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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. There is no 'WE', that's what non-duality is pointing to. The finger pointing suggest duality. The finger was never separate from what it was pointing to. ❤
  2. I wouldn't describe it as a withdrawal...❤ That still subtly suggest it was real to began with. It's the clear recognition there was never a separate 'ME' that could become enlightened. Because Enlightenment is pointing to the cessation of the 'Self'.
  3. There isn't a 'You', that's what non-duality is pointing to....
  4. Enlightenment does not expose dualism. It illuminates the fact there was never a separate individual (duality) in the first place. To say something was exposed is still subtly suggesting it was actually real in the first place.... " The separation never occurred" -- A Course in Miracles
  5. @James123 absolutely ...a lot of his videos had poor sound quality, or airplanes flying overhead or trains passing by LOL so I try to find the good ones.
  6. Also check out from 9:00 - 19:10 ❤ I've spoken with Robert Wolfe several times on the phone since he lives right here in Ojai California.
  7. Yep pregnant nothingness empty and crazy!!
  8. I think it's about whatever is being experienced, joy pain fear love hate all of the above. ❤
  9. Im eating the chocolate bunny also.... Hehe sounds funny.
  10. Yes I don't even like to say it disappears because it's recognized it just never was. Like the old Indian analogy of the snake and the rope. Although the rope had an apparent ability to cause emotion and effect. It was never a real snake... ❤
  11. yes that's a good book...❤ Basically we lay down our agenda on top of reality and then operate from that position. If things go according to 'my' agenda its good. If they're not in alignment with 'my' agenda they're bad.
  12. Sometimes I get the feeling that you're so adamant about this position because your Forum name is "someone here" It's real and it's unreal... real in the sense that it appears that there is a separate individual inside the body which believes life has meaning purpose and value and its biggest problem is death. Unreal in the sense that if you peer close enough through the Veil of Maya, it can be a recognized there isn't any real substance to this illusion. It can be recognized it's a misidentification with thoughts and contracted energy in the body as the 'Self structure'.
  13. So you're giving God an agenda. Do you believe the animals are just here for our enjoyment also... or is it for their enjoyment. I get what you're saying but that would be a tough pill to swallow for someone who just lost their entire family to the Coronavirus or a hurricane. See when you go into to any inquiry believing you already know the answer it becomes the roadblock oftentimes. Hence why the saying "empty your glass" is so important in these kind of inquiries. For example maybe there isn't an intention at all and we just place that belief on to god/purpose of life. The biggest obstacle to Discovery is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge
  14. Yes the feeling of Unconditional Love... The love that remains when it's recognized the separate individual that placed meaning purpose and value( conditions) on top of THIS experience was an illusion. Like Tony Parsons says it's all 'The Beloved' It's perfect whole and complete for No One. It's Unknowing!! Its THIS!!
  15. First and foremost my Forum name is not vegan, it's VeganAwake. I can afford plenty of lawyers unlike you.. thats laid off. look Bud Leo has been a huge inspiration in my life.. along with a deep Awakening experience and not a mystical made up story to match his experience.... I would honestly challenge you to go out and find your own experience. Clear recognition of non-duality isn't something that's experienced prior to Awakening. I would recommend you as a newbie that's good with words but just doesn't understand non-duality.... It's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of it's just whether it happens or not... an experience that is..
  16. Who is frustrated? Where is that one show it to me... Where does that one reside? I will take care of business for all of us
  17. No it's not false it transcend's true or false. There's nothing true and there is nothing false. Either it's recognized or it's not and it doesn't matter either way Existence goes on existing whether or not there's false premises placed on top of it or not. The marriage world and existence as we know it could be apparently collapsing for an individual. The birds are still birding the mountains are still Mountaining The trees are still treeing and the grass is still grassing. We are not the center of the universe as much as we want to believe it or not. ❤
  18. I will be honest there's an energy build up from the frustration of individuals that believe they will find something of THIS! For god sakes we are energy we are creation we are this. Sometimes I can't believe the illusion of grandeur isn't recognized as future fulfillment.... or keep running on the hamster wheel so the ego self can survive. This is it brother there's nothing else. It's beautiful whole complete perfect the Kingdom of Heaven Paradise
  19. No I have no idea what you mean whatsoever. This isn't an illusion of grandeur/ or adopt others beliefs forum this is what's really happening for you. And Leo will be the first one to reiterate to go out and find what's true for you. This isn't an adoption forum. It's a find out what's true forum. For yourself ❤ ❤ ❤
  20. This is what you said: "and in the same way, there is aspects that are 100% that you haven't seen either, and me to" There isn't a 'YOU' to see anything that's what's being pointed out. Have you listened to anything I've said or could you be stuck to your own belief Paradigm. Or could it be you don't accept the fact that there is awakeness here revealing what is. You will probably go on believing everything you believe and that's fine because its whole complete and perfect... no issue whatsoever Awakening from the Dream is for the unknowers. ❤