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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. It's also the subtle and sometimes strong feeling that something is missing and needs to be fulfilled otherwise known as the seeking energy... it feels lacking and incomplete.... separated basically
  2. Stop trying to do something. Just stop giving them attention they are not yours. Don't push them away and simultaneously do not claim them. Just let them burn themselves out....❤
  3. It's not only a belief, it's an experience that 'YOU' are a separate individual within the body. There is a conditioned body with all the senses to include eyesight but its empty. The illusory 'Self' or 'Ego' is a missidentification with the bodily sensations, localized energy and conditioned thoughts that arrise. Basically the 'self' claims all of this as Mine and then suffers.
  4. This has been his 43rd Zoom meeting during the covid quarantine. The communication in English has improved a great deal during this period.
  5. Sometimes when you get down to the brass tacks of it and sort through the wheat and the chaff you recognize what was being longed for was never missing.
  6. I am completely unaware can you please explain how you are willing everything as God.
  7. I don't really have an opinion on any of these things. If they are being experienced or experimented with there, that's what's happening. Energy is boundless so anything is possible. There's no right or wrong good or bad. ?
  8. They are things you have been conditioned to believe are bad. That doesn't mean there won't be repercussions for these supposed bad habits.... because of course if culture conditions us, there are apparent others that also believe that they are bad.
  9. A very interesting read so far I downloaded on Audible because I had extra credits ? Thanks 4 share ?
  10. The mission of Nothing Conference is to provide guidance to enlightenment seekers as well as post-awakening support and community. Join us as we explore and share in the space of being, taking a deeper look into the human experience in this play of life.
  11. It can't be lost because even the feeling of losing it is still it.....weehoo ?
  12. Yahtzee! got it ? And everything the illusory self thinks it knows is also it...its always ONE The great unknowable everythingness
  13. ❤ yep it lays down its version of reality on top of what already IS and then operates from that perspective reality. If 'I' meditate do yoga and eat white rice... everyone else that meditates and does yoga and eats white rice is good and everyone else is bad. If you look at a bird and label it as a bird, you will never see the bird again. It's Unknowing!!
  14. Yep...Even the material is extraordinary... Just look at a bike or a pencil or a flashlight... they're truly Indescribable and unknowable.
  15. Stories are cool and fun too!! There what's happening!!
  16. Could it just be another fear based form of hope like people use religion. The belief that although the physical body will eventually perish, a part of the conscious 'ME' as 'I' know it will go on living eternally. What if Consciousness was just a fear of death based thought.... or like a subconscious under the radar egoic survival strategy. Like where or what is consciousness... is it just another thought? I mean you aren't conscious of what is happening at the neighbors house right now; you aren't conscious of what's happening down the street; you're not conscious of what's happening in the next city over; you're not conscious of what is happening on the other side of the world. I know some would say it's prior to thought or it transcends thought but if the separate sense of 'self' is a misidentification with thought, what is left. Could consciousness just be a thought about a state of awareness that transcends thinking, time and space? Is Consciousness getting confused with the bodies eyesight and infinite imagination? Is consciousness just another belief?