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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. And individual mind can say there's a benefit from things mattering or not mattering but that also doesn't matter and has no meaning purpose or value to it whatsoever....
  2. Well what was recognized here was the belief that something has meaning purpose and value ends up being just a projection of the mind. You could say there's value in the recognition that there is no meaning purpose or value to anything but that just becomes another projection of the mind.
  3. Yes that's all seeking energy can do is continue to seek ... the good news is there's nothing to find because nothing was ever missing... And whatever is found has no meaning purpose or value whatsoever... it's incredible ❤
  4. And none of those realizations have any meaning purpose or value whatsoever.. they do not benefit anything in any way. And even if one was to say I've discovered the truth that has no meaning purpose or value whatsoever to anything at all.
  5. The denial of our Natural Instincts is hurting Us.. It's not that we should act on all our instinctual desires.... that could get us thrown in prison. This energy needs to pass through us and be recognized for what it is. The suppression is becoming the prison. The answer is not to turn our attention away from it and stuff it down into the subconscious even farther... I've heard some interesting stories on people acting out scenarios to relieve this tension and energy... it's funny I think of Jim Carrey acting out in all of his movies... although his character always seem similar there's a subtle acting out and getting rid of a lot of built-up energy Society creates in us... Definitely going to explore this topic further ❤
  6. When it's recognized that even the apparent mind that creates illusion is also illusion.... emptiness no thing pregnant nothingness... Boundlessness... holyshitness When Even Silence is not it.... Its......................
  7. @Thewritersunion thank you for sharing I appreciate that... I love hearing all the different perspective ❤
  8. We were just wearing dark sunglasses on a foggy day and we forgot to put our contacts in. When the fog lifts, the sunglasses are removed and the contacts are put in, the Map and the Territory merge and for the first time its recognized you have always been home... A joyous energy begins to arise because it's realized the destination was always right where You were standing. It's always been right under the nose... The sun has always been shining bright behind the clouds(veil), the dark cloudy day was the illusion. The finger-pointing was it.. What the finger was pointing at was it.. The one observing the finger-pointing was it.. The Seeker and the Sought were never something separate.. The journey and the destination was always Oneness. "Many are standing at the door, but it is the solitary that will enter the bridal chamber" " Whoever has ears let them hear" - Jesus (Gospel of Thomas)
  9. I respect your opinion and I would personally like to hear everything you have to say about deeper stages ... in detail if possible please ?
  10. By shining the light of awareness on it. When the light of awareness is shined on any situation it's easier to understand and unconditionally accept the situation because the mechanisms that create the suffering can be revealed.
  11. Yes absolutely there's apparently Something Happening Here and it's completely empty... a pregnant nothingness happening for No One.. Nothing will die because nothing was born. Ultimate phenomenon.... best in town ?
  12. Well love and unconditional love are just words.. These words are pointing to the unconditional acceptance of what is... What is happening doesn't have to be preferred or liked but it can be accepted because it's what's happening. Love = full acceptance of what is
  13. Yep...The illusion is thinking there's something here now ?
  14. When nothing matters there isn't an issue with loving or giving your dog water... if there was that would mean something mattered. Nothing matters has a deeper understanding... That's okay because I didn't take the time to explain everything in detail...❤ It's unconditional love ?
  15. One of Leo's videos that helped is called "Distraction the egos favorite defense mechanism" When I look back now after several Awakening experiences it's easily recognized how important it was to Calm the whirlpool of the Mind or Chronic pathological over thinking( monkey chatter) Traditional yogis believe that our souls are divine and therefore our true nature is a state of peace and bliss. But the whirls of consciousness that disturb our minds prevent us from experiencing our true nature. To reach the state of stillness—known as Samadhi—that allows us to experience the divine within us, we must reach the point where all the whirls of consciousness completely cease. A very straightforward translation of the sutra that defines yoga. Is quieting the mind through meditation. Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively toward an object and sustain that direction without any distractions. But either way, whether the aim of your practice is to experience the divine bliss that is your true nature or simply to become more present and comfortable with uncertainty, quieting the mind is the path that will get you there.
  16. A very pivotal moment here was when I started to recognize although I couldn't control what thoughts would arise, they just seemed to be arising less often and without as much energy behind them. I had control of whether I entertained the thoughts or not. Until one day I had almost no mind chatter at all... I noticed it at 10am in the morning, it was just quiet. That same day I had a snapping out of the Matrix experience.... my mind was so quiet that I immediately recognized how everybody's Minds we're controlling them and having them run around in the rat race doing doing doing achieving achieving achieving. I recognized our own minds have us Tangled in The Matrix....not anyone or anything else... our own minds!!
  17. Yes Enlightenment isn't a state or something that is attained in the future. It's what is already the case. Enlightenment is the solid full-blown recognition that the 'ME' structure is an illusion. This is another way of describing non-duality because what's recognized simultaneously is there aren't any separate individuals.... never was, never will be... it's always been an illusion(hints lifting the veil). Sometimes this is described as self realization /Oneness/The self, others say it's a complete illusion and there is nothing here at all (MAYA) What seems to happen after this deep recognition is a disentangling from social conditioning and a snapping out of The Matrix. The individual self agenda is completely rocked and dropped because it's now recognized by no one that there never was a self... Maya was just being identified with as the 'ME' Deeply conditioned patterns can still continue for a while but not for to long... Once the bottom of the bucket falls out, it will never hold water again. It's sometimes described as the end of suffering because it's recognized there never was anyone here to suffer... the whole thing was a complete misidentification " the separation never occurred" - A Course in Miracles ❤
  18. Yes good stuff... everything is always falling into perfect place... it's only a separate self agenda/ego that would say otherwise. Whatever is happening is what IS... Dropping the resistance to what is = liberation. ❤
  19. Yep that happens of course... People can turn doing nothing into a practice ?
  20. It's amazing how this message works so well with coping with the stresses of this coronavirus and how we really don't know what's going to happen ...but really the message can be used in all walks of life...she is great ❤
  21. Yeah it's very interesting I think the ego subconsciously knows it isn't real so it resists practices that shine light on its own unreality...? "The ego construct is nothing more than the impulse to repeat. It is simply the path that energy once took, and the tendency for the energy to take that path again, whether it is negative or positive for the organism. There is endless levels of memory or mind, spirals within spirals. When your consciousness identifies with this mind or ego construct, it ties you to social conditioning, which you could call the matrix" - Samadhi (Maya illusion of the self) I had always kept my meditation and yoga practice very simple... Focus on the breath in and out. Do not resist any thoughts but simultaneously do not focus on them either. When thoughts arise simply notice them and let them fall away. Don't force yourself to sit for an hour and meditate I found small 10-minute periods throughout the day work well also...❤
  22. @Natasha exactly..... here is some of the transcript from my favorite movie... Samadhi (Maya illusion of the self): "In today's world, the vast majority of people who are engaged in religious or spiritual practices, such as yoga, prayer, meditation, chanting, or any kind of ritual, are practising techniques which are conditioned. Which means they are just part of the ego construct. The seeking and the activity isn't the problem; thinking you have found the answer in some external form is the problem. Spirituality in its most common form is no different than pathological thinking that is going on everywhere. It is further agitation of the mind. More human doing, as opposed to human being. The ego construct wants more money, more power, more love, more of everything. Those on the so called spiritual path desires to be more spiritual, more awake, more equanimous, more peaceful, more enlightened"
  23. I just wanted to share some of these websites/free PDF books.. I was able to speak with Robert on the phone the other day... he mentioned all the free stuff on all his websites ❤