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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. True Nature: That sounds like the new and improved spiritual ego sneaking in the back door and subtly taking back over... only this time it's extra sneaky because it's all about love compassion and harmony. Examine the so-called Self with razersharp focus and you'll see it's unreality....its an illusion ❤
  2. @assx95 Recognize there isn't a 'YOU' inside the body that needs to do anything. 'YOU' are a misidentification with thoughts and energy stored in the body. ❤
  3. Went on a quest to find myself and disappeared....
  4. Absolutely... it will not hear this message no matter what... It wants to survive. Something else recognizes it...❤
  5. @Javfly33 You just won funny Quote Of The Day: ❤ "I'm trying to prepare for the surrender" Damn Human Condition right...? The self that's not real is preparing to recognize its own unreality... Seems kind of like reinforcing a brick wall before you try to battle ram it...
  6. They can disrupt the normal functioning of the Mind... They can reveal that there is an alternative way of thinking and perceiving or lack thereof... They can shed light on the fact that there is something beyond the thinking mind... They are handy wake-up calls to snap 'ME' out of pathological thinking and the unnecessary suffering it creates... "The ego construct is nothing more than the impulse to repeat. It is simply the path that energy once took, and the tendency for the energy to take that path again, whether it is negative or positive for the organism" -- Samadhi (Maya illusion of the self) Are hallucinogenics and drugs necessary for Awakening... of course not. Can they assist in Awakening... of course they can. (for reasons mentioned above) Can hallucinogenics and Other Drugs have negative effects... it depends on what you perceive as negative. Can hallucinogenics or other drugs expand consciousness... if you consider expanding Consciousness as a different way of thinking and perceiving then yes... do they create a potential that wasn't there before... no they do not.(unless the potential of not using the thinking mind is realized) Now let's get deep... What is before the thinking mind... What is there besides the thought of what is there...
  7. That's why it's called the pathless path ❤ Sometimes the desperate hardcore seeking and or suffering leads to so much energy buildup that it creates a dropping away or deep recognition... and sometimes it doesn't. See the seeking reenforces/ perpetuates the belief that there is a separate individual that will maybe one day find something called enlightenment... But enlightenment is the cessation of the illusory self structure which is seeking lol....see the issue? it's kind of like screaming for silence... It's so simple and so difficult simultaneously... because in one sense it's already the case and in another it's not recognized at all. It is what it is...
  8. @Aquarius Very interesting thanks for sharing ?
  9. So Liberation could then be described as the recognition that there never was a separate individual that needed to wake up... it was a misunderstanding/misidentification. this makes Enlightenment Awakening or liberation non-applicable... Because there is no one that wakes up.
  10. meant to say can't go wrong( edited it) ❤
  11. You cant go wrong because everything is IT... The only thing that would think it took a wrong path is a thought identified with that says it.
  12. Well this is why it's described as Awakening from the dream. When it's recognized that the feeling that there's more to be found is just another thought, it takes the wind out of the sails sort of speak. When it's recognized that the feeling of separation and lack is just another thought identified with.... where do you go from there? There's nowhere to go because THIS is already it... it's already complete and perfect. And seeking for something other than THIS experience is also it...
  13. No one recognizes it and that's what's so mysterious about the whole thing... it's almost as if something underneath the sense of self recognizes it... Now what could you call that: God Consciousness Higher self... you could call it whatever you want, you can call it dirty socks, but the fact is labeling it and using Concepts to conceptualize something that can't be understood is really just silly... It's absolutely unknowable... But there's nothing wrong with trying to know. Trying to know is also perfectly whole and complete. ❤
  14. Sure, The recognition that there isn't a separate individual inside the body. The sense of self was a misidentification with thought and pathological thinking which started at a very young age. Simultaneously the recognition that there is nothing to continue seeking for because the Seeker isn't real and there was nothing missing in the first place that could be found.
  15. The peace does not lie in the checking off the minds endless box's. Nothing can be added or taken away because everything is already THIS ❤ There's nothing else required you're already whole, just BE...
  16. A great way of explaining it ? In a sense the recognition that there is nothing to be found and no one who could find it, is the seeking energy going bye-bye ?
  17. And it's perfectly fine to have that recognition, experience or belief there... no judgement at all. What this message is attempting to communicate is that "the sense of self" can not conceive of its own unreality. And why would it, it wants to survive just like any other apparent living entity. It simply cannot and will not accept that it's unreal. It will subtly sneak in the back door as the true self the higher self the spiritual self the god self.... it will do whatever it has to do to not die... It will say look I'm the new spiritual do- gooder Ego, there's no reason to ever get rid of me, I'm all about peace love and harmony more more more. This isn't Liberation or Enlightenment, it's a case of the sneaky spiritual ego trip. This exact experience occurred here... the ego was regathering itself and returning as the Great and Mighty all-knowing Spiritual Ego. The recognition here was too deep though and it was seen for what it was... just another attempt by the Ego to slide in and take back over. to make a long story short: It was dropped like it was hot ?...