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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. She has been such an inspiration to me, she passed away over five years ago but I keep returning here and there to hear her incredible words of wisdom... she always said thoughts are our main source of suffering....
  2. Empty, surrendered, unattached, neutral, chameleon like, desire/expectation less, free floating, nobody, quiet, unreal, alone, blank, dreamlike, unimportant, nada.
  3. No worries at all I'm sure I got out of line also... Hard enough to explain experiences messaging let alone with language. I would say the experience that happened here was definitely non-dual as in I recognized there was no separate individual ME's for Duality to even exist... I wouldn't call it mystical ...more like a deep recognition. And of course NM is a message of perfect boundless freedom for No One... for what could ever bound that which never existed...❤
  4. Empty your glass... go into a study completely empty...drop any bias and prenotions on the topic. Yes, stay open minded and grounded simultaneously. "The greatest obstacle to Discovery is not ignorance, its the illusion of knowledge"...... thinking you already have the answer will block the truth from being recognized.
  5. Nothing from the start... Nothing is everything... 0 is Infinite... Emptiness is fullness(pregnant nothingness)... Knowing is a trap... Unknowing is freedom... When you stamp something as known you just limited yourself... When you say I don't know you free yourself... Belief is a prison sentence... Of course the only complete freedom is that which never could be free or bound... Pure Void!!
  6. @Pacific Sage ❤ Thanks for the nice comment!
  7. @Prevailer yes the body mind is very machine like... It will go on thinking the same way over and over again unless it's reprogrammed.. Reprogramming can happen a lot of different ways ie: meditation, mindfulness practices, shattering of paradigms or Awakenings. Like the GAP between u n machine thing.....keep looking into this...❤
  8. not only are you powerless but there is no you ahhhhhh
  9. There isn't anything happening... you know that ?
  10. It sounds like a big difference in the message.. Yes the separate self hates this message and avoids it completely... best bet sounds like it would be too avoid topics I post in I guess... Good luck ❤
  11. Well even if you/we were all God it would have no meaning purpose or value whatsoever and obviously you can't do any superpowers so what's the point of caring... You are not special in any way whatsoever in having that realization...
  12. There's no one here to think it sounds ridiculous or perceive there is a God... That's all Maya illusion of of the self ❤
  13. There is no answer because there is no one here to ask a question. Question and answer = complete emptiness It's coming from nothingness and arriving at nothingness
  14. Fortunately yes, there was never a self to experience anything. Consciousness is a dream it's all a dream. ? That's why the highest teaching is nothing matters... ❤
  15. Well you believe there's nothing other than yourself what do you mean?
  16. Cool story you can investigate your entire life and none of it will have any meaning value or purpose whatsoever... Simply because there isn't anyone here to get anything out of it... The someone here to get something out of something is the illusion hints Awakening...❤ ?
  17. Holy smokes this has been gone over about a dozen times... There is still a conditioned human body here... have you ever driven to the store and forgot you even did it... that's called conditioning The human body can still jump out of the way of a moving train and turn its head if it's name is called get a drink of water or eat something if it's hungry... choose coffee over tea..
  18. Let me guess I am God but I've placed myself in the finite form and rendered myself Time for something new bud... doesn't that just sound ridiculous... There is no God and there was never a you..
  19. Well what's been recognized here is that there isn't a ME or Others... This is exactly why Leo says to go out and find your own truth instead of adopting his beliefs.
  20. There is no belief taken on... that's a misunderstanding.. What's been recognized by no one is the separate self that seems to be identified with the human body is not real. It's not a gaining of understanding it's a falling away of something that never existed
  21. An Empty Answer You want me to “say more” about nothingness. Could anything be more paradoxical for the reader than to try to understand “nothing”? Why? Because most people start from the conviction that there is something which does exist; if nothing more, at least “me”. So, you will not likely appreciate nothingness unless you have come to realization through advaita. At least we will, then, begin without the assumption that a “me” really exists. But even for the realized advatin, there will almost certainly be a presumption that “something” exists in the realm of reality. Even “reality”. Advaita points to ajata, and ajata is about nothingness, or emptiness. The Diamond Sutra of Buddhism, points exclusively to it. Hui Neng, the Sixth Chinese Patriarch, declares flatly: ‘There is nothing from the start.” These sources, among others, set your foot on the path, but recognize that most people are then going to immediately be lost. I have written clearly about advaita, and several have understood what I’ve said. I have spoken, to some of these, about what lies beyond the “Absolute,” and a couple have understood. So I will try to explain it, as best I can. The “ultimate condition” (if any) is nothingness, the complete “absence” of anything—no thing, of any possible description. The (approximate) comprehension of this would be to conceive of “emptiness”, as the emptiness of which not anything could be emptied; pure unassociated emptiness, and not even an emptiness which is within some imagined boundaries. The word “void” could be applied; but this “actuality” is not void of something—in any positive sense. So the nothingness of which we speak is totally empty, free of any subtlety which could even be envisioned. Hence there is not anything “within” it that can be subject to any kind of movement, or even change. Not anything can “come from” nothingness, nor “return” to it. It is not the “origin” of anything. In fact, it could not be applicable to say that it exists, or does not exist. Thus we can’t say that this is the “beginning” condition or the “ending” condition. At best, we could say that (if it were “existent”) it would be the ever-present condition. Yet, it is not an abstraction: its presence is “eternal”. “In” its presence are supposed creatures, and the world and universe they seem to inhabit. But all of these supposed things are “in” nothingness. They have not appeared from nothingness, or out of nothingness, or because of nothingness. In fact, they have not actually “appeared”, except as nothingness. The creatures take their reality, their “existence”, for granted; and thus also the reality or existence of the world and its universe—not knowing that they are nothing. The assumption is: ‘There was a time when I didn’t exist, a time when I existed, and a time when I will no longer exist”. But there are no such times. Not anything has ever “existed”, from the standpoint of nothingness. In nothingness, there is no “time”. What makes this so difficult to understand, is that because we say that “I have existed”, we conclude that there is some thing. And indeed we look around and say there are other things, such as a world or a universe. But the presumption that there was a time when I did not exist (or do; or will not exist) is false: no arising, abiding or decaying exists in nothingness. In other words, not anything “happens” in nothingness. “We” are nothing, the “world” is nothing, the “universe” is nothing. In nothingness, there is neither existence nor nonexistence. There is only nothing. From the standpoint of nothingness, no questions can arise. We can not ask for, nor expect, an explanation: not anything ever happens, in nothingness. The value of this understanding is that not anything really matters. Even understanding this does not matter. All is emptiness. That is the “empty” answer. The scriptures speak of one who is in sahaja samadhi as having “no mind” or an “empty mind”. It is this appreciation of nothingness that is referred to.
  22. Yes exactly this is the message... Most teachers can't stomach the notion of there's nothing here from the start... Takes big nuts and total surrender...