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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Yep a pregnant nothingness an empty happening... Its unknowable.. It's indescribable.. It's nothing experiencing everything.. Its THIS!!
  2. Great explanation on how a spiritual awakening is not Liberation but is the beginning of the pathless path ❤
  3. @Natasha ❤ Agreed.. If you're interested in understanding quickly the entire message of A Course in Miracles, there is a book called " A Course in Miracles Made Easy by Alan Cohen" It's on Audible also...great listen and not crazy long ? Here are a few quick quotes from ACIM; "Rest does not come from sleeping but from waking" "Peace is stronger than war because it heals" "When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you will treat yourself. As you" "The separation never occurred" -- Foundation for Inner Peace, A Course in Miracles
  4. Who is this "I" character... Where is it...can u find it What makes up the "I"...
  5. A man has a conversation with God. “God,” he asks, “how long is a million years, to You?” “A million of your years is like one of My seconds” “Ahh,” the man says. “And, God,” he asks, “how much is a million dollars, for You?” “A million of your dollars is like one of My pennies.” “Ahh,” the man says, and he thinks for a moment. “God, could I have one of Your pennies?” ”Sure, “ God replies. “Just a second.” ?
  6. This is a very short and funny interview packed with some solid non-dual Q&A...thought worth a share ❤
  7. Remember Gents What is true is already the case... duality or relativity are not what's actually happening... that's why it's called an illusion or Maya the lifting of the Veil. ❤ It's already here it's just whether it's recognized or not..
  8. The ego/separate sense of self is a misidentification with thoughts beliefs perceptions ideas and energy as the ME character. When this misidentification is seen through or recognized, there can be shock there can be disbelief there can be humor, it just depends every experience is different... The Experience here was a subtle shift and a surprised feeling. So the short answer is yes it could or no it may not. These conditioned patters/Ego backlash often called Dark Night of the Soul or what's often referred to as 'me'ing and being can play out for days weeks months or years.... there's no telling how long until it happens. The main takeaway is the ego or separate sense of self is not an actual entity. Its Maya illusion of the self.
  9. "There is no reality separate from the natural reality. There is no going beyond, no border to cross, no other side. There is no other" -- Andreas Muller “There is no message, no hints, no path, no method, no goal, nothing that is to be reached. That is the miracle.” -- Andreas Muller
  10. Is it actually a fact that you're a neurotic person, or could it just be a belief identified with as a part of the 'ME'. What is the aim of your spiritual practices? What does Enlightenment mean to you?
  11. Who is neurotic? Is this belief in a neurotic person having trouble inducing enlightenment anything more than just another thought arising. The question is WHO is thinking the thoughts, where is that one? Where in the body is this so-called neurotic individual located? Have a look...❤
  12. Love this guys message!! Clear authentic loving all the way...
  13. already tried that... he had a pillow fight with himself fell off the bed and was out cold... I went and had a cocktail at the bar ?
  14. Lions and tigers and bears oh my...❤
  15. Happy birthday brother! ?
  16. "His disciples said to him: On what day will the kingdom come? <Jesus said:> It will not come while people watch for it; they will not say: Look, here it is, or: Look, there it is; but the kingdom of the father is spread out over the earth, and men do not see it" -- Jesus Gospel of Thomas
  17. @The observer ❤ hi welcome to the forum...
  18. There isn't an individual and there isn't a path... so what's bypassing?
  19. "The greatest obstacle to Discovery is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge"
  20. Consciousness and awareness can be spoken about all day.... but who's the perceiver/observer/witness ? Where is this one?
  21. It's literally the opposite of what you said here. It's seeing reality without the mind's conditioning.(filters,lenses, judgements) It's recognized subject was never apart from object... the separation was an illusion created by the mind and energy in the body. Enlightenment is Awakening from the dream of the separate individual...its simply Truth!! Psychedelics are great for throwing off the minds traditional/natural thinking patterns, and they create a new path for energy to take... it reveals alternatives... Now after this is recognized the trick is not taking any path at all... just stay neutral for a while until the illusion is completely seen through.. ❤
  22. And simultaneously Acceptance and rejection can still occur within this freedom... Also allowing acceptance or rejection is complete freedom!! ?
  23. True acceptance comes from awareness or understanding. Awareness alone is curative... It doesn't mean you have to like someone's behavior or necessarily tolerate it... When you understand the mechanisms that create suffering... unconditional love in all situations results.