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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. how is there more to go when everything is already itself... whole complete and perfect. Just like Duality doesn't collapse because it was never real to begin with. You're so-called god-realization is just a thought in your mind... And even if you did recognize yourself as god which you are not... it absolutely has no meaning purpose or value whatsoever have no higher powers or any kind of special abilities in any way at all. You are not special for believing that you are God ?
  2. Neo advaita LOL more labeling... This is simply a tactic of the Ego to shoot the messenger so one doesn't have to take seriously the implications of the message... I truly love you bro and I've done my best to try to explain actual non-duality to you but you simply cannot understand it from a subject/object perspective. This work requires an emptying of the glass... it's a dropping of all concepts... (it's to die before you die) not simply finding one that resonates with the illusory self or its so-called experience. Yes, Brainwashed is the perfect word because it is a dropping away of the egoic self agenda or conditioned way of thinking. If you look close enough you will recognize that even so-called consciousness is just another thought created by the ego in a last-ditch effort to keep itself intact. This is what's referred to as spiritual ego, it believes itself to now be higher consciousness... it's really just more Ego/Mind tricks, only this trick is extra sneaky. See, the Mind or ego construct cannot perceive of its own unreality... it will literally do anything to keep itself from recognizing its own unreality and dissolving. God is a concept created by the mind to instill hope for the illusory individual... ❤
  3. They can disrupt the normal functioning of the Mind... They can reveal that there is an alternative way of thinking and perceiving or lack thereof... They can shed light on the fact that there is something beyond the thinking mind... They are handy wake-up calls to snap 'ME' out of pathological thinking and the unnecessary suffering it creates... "The ego construct is nothing more than the impulse to repeat. It is simply the path that energy once took, and the tendency for the energy to take that path again, whether it is negative or positive for the organism" -- Samadhi (Maya illusion of the self) Are hallucinogenics and drugs necessary for Awakening... of course not. Can they assist in Awakening... of course they can. (for reasons mentioned above) Can hallucinogenics and Other Drugs have negative effects... it depends on what you perceive as negative. Can hallucinogenics or other drugs expand consciousness... if you consider expanding Consciousness as a different way of thinking and perceiving then yes... do they create a potential that wasn't there before... no they do not.(unless the potential of not using the thinking mind is realized) Now let's get deep... What is before the thinking mind... What is there besides the thought of what is there... Row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.... Surprise!!! ? ❤❤ ❤ ❤
  4. You may be a little shocked when it's recognized the knowing yourself as awareness is still part of the illusion... nothing recognizing it's nothing, now that's the cosmic joke ?
  5. Yes and once these egoic mind thoughts are no longer believed in or entertained, they die down greatly until they almost never arise...this is so amazing because its recognized that you are not the mind or its thoughts.
  6. This made me think of the page that I keep from Eckhart Tolle in my truck. ❤
  7. Yes the ego or separate sense of self hates this message and it will never hear it... it will resist it all the way through. It cant imagine it's own unreality. There is nothing to do because what is, is already the case. There is still a conditioned body that will turn its head if it's name is called or jump out of the way of a moving train, or use the restroom when it has to.
  8. @meow_meow There is no future destination to arrive at because the one seeking isn't real... When this is recognized sometimes the seeking energy collapses back into the everything and nothing from which it arose. This would be what's referred to as Awakening.
  9. I wasn't sure where to put this on the Forum but wanted to share ...there's a great lineup of non dual speakers already set up. ❤
  10. @dimitri yes I follow several non-duality speakers on YouTube..? I get the new video and event reminders ? Love you too brother.
  11. The Tao Made Easy by Alan Cohen; A Course in Miracles Made Easy by Alan Cohen; Awaken Now by Fred Davis; The Tantra experience by Osho; The Open Secret by Tony Parsons; The end of your world by Adyashanti
  12. It could be said it's a Transcendence of the mind and it's conditioned reality.
  13. "The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. If you wish to see the truth then hold no opinion for or against. The struggle of what one likes and what one dislikes is the disease of the mind" - Sengstan, Hsin Hsin Ming
  14. The separate sense of self is never satisfied... it always feels like something's missing and needs to be changed... it always feels there is a better position than its current position. This is a form of seeking continuously running on the hamster wheel until you die... The constant seeking and not feeling adequate perpetuates the belief in the illusory separate sense of self that will one day become satisfied... If you are seeking for a better position in life you are asleep in the dream.
  15. Mmm baby calf growth fluid utterly packed with sex hormones blood and pus from the bovine species. Hehe joking ?
  16. Yeah it looks pretty nasty right now, I'm not sure what the future holds, apparently they're saying they will be able to make meat with less saturated fat and cholesterol. Dr. Michael Gregor actually thinks this is a good idea because it eliminates the animal cruelty factor... he surprised a lot of his followers with that promotion..haha
  17. @Nemo28 this may very well be the future of the meat industry...
  18. You will never be able to know person B's thoughts because that particular human body/mind has its own conditioning... For example person B's body has had different experiences which can create different thoughts to arise. If person B was abused or spoiled or whatever, it will create a different experience there. Of course that's just identification with the mind as the self.
  19. @raphaelbaumann sounds like you've already had some pretty clear direct experiences... What exactly are you looking for? Take a look around your house, take a look outside, walk down the sidewalk, go into a grocery store.... aren't you aware while you do these things? There isn't a vast mystical realm where you become an all-knowing entity or presence or something like that... that's an unrealistic expectation occurring within the dream of the separate individual. It's Maya illusion of the self... All there is is what's happening... All there is is THIS... When one is asleep the experience of THIS feels personal, it's all about the ME, there's a story and everything has meaning purpose and value. When one is awake there's just THIS without a story attached to it... it's indescribably perfect whole and complete..❤
  20. Yes Liberation or Enlightenment is always the case.. whether it's recognized or not is another. That doesn't make Duality real, it makes it a misunderstanding.( if someone believes they saw a purple two headed dragon on LSD that does not make it real) There are no real separate individuals inside the bodies... The belief of a separate individual inside the body is a misidentification with thoughts, feelings, beliefs perceptions, labels and energy experienced as the 'ME' within the body... this is Maya illusion of the self...❤ Don't take my word for it though take a look for yourself...
  21. you're very welcome... this can be tough topics to understand texting on a forum... you can hit me up anytime or private message me. A big step is recognizing you are not your thoughts... or your thoughts about yourself. ?
  22. It's incredible how two videos can appear different due to language and simultaneously be describing the exact same underlying transmission...❤
  23. Who is the "I" that feels like it may have fallen into this trap... Is it not just another thought? A thought cannot fall into a trap, only a misidentification with a thought as the "Separate Self" could feel like it fell into a trap.