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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. @SOUL The implication of nothing matters cannot be understood by reading it on the top of the thread or in few posts from different people here and there on that same thread. I didn't want to leave you with your very limited understanding after your large criticism about it lol: All there is is what is . . . but what is what is? Well, there is no real answer to that question. However, it seems that what is could be just what is happening . . . reading these words, sitting on a seat, trees growing, sounds, feelings, clouds or thoughts passing by and so on. In simple terms these events just seem to be what is happening. It is suggested that what is is oneness appearing as twoness, the absolute being relative. It is the treasure that is longed for and feared most . . . the perfect lover and the grim reaper. It is of course the ultimate paradox, being simultaneously nothing and everything. There is no possibility of the essence of what is being described, grasped or known. The seeker attempts to be aware of or conscious of what is and immediately that function separates and objectifies and makes solid that which is wonderfully floating, effervescent and ungraspable. The essence of what is can’t be seen by me and so me never feels fulfilled because its experiences seem to have something missing. In what is is also what isn’t. This is the wonder of wholeness because it appears as both simultaneously. Everything that is something is also already nothing . . . there are not two! Everything is therefore real and unreal, but me experiences everything as only real. Within this illusion me attempts to transform this dualistic and unsatisfactory experience into processes such as “living in the moment” or “being here now” or accepting everything as “consciousness”. However, and again, the wonderful paradox of the play of wholeness is that the story of me is also what is. All of the dreams and hopes, processes and religious aspirations are only wholeness appearing as a separate entity rushing around looking for itself and also hiding from itself by already being everything. And in being everything, even the avoidance or rejection of what is is what is. So what is longed for constantly sings the only song of freedom that can never be lost or found because it is already all there is.
  2. This is a non dual message explaining there isn't an individual for anything to be separate from... What's being pointed to is everything, take it how you want to... it's simply what it is for No One...
  3. Nothing matters is already the middle way... it's Freer than free because when nothing matters you are free to pursue whatever you want or not do anything at all because it simply doesn't matter either way. There is no right or wrong path. This isn't a belief because a belief leads to something... this leads to nothing mattering which is already the absolute prior to you believing it's not the absolute. Empowering your experience in life with unconditional fulfillment has no meaning purpose or value whatsoever... It's completely identical to having no ambition in life whatsoever and sitting on the couch and eating cookies and dying of a heart attack at age 42 no difference at all. There is no higher teaching try all you want ? Good day to you sir❤ It's already zero it's already infinite it's already perfect it can't be added or subtracted it's what already is.
  4. I look at things as whatever arises arises... If happiness anger fear guilt hate boredom arise it arises for nobody. There's no need to make a story out of it because it's just what's happening... just conditioning... As soon as any expectation in the mind is created, its setting yourself up for failure. Allow it to be...go with the flow... Then by doing this suffering is drastically reduced because you're not resisting what is ❤
  5. There is a human being and a dog that could leave tracks and eyes to see the moon and ears to hear the night. But the one experiencing that isn't real... it's Maya the illusion of the self The one that says this is my experience.... that one isn't real. That probably doesn't help a lot...
  6. @Nahm ❤ thanks man yeah its like family... sometimes dysfunctional but we always love each other ?
  7. Yeah I'm pretty sure this is the weirdest Forum in the world but it's totally freaking awesome simultaneously... I'll skip the and meaningless comment this time ?
  8. I got you yeah I agree it's like debating whether God is real or not... It is quite interesting though that what people call Consciousness is exactly what the human body is observing from its two eyes. And of course only in its immediate line of sight ?
  9. There are 3 things being pointed to: 1) THIS is it... 2) There is a separate sense of self inside the body, that is perceiving THIS through its dualistic perception.(this includes consciousness) 3) Nothing Matters... there is no meaning purpose or value to anything whatsoever. This is all that's being said. There are no individual ME's doing anything.
  10. Yes when the veil is removed its THIS... The whole what happens during Awakening gets a little bit overly hyped up ?
  11. No there isn't a you to twist my mind and there isn't a me to get my mind twisted. I didn't bring any statement into existence because there isn't a me... it's the nothing speaking to the nothing about nothing mattering. Lol Btw there is no one that could or couldn't forget about the no self because there is no self...?
  12. Well you basically got it ...I was just trying to keep some kind of logical sense out of the illogical ?
  13. Actually I am Tony Parsons surprise eeee ? Joking however I have been going through a gradual Awakening experience and this last Friday I was able to have a 30-minute web seminar with an enlightened teacher name Andreas Muller where I was able to ask him multiple questions in areas that I was a little unclear about... needless to say after that conversation there's been a big shift here and a much deeper embodiment of this non-dual communication. ❤ Since you were inquiring ?
  14. There isn't a need for it to be shared because there isn't anyone here with that need... it just seems to be the case.
  15. Lol it is all Boundless Energy I like that ...its not a state There is still a conditioned body here that could get triggered but it's not getting triggered for anyone, it's just what's happening. Being conditioned getting triggered and the outcome of that triggering has no meaning purpose or value whatsoever.
  16. What is this some kind of weird entrapment plot... I really feel sorry for you guys you must be really bored..
  17. You hit it spot on... but that doesn't mean anything lol just kidding have a good day my friend good to speak with you again ❤
  18. Nothing matters isn't an experience.. It's just what apparently happens to be the case. Think of it as walking the middle path.. It's nothing really matters is actually embodied then you won't go One Direction or the other... we will just stay neutral because again nothing matters..
  19. Even the apparent ME pointing to this highest realization, has no meaning purpose or value. Welcome to the Absolute... where things always equal 0 and NOTHING MATTERS lol...
  20. And whatever value you assign to it has no meaning purpose or value whatsoever ❤... See hints to highest teaching