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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. I understand what you're saying... Embodying Nothing matters does not mean your going to sit on a log drooling on yourself for the remainder of life because nothing matters so f*** everything there's nothing to do. It's the recognition that there isn't anyone here for anything to actually matter for (nothing matters doesn't reveal this... Awakening reveals it) and there are no end results of actions... It's a complete Freedom message but for No One. ❤
  2. @traveler yes exactly well said.. every effort to drop the illusion reinforces its existence. It's like trying to throw the information over the separate self's head and hoping something is recognized.. The separate self does not want to hear this message... it wants nothing to do with it lol... for good reason it's it's death ?
  3. I'll always love you no matter what bud.. It just seems like you're trying to discredit me in different low key under the table fashions.. I totally get it.. If you can discredit or shoot the messenger you do not have to take seriously the implications of the message... I would encourage you to pin down what triggers you with the message and explore where that emotion is coming from..or don't it simply and wonderfully doesn't matter. ❤
  4. thanks bud...I wasn't seeking for your input.. If you believe half of a paradox is being held onto that's what's happening.. I was answering what seemed to be a question but since you already have the answers there's no need I guess.
  5. It really just depends on what you're talking about... Yes biggest picture understanding helps but does not matter at all... nothing does!! That's why I claim it's the highest teaching... but even that doesn't matter isn't it beautiful ?
  6. The real issue lies within the identification... When you are identified with said feelings or thoughts it triggers emotions... they become personal Same thing with the ego.. When you are identified with the ego or separate self believe it is your sense of self and suffering occurs. It's all a misidentification!!
  7. It's real and unreal... Are rainbows real? If you see a mirage of water in the desert Is that real? Appearances can have an effect but that does not make them actually real.
  8. There are apparent separate human beings walking around with apparent separate Ego's It's Just Energy being identified with as a separate self or ego... it isn't real!!
  9. Well the consensus seems to be that there can be an apparent oscillation period that can last several years... but it's a little difficult to describe because even that is just illusion.
  10. Nothing is known here absolutely of course, but there is a sense that there is no higher power(God) .. What's being slowly revealed over here is that everything is an illusion because they're isn't anyone actually here experiencing anything... The whole shebang is illusion.... self God others world Universe all illusion or Maya.
  11. You aren't anything already.. The belief that there's someone there that could build up or dismantle is illusion or Maya.
  12. A great way to describe it yes the feeling's mutual..
  13. Correct...but everything is THIS.... So also the void being written is also it. ❤
  14. Well you might have got caught up or distracted by the story you wrote... You cannot call or label something that leads to nothing a belief(non belief)... well actually you can call it whatever you want can call it dirty underwear but that label does not make it true.
  15. Taking a stance would imply action... Its a not doing...a never did No belief can ever equal belief.. This isn't a topic of discussion or debatable it's just what it is...
  16. My love for you is eternal it can never be diminished...❤ It's absolutely pure and unconditional no matter what you say I will always love you The unconditional love you could say then is inescapable ?
  17. Osho actually pointed this out very clearly... Not having a belief is not a belief system.. A belief leads somewhere.. No belief deprograms and does not lead anywhere...
  18. For 32 years I've been absolutely nothing.
  19. Somebody on here said to keep your hands on your body and it helps you stay grounded... maybe try keeping your hands on your stomach and heart ❤
  20. Rip... I will hereby answer everyone's questions from this point on... NM..