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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. @traveler the pathless path through the gateless gate which was always the case...❤
  2. Yes it's been called consciousness or awareness or experience experiencing itself, or reality experiencing itself. You see, the self does not want to disappear... it will subtly sneak in the back door and claim it's now the True Self or Consciousness or Awareness or reality itself... This is still all within the dream of a separate individual that can be conscious here of everything else out there... it's another trick of the Mind.( it's still a subtle duality) it's still just mind tricks... When this is recognized, it can feel like the trap door is opened from underneath your feet, the illusory self Paradigm is shattered for good. It's been described as a free falling experience... but here it feels more like a free-floating with nothing to grasp ahold of... It's rare and undescribable for No One...❤
  3. There may be a feeling or a thought there of a separate individual that can go deeper.... that can know!! But there's nothing to be known and no individual to know it... Everything is already whole complete and perfect, but for No One. Who is the one that knows? What does this knowing construct consist of? Mind is not needed for this!! Look for yourself... who and what is the knower? ❤
  4. @IAmTheHolySpirit ❤❤ ❤Truth Orgasmic Truth ? love this!!
  5. There's a story created there that believes something needs to change and that something is lacking. You believe something needs to be experienced to feel complete. This is Maya, illusion of the self. Nothing is lacking, everything is already whole complete and perfect. Stop identifying with thoughts and beliefs that say otherwise. Paradise, the kingdom of heaven, enlightenment is already the case it just needs to be recognized. Look and see what's true for yourself. Is there really a problem or is it just a thought/belief? What is there that's prior to the thinking mind? Who is "I" that's seeking for a better experience? ❤
  6. really like his description of the 'I' in this video.... I've always described it as a misidentification with feelings thoughts beliefs labels and perceptions as the illusory 'I' character.
  7. From the time you are born, you start becoming conditioned... You are given a name a birth certificate and a social security number... Your family, friends and culture tells you who you are and how you should act. You begin to create an identity... But is this who you really are? When the conditioned story of who you are is recognized to be just that a story, what is left?
  8. I love listening to Daniel speak.. it's almost meditation itself. He is the creator of the Samadhi movies and Awakentheworldfilm ❤
  9. "Rene Descartes, the father of western philosophy, is famous for the saying “I think therefore I am”. No other phrase more clearly encapsulates the fall of civilisation and the full scale identification with the shadows on the cave wall. Descartes’ error, like the error of almost all humans, was the equating of fundamental being with thinking. At the beginning of his most famous treatise, Descartes wrote that almost everything be called into doubt; he can doubt his senses, and even his thoughts. Likewise in the Kalama Sutra, the Buddha said that in order to ascertain the truth, one must doubt all traditions, scriptures, teachings and all of the content of one’s mind and senses. Both of these men started with great skepticism, but the difference was that Descartes was inquiring at the level of thinking, while the Buddha went deeper- he penetrated beyond the deepest levels of the mind. Maybe if Descartes had gone beyond his thinking mind, he would have realized his true nature and Western consciousness would be very different today. Instead, Descartes described the possibility of an evil demon that could be keeping us under a veil of illusion. Descartes did not recognize this evil demon for what it was. As in the movie the Matrix, we could all be hooked up to some elaborate program feeding us an illusory dream world. In the movie, humans lived out their lives in the matrix, while on another level they were merely batteries, feeding their life force to the machines which used their energy for their own agenda. People always want to blame something outside of themselves for the state of the world or others for their own unhappiness. Whether it is a person, a particular group or country, religion or some kind of controlling Illuminati like Descartes’ evil demon, or the sentient machines in the Matrix. Ironically, the demon that Descartes envisioned was the very thing that he defined himself by. When you realize Samadhi, it becomes clear that there is a controller, there is a machine, and evil demon leaching your life day after day. The machine is YOU" -- SAMADHI
  10. con·scious·ness /ˈkän(t)SHəsnəs/ noun "the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings" "the awareness or perception of something by a person" "the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world" "consciousness emerges from the operations of the brain" noun. "the state of being conscious; awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc. ... full activity of the mind and senses, as in waking life: awareness of something for what it is; internal knowledge: consciousness of wrongdoing" Consciousness, awareness, truth, reality... The meanings of these words are just illusions of the separate self/ego/mind claiming it knows what's happening... it's all within the dream of the separate individual. It's not a bad thing... it's simply a survival strategy of the mind to cope with the hand it has been dealt. The mind, like a computer has its parameters... The mind cannot avoid conditioning( trauma abuse), evolutionary survival strategy... Its strategy is to know.... to place a label on everything, put it in a box and check it off as being known, so it can move on to the next apparent thing to become known.( pretend coping mechanism) The one that thinks it knows is the illusory separate self, Maya( illusion of the self) The-Dream. Nothing is known because there is No individual actually there to know anything... The knower(Maya) is a misidentification with thoughts, labels, beliefs,ideas and perceptions as the "ME" structure. It's a misidentification with the Mind and energy as the self or the 'I'.. You are not the mind, you are not the thoughts.... there simply is "No YOU" This recognition is freedom Enlightenment Liberation Paradise Kingdom of Heaven... There is no true self, there is no higher self, there is no godhead, there is nothing but everything... and it's pure unconditional love and freedom for No One ❤ ❤ It's Unknowing... it's complete Anarchy... it's THIS!!!
  11. " The pathless path to the gateless gate is riddled with Mines placed by the Mind" -- VeganAwake
  12. There is apparently a conditioned body that knows its name, feels Sensations, maintains its bodily functions and will absolutely jump out of the way of a moving train... The story and the thoughts that are identified with after-the-fact is the illusion(Maya)... oh my gosh 'ME' aka Joe...this human almost just got hit by a train holy s*** that was crazy.... Apparently only human minds are capable or sophisticated enough to create this illusory self inside the mind...(the 'ME') Eckhart Tolle tells a story of watching ducks fighting.....afterwards they just flap their wings to shake off the energy and go about their day... No story no ego no I should have got that piece of bread that the other duck got, that pissed me off... that quacker pulled out some of my tail feathers also lol. When there is an identification with these thoughts and Energies suffering occurs...
  13. There isn't an answer and there is no one path that should be taken. ❤
  14. This is only struggle for all... "In Vedanta it is said that the mind makes a good servant but a poor master. The ego perpetually filters reality through language and labels, and is constantly judging. Preferring one thing over another. When the mind and senses are your master, they will create endless suffering, endless craving and aversion, locking us into the matrix of thinking"
  15. This is a great video I stumbled upon after my experiences... everyone describes their experiences a little different. Daniel's resonated deeply with me. ❤
  16. @RevoCulture There isn't a goal or agenda here. If it's resonated with or not so be it. This is the dropping of concepts, not the gaining.. Its unknowing!! ❤
  17. The recognition that there is nothing to find because nothing is missing and there's no one to find it anyways ❤
  18. Yes if you want the truth more than anything else it will be found ?
  19. That's right there isn't the separate individual.... There's still thoughts feelings fears Etc.. but it belongs to no one. Everything else is unknowable, is it Consciousness or awareness is it experience experiencing itself is it a dream? There is no answer because there's nobody actually questioning..
  20. "Be. Don’t try to become. Within these two words, be and becoming, your whole life is contained. Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance" -- Osho