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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'Here it is' or 'There it is'. Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it." - Jesus (Gospel of Thomas)
  2. Great short video straight to the heart of non-duality.. definitely thought it was worth a share.
  3. It's not like a brainwashing tactic or becoming a meditative pacifist. It doesn't mean that you necessarily approve or like what's happening, but just dropping the initial resistance to the current situation. Dropping the resistance takes the initial sting out of the situation and you'll suffer less while making further rational decisions. Liberation is recognizing that 'what is' happening is all there is... There's never going to be a better situation in the future... The ego constantly projects there's going to somehow be a better 'what is' up ahead... The trick is to beat the ego at its own game by asking it ......then what? Every time the ego projects a better next moment, ask it......then what? ❤
  4. Love is just a word that could have infinite interpretations.. Love could also be described as a complete 100% Unconditional Acceptance of WHAT IS ❤ Suffering is caused by the inability to accept WHAT IS..
  5. Thank you for the compliment! Enjoyed reading yours also.. Sometimes it's like running through the dark blindfolded... and a complete free fall other times ?
  6. exactly... it was like what the f*** ...this nothing left is everything simultaneously ?
  7. Yes it's glorious and so beyond words... So many things can be questioned: 1) was the seeking and suffering energy of not finding a true catalyst for the self inquiry results? 2) can someone hearing their conditioned practices and seeking are pointless, create enough energy and frustration to turn within to find their true nature during inquiry? 3) if a guru just shakes you (papaji) and tells you to stop stop was this the true cause of their Awakening? 4) if someone empties their glass surrenders completely and listens to a Great Master explaining self inquiry is the way, can this alone awaken? 5) can a deep intellectual recognition that there is nothing to find minimize the seeking energies suffering? Love this quote: "Do not seek illumination unless you seek it as a man whose hair is on fire seeks a pond" - Sri Ramakrishna
  8. What happened here was a pause on the outwardly seeking... Then a question arose out of nowhere.... After a year-and-a-half of Hardcore seeking the answer must be right under the nose in plain sight but overlooked... Then something was remembered from an Adyashanti video... He was saying Enlightenment is a falling away process not a gaining or an adding of something.... The external seeking and anxiety energy was turned inwards and harnessed for deep self inquiry. It was recognized that the 'ME' that had been so desperately seeking, wasn't actually real... It was recognized the idea of 'ME' was just a compilation of beliefs ideas perceptions and labels 'I' was identified with as the 'I'... I began a Native American like layer sheading ceremony where I was physically acting out peeling off the layers and throwing them to the side... I began feeling lighter and lighter until there was nothing left... Here's a picture I true when I was catching on that the self was an illusion.
  9. @Guru Fat Bastard this is great information I'm not denying that. But what happens is another belief is then created that there is somehow value in stumbling onto the knowledge during seeking that there is nothing to find. This message is not saying any way is the right way it's saying that every way is the way... Whether the illusory individual seeks doesn't seek or something beneath the seeking energy recognizes there is nothing to find there is no meaning purpose or value to any of it... Because of course when it's discovered the individual isn't real there's no one there that gets anything out of it ... Sure there's less suffering for No One ?
  10. There's not a bunch of Concepts being pointed to here... it just seems that way the only thing being pointed to is: - the separate sense of self, the ME character is not real it's an illusion or Maya. When the 'ME' is recognized to have never been and it's seeking energy collapses... all of its earthly problems (suffering) go along with it. There can't be suffering when it's recognized the sufferer was an illusion.
  11. What's being conveyed by no one to no one is their is no meaning to anything because there is actually no one here for it to mean anything for. The self ceases to exist already, it's an illusion or Maya. Nothing will cease to exist after the body dies because there was never anything truly here in the first place. There was never a separate self born in the first place ...It was a misidentification This can't be understood by the Seeker because to the Seeker everything is real and meaningful and it is going to find the answer one day and be fulfilled... This whole scenario is hopeless because the separate self/seeker isn't real and there was never anything missing for it to find to complete itself in the first place. Something underneath this seeking energy hears this message and can recognize the separate self is an illusion fictitious belief created by the mind and energy in the body.
  12. Yes eliminating distractions for clearer concentration was important for me as well... Leo actually has some great episodes that can help with this I believe one of them is called distraction egos favorite defense mechanism...
  13. Unknowing is what was surrendered to here... There is no direction to go or not go... There is no path... you can't move towards or away from everything... There are no right or wrong's, should or should not, this over that... You can't go wrong when every option is everything... Staying put is the same as doing something... There isn't a higher power judging anything... There appears to be some kind of boundless pure potential energy but it's empty and void of any meaning or purpose... You could say this energy transcends meaning purpose value truth, but that would just be a projection of the Mind... Its THIS... and it can't be grasped by the human mind it can't be put in a box labeled and given a direction because it's everything and simultaneously an empty nothingness.. You simply can't go wrong because everything is IT!!!
  14. It's interesting how a few sentences from Osho feels like the knowledge of existence being revealed.
  15. Before Enlightenment one must roll the boulder up the mountain, after Enlightenment one must still roll the boulder up the mountain.... what has changed? The resistance to what is... Sounds like you got the message loud and clear thanks for sharing that was a very interesting story ❤
  16. I once saw a pigeon-toed albino giraffe with a crooked neck at the Santa Barbara Zoo it was quite the experience
  17. @Gnosis ? Yes when a direct experience of awakening occurs it's not a debatable topic... Its no one abiding in Non-dual awareness stating opinions about everything and nothing to no one... I can absolutely see how it would resemble a stubborn opinionated know-it-all guy. ?
  18. That's right but when it's recognized there are no separate individuals it's simultaneously recognized all is One AKA non-dual awareness/ Buddha nature. It's recognized the separate individual experiencing the absolute was never the case... it's always been the absolute experiencing itself as itself. Even Oneness or the absolute is realized to be illusion.. Ramana Maharshi spoke of this... emptiness within emptiness. I really don't usually discuss all the recognitions that follow the no self realization because it sounds like a complex story when it's really quite basic when it occurs.
  19. It's not as easy as intellectually understanding the false self is an illusion.. The seeking energy has to actually dissolve.. If that doesn't happen first it doesn't matter what recognition/belief takes place you will continue to seek or run on the hamster wheel for the rest of your life because you are quite literally still identified as the seeking energy/separate self. "Three things that can't be hidden for long the Sun the Moon and Truth"
  20. What happened here was when it was recognized by no one that the individual 'ME' was an illusion, the idea of anything truly having any meaning purpose or value dissolved because there wasn't an individual left for anything to matter for. The resistance to life died. Nothing matters is a freedom message for no one but I better shut up now before I get kicked off LOL
  21. The debacle if it could be called that, is there is no longer a belief in an individual here that could become aware of something called God consciousness in the future. It was recognized quite clearly that not only is there no one here, but no one ever existed in the first place...( it was a misidentification) The excitement of finding anything fell away because it was realized there isn't anyone here that would actually benefit from finding or becoming conscious of anything.... Its a big non-issue for no one ?