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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. The appearance of constant appearance change.... of course any real change is simply a matter of perspective. Is Boundless Energy seemingly changing, actually a real change? Depends on the perspective. ❤
  2. The experience of being a separate individual will always turn everything into a form of materialism. It turns everything into just another attempt to get what it feels is missing or lacking. The sense of self will always dismiss any claim or communication that doesn't sound like it's going to deliver some form of satisfaction for itself. It's spiritual materialism! So of course any communication claiming that this needy sense of self doesn't even exist is immediately like Kryptonite to it. Anything that directly slices through the illusion of self is immediately dismissed as BS by nothing other than the illusion of self of course... what a funny predicament wouldn't you say? ❤
  3. Yeah the word external was just used for communication purposes to describe the illusory experience of "I am here & everything else is out there".... if that's what you mean? Semantically a temporary appearance seems to be both real and unreal..... there's no denying that appearances seem to take place. Although when you get down to the brass tacks, I would have to conclude that a temporary appearance is ultimately unreal! ❤
  4. Tony Parsons has been sharing this communication for like 20+ years and Jim Newman for at least 11 or so. What seems to happen is infinite energy being infinite, also becomes constricted within the body and gives rise to the experience of separation or duality and not only within the body, but within everything(I am here and everything and everyone else is out there). And then with some help of societal conditioning, it overlays reality with those endless conditioned concepts such as: truth; meaning; purpose; value. (I am real and this experience is important & needs to be understood)....and the endless seeking begins! Enlightenment throws out the baby with the bathwater. It not only reveals that this desperate seeker is completely illusory, it also reveals that all of its cultural belief baggage is total BS. The habitual patterns of self identification start dissolving now that the constricted energy within the body is no longer being endlessly fed. The sense of self dies when this constricted energy relaxes back into everything. The energetic burden of upholding this needy self construct simply ends and is simultaneously realized to have never been real in the first place. Basically it's the end of identification and the body being drug around by energy & or conditioning! ❤
  5. It obviously depends on the interpretation of what real is. It's as real as it seems currently possible. I mean if that body runs full speed into a brick wall, I assure you that it's going to know it. But if you mean that it ultimately lacks in reality because it's not something infinite or eternal then yep its completely unreal in that regard! ❤
  6. Totally, I once saw my true self in this beautiful little donkey named froto but it ultimately was just my spiritual ego being a jackass! ❤
  7. Right, the conundrum part would be the misunderstanding that there is a real self which could attain something called enlightenment, yet never clearly understanding that it's just not a real something to attain or become in the first place! ❤
  8. Yeah that's what I'm saying... An internal perspective/experience of reality has nothing to do with actual raw reality & simultaneously it's also raw reality in the sense that any perspective or experience is exactly what seems to be happening. What happens is the conditioned experience of being a separate individual living in a world of meaning purpose and value creates a dream-like story or dream experience often referred to as the Matrix. In actual raw reality nothing is even happening, but within the dream story/experience, it seems like all kinds of meaningful important things are taking place continuously and with purpose. It could be said that enlightenment is the end of personalized perspective and experience. It could also be said that enlightenment is freedom from perspective altogether but for noone! The physical appearance does not change in any way at all.... the appearance of a tree is still the appearance of a tree the appearance of a dog is still the appearance of a dog and so on... ❤
  9. Here is a little comical Sense of self: This experience of reality is totally wild and crazy, there must be a very meaningful and fulfilling explanation for why everything is the way it is and if I can just figure it out, it will be very beneficial in my life. Reality: Interesting concepts, anyways here's what's going to happen... bada bing bada boom! Sense of self: If I just read enough spiritual content and do these numerous spiritual practices each day with total consistency and concentration, I bet eventually I will become an all knowing, all powerful selfless eternal entity, and all of my life problems will dissolve under the weight of Truth. Reality: What's Knowing & Truth? Sounds like man-made conditioned concepts, anyways here's what's going to happen.... bada bing bada boom! Sense of self: I am the creator and I ultimately control reality. Whatever happens is because I willed it into existence. True story! Reality: Well then why didn't you will yourself an umbrella the other day when it was pouring cats and dogs huh? Anyways here's what's going to happen.... bada bing bada boom! Notice how any belief or concept held about how reality functions or who is doing the functioning, makes absolutely no difference to reality. Reality doesn't need any concepts or belief systems to function, reality hasn't a care in the world about any belief systems or functionality theories that are given to it.... it just continues doing what it does regardless of the theories about how or why. And in fact, any change in the experience of reality due to a paradigm shift or awakening or whatnot, would simply be an internal experience and would have nothing to do with external reality and it's apparent functionality. In other words, internal beliefs do not effect external reality..... & any apparent effect or change would simply be in the mind of the beholder.... meaning ultimately it's unreal!! ❤
  10. Well then that's what's being experienced there whole complete and perfect ?
  11. Ah gotcha, That must be a wild experience bro! Here for a while when "I" was stationed with the Navy in Okinawa, the sense of self was seemingly dissolving & it felt like this condensed energy stored in the body was released back into everything. It genuinely felt like "I" had become everything or infinite energy of sorts. That experience eventually ended and there just wasn't anyone or anything left experiencing or even seeking for that matter.....even stranger, it was realized there actually never was an experiencer to begin with. "I" was actually watching a lot of your older 2015-2019 videos and doing the numerous self inquiry practices during lunch break and after work. Must have watched at least 35 of your vids on that deployment....and of course the SD and Collective Ego videos were money bro! Thank you for taking the time to make them. It's been a wild ride ever since! ❤
  12. Gotcha, "the old gods playing a joke on itself" belief. Those are actually all just concepts that only seem to occur within the dream story of "I am". There is no one here thats coping and no one there describing it. There just seems to be, which is the illusion of self-identity being pointed out! ❤
  13. Well sure brother, in that sense yes there IS a physical conditioned body here with apparent characteristics, a social security number and a birth certificate. But this "sense of self" within the body that claims "I am this or I am that" is an illusion of identity. This is of course why when the body ingest psychedelics and such, that sense of self construct or self boundary can become blurred or dissolve altogether during parts of the trip.... that happens because the self-construct is not actually real. It's like an enormous web of memories and conditioned beliefs which seem to make up this character called Travis or Leo. And this revelation doesn't have to always feel like some intense shocking mystical paradigm shift.... it can actually just become obvious and seem quite ordinary. It can also feel like "huh well that's interesting & strange" Although ordinary and simultaneously extraordinary seem to describe it well! ❤
  14. Yeah it's a trip, the illusion of ego/self makes it seem like there's a bunch of important & meaningful things happening! "There is just whatever seems to be happening" - Jim Newman ❤
  15. The apparent problem is that surrendering just becomes another concept that the ego/self uses to try and get what it thinks it wants. (enlightenment) But enlightenment is the disillusionment of the very ego/self which is attempting to attain it. In other words enlightenment has nothing to do with surrendering and everything to do with realizing there was never anyone real to surrender in the first was an illusion of self! It's the end of seeking due to clearly seeing that the seeker doesn't actually exist. It's similar to when it becomes obvious that santa claus isn't real.....there is no effort or difficulty involved in surrendering something that obviously never was! ❤
  16. Yeah lots of dramatic energy that means absolutely funny right? Reality is like one enormous play!
  17. It comforts people to have someone to believe in/worship! ❤
  18. There is a conditioned body that turns its head when it's name is called jumps out of the way of a moving truck and prefers coffee over tea but it's empty! The sense of self within that body is an illusion Maya Reality is a complete mystery completely unknowable completely ungraspable simply because the one attempting to grasp it isn't real from the start! That's Enlightenment, does it sound pretty?... It's freedom from illusory boundaries! ❤
  19. Then why does the body still experience a physical reality when there is long periods of amnesia? These people don't even remember their names let alone their characteristics and such.... yet they still seem to experience an external reality! ❤
  20. There isn't a you and then another thing called an ego. The ego is you, it's the entire self-construct or sense of self..... it's that which overlays reality with meaning, purpose and value and then operates from that perspective/dream story. But it's an illusion of identity and it's completely unreal. "Samadhi is the disentangling from the socially conditioned matrix of mind known as ME" - Samadhi (Maya: the illusion of self) ❤
  21. Well what happens is the "sense of self" that believes it has to deconstruct everything to awaken dies........then there's just everything which includes sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, thoughts, mental images. Enlightenment is the end of becoming due to the revelation that the individual attempting to become awakened, was only an illusion of identity!! ❤
  22. Yeah man it just becomes obvious that there isn't a 'self' inside the body. This often seems to be followed by an involuntary energetic relaxation of sorts and a slow fading away of this 'sense of self'. But yes, later it's recognized that nothing actually happened because there never was a real 'you' in which could fade away from the start. ❤