absence of individuality, the dropping of the illusion of separation. When seeking ends and the idea of separation falls away, indescribable oneness remains, which no one has ever been able to express in words. However, this can be said: "No one" becomes liberated or needs to become anything for liberation to take place. Actually, liberation is a total change of perception, which is utterly simple but quite challenging because of the difficulty we have in dropping the idea that there's an individual who can experience it. We are so entrenched in the idea that effort brings about results that when we come to discover that which fulfills, that which is whole, and that which we long for, we still believe that we must work to attain it. And this is our difficulty". -- Tony Parsons in Invitation to Awaken, pg 135 ❤
  11. I'm addicted to grapefruit sparkling waters, there so refreshing! ❤
  12. Oh It's been a wild ride for sure, I ended up getting a little more disability than I thought, so that's been a great financial help with our three boys! All is well!! ❤
  13. Bro you are the grumpiest Inliytened1 ever, but I still love ya! Maybe smoke a spliff instead of hitting that Jack Daniels bottle ? All is well! ❤
  14. This body has all kinds of cravings and desires. Instead of suffering to be desireless why not have fun and attempt to see how many you can actually penetrate or accomplish. Seriously though, what you do or do not do in this apparent life matters not... trust! That's the freedom! ❤
  15. Yeah the history of religion and or spirituality is definitely interesting to look into...I really don't think there was a meaning to the madness but I've heard stories that it was originally used to control people. Who knows right?
  16. Well then that's what's being experienced there, it's whole, complete and perfect. ? I don't know anything about neo advaita or traditional vadanta but they sound like interesting belief systems. I'm not trying to replace one belief system with another.....I'm talking about the end of the believer. Its unconditional love & freedom for no one!! ❤
  17. Yes & no... Highlighting that there just isn't duality period, because there isn't a real you or me for separation to even be applicable!! There are apparent separate bodies but that which claims "I am the doer/thinker as this physical body" isn't actually real. No real I am this body = No real freewill and choice. No one free & no one not free! ❤
  18. It's exactly the same thing because there never was an asleep individual to become awake. That's why the phrase "illusion of self" seems fitting.....something that feels or seems convincingly real, but actually isn't. ❤
  19. Contrary to how it seems, there just isn't a real someone in which could or couldn't have free will.....and that's the freedom ? A belief in predetermined objectives would only arise within the dream story of being a real separate individual living in a world of meaning, purpose and value. There’s no real goal or objectives, those are just society's conditioned concepts. Unconditional freedom is what seems to remain when it's recognized that there just never was anyone bound or free from the start! ❤