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Everything posted by VeganAwake

  1. Well it's not a philosophy or a belief and it doesn't teach anything. It doesn't lead anyone anywhere or have an agenda to push. It's an empty message. Its also not an attempt to swap one belief out for another. It leaves the canvas blank without any paint on it. It's very "childlike" in the sense that it's prior to the societal conditioning most are subjected to, while growing up! It's similar to Ralstons discussions about Unknowing.....but its also not that, and simultaneously it includes that as well because it's Everything. It has nothing to do with so-called knowledge, experience or teaching of any sort. Its a communication attempting to point out the Unconditional Freedom of Everything, exactly as it appears to be, and prior to any so-called knowledge about it! It's not even a something to be gotten because it's already the case. ❤️
  2. Ah gotcha, so your foundation for your so-called morals, stems from fear of experiencing those consequences.....interesting 🤔 That so-called moral weight, is a completely fictional scale of measurement created by your very own conditioned way of thinking(matrix). Labeling natural life experiences as evil, is just a lazy way of dealing with fear based problems. Concocted stories from scared humans does not give anyone a very accurate moral compass! There is no need here to waste my energy on rejecting the belief in a higher power. It just becomes blatantly obvious, that these ridiculous fear based religious stories have nothing to do with truth! Stop believing that humans from thousands of years ago or any time period, had some kind of sacred knowledge to pass down. Those people we're just as clueless as humans are today about How & Why! Only worse because they created a bunch of BS stories raging chaos across the planet as a religious weapon of war! So one could actually say the concept of Evil was created by ignorance & fear! ❤️
  3. I get what your saying overall. I'm not disagreeing that there aren't apparent consequences in life that inflict pain and mental's very obvious that there are! I'm talking about the meaning of the word "Evil" itself and what it typically insinuates. It's usually tied to a religious insinuation: Good vs Evil; Heaven vs Hell; God vs Satan....blah blah blah! What's being said here is that pain and suffering are just one of the many consequences of life or reality. Just like feeling blissful or blessed or secure or insecure or cursed. When there isn't a real higher source to compare anything to, how could anything ever be truly confirmed as being Good or Evil? or If there isn't a higher dictating force or creator of apparent reality, how could there actually be any real morals? Humans dont like this because it sounds like chaos or they created there own(religion), stemming from fear. Humans want to feel grounded in some sort of meaning and purpose cradle. They want to have direction, but in reality, there isn't any. Sure there are natural biological instincts for the human body to survive, but that doesn't constitute real universal meaning or purpose. For the record......This realization would not help someone with mental health issues, or maybe anyone at all for that matter 🤣.....which is why I said what I said earlier. Apparently reality wasn't particularly concerned about its inhabitants feeling safe and secure with a meaningful existence when it took shape! 🤣 Where can we send the complaints 🤔 ❤️
  4. You're just repeating the same things over and over! I've already mentioned that it's natural human instinct to help someone in distress, prior to any thought about it. If nothing ultimately matters then it also doesn't matter to act on those natural biological survival instincts. So-called evil people are mentally unstable and often childhood abuse victims. See how that changes things rather quickly? Your so-called evil exists theory could very easily be reworded to simly a severe mental health conflict. Hitler was a complete nutcase...... His parents were abusive alcoholics. These nutcases are often attention seekers also 😔 You are more than welcome to believe anything you want.... That's what's being experienced there! It's just not a universal truth or anything like that. Its just conditioned beliefs probably pushed onto you from a young gullible age....nothing more nothing less! ❤️
  5. You are just misunderstanding what is being said. You are also then placing your misunderstandings of what's being said, onto me, and then saying see your theories aren't correct 🤣 The recognition of nothing ultimately mattering, does not mean you become an emotionally numb individual sitting in a chair druling and spouting nothing matters lol. If nothing matters, then it also doesn't matter if you help a person or person's in need, regardless of beliefs about Why! Most people don't sit in thought about Why they would rescue someone in distress, they just act, which are those biological survival instincts we discussed. And it wouldn't be acting on your own values necessarily if someone needed rescuing. That's assisting them in there struggle for survival...their needs or beliefs about the importance of survival. Both good and evil are simply human creations or concepts.....nothing more! There is no universal scripture of meaning and purpose; good and evil written in the cosmos and delivered to us humans to follow. Those are absolutely bias conditioned human creations that were created by fear of the unknown! ❤️
  6. It's obvious that you really want there to be a big important universal meaning/purpose to apparent's just not the case. Overall existence could care less about your socially conditioned human beliefs, about things mattering. Ultimately nothing matters in any way at all! Sorry, but the biased self constructs opinions do not apply universally or anything like that! There's no higher power or energy dictating these concepts either! Meaning, purpose and value are all merely conceptual stories stemming from fear & neediness of the self construct.....nothing more! It's that free! ❤️
  7. Yes humans and animals all have that biological survival instinct. But what animals don't do is create an endless conceptual storyline of illusory importance on top of apparent reality, and operate from that assumed perspective. Their brains don't create repeated stories of WHY over and over again. The conditioned self construct lives in a world of meaning and purpose. It can't understand a reality without feels way to unstable and triggers fear.......same with death. The self construct can't fathom death because death is the end of experience......all it knows is experience, so death is scary for it! That fear is essentially how all religions were created...... If we create a story of an afterlife, we all feel better yay! There's absolutely nothing right or wrong with creating an illusion of meaning and purpose to's just what self's do! Nothing matters in the sense that when these bodies die, they won't know they ever existed. Every living entity in existence will eventually nothing ultimately matters in that sense! That doesn't mean there can't be survival or taking care of one's mental health and such! I would still help someone out of a burning home even though I understand that ultimately nothing matters! ❤️
  8. This isn't a mental health therapy forum. You should maybe encourage people needing that kind of support, to seek elsewhere if you care that much. I'm not rejecting anything or trying to push a belief system, but I can understand how it might seem that way. I don't have any answers, my comments are useless for a "me" construct. Give me an actual example of how that so-called "knowing worth" & "real insight" has made any positive impact in your life or anyone else's. That so-called knowledge is an illusion of importance. Sorry! Meaning, value, purpose......all illusions of the matrix of mind ❤️
  9. Yup, Nothing is good either! Being good or spiritual is just another attempt to make self/ego feel better about itself! Ultimately it doesn't matter which direction anything goes because direction is an illusion! Right and wrong are simply concepts created by scared conditioned humans! Reality is complete chaos or anarchy.....that's why religion was created! Because of fear an illusory dictator or commandments are created! ❤️
  10. Yup ma'am, It's a complicating illusion that thrives in creating conceptual stories and layers(matrix) Delusional complexity fits well 🤣 ❤️
  11. Describing anything as poor translation, is also poor translation ....everything is already itself, regardless of human judgment or opinions given to it! If everything is God then everything is God, including the so-called good, bad and ugly! Poor is God Rich is God Ego is God Lack of ego is God Silence is God Noise is God Dirty underwear is God A strawberry milkshake is God 😁
  12. That's what U.G Krishnamurti is pointing out! 🙏
  13. Notice that when you point out or place the concept of silence up onto a pedestal, it subtly insinuates that it's special or somewhere else, or as if it's a goal to achieve.....silence is no different than noise in the sense of equality! Seeking for silence is like shouting for quiet 🤣 Seeking continues until its clearly recognized, there's nothing missing. A self can never stop seeking and bask in silence because it's a noisy complicating illusionary's very nature is noise lol! ❤️
  14. An empty total is simultaneously everything.
  15. Yup, everything is connected. It was never separated to be's always been whole and complete. There just isn't a right or wrong way to anything.......all there is, is WAY! All paths lead to whats already just seems like there's different paths to different places or states....that's the illusion or matrix of mind! ❤️
  16. Like judging a book by its cover. Years of societal conditioning is the culprit of those judgmental misunderstandings. Once it's clearly recognized that thoughts cannot be a trustworthy source, it's recognized that thoughts cannot be a trustworthy source, although sometimes they can be 🤷‍♂️ ❤️
  17. Real love is unconditional. It doesn't waver or change overtime. It's an overarching acceptance of everything exactly the way it is! ❤️
  18. The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge. Daniel J. Boorstin
  19. "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge". ‐Daniel J. Boorstin
  20. Wow, you could help people as a therapist. Very interesting, Here there wasn't much backlash/annihilation pain or at least it wasn't long lived. It was clearly seen that the self construct or ego-mind construct was simply never real from the only seemed to be ❤️
  21. It's not known, but it seems to be recognized when the knower goes bye bye! Seems that nothing seemingly recognizes doesn't make logical sense, "I know" 🤣 Unknowing/Unknowable ❤️
  22. It's just not a something to be applied or integrated.....It's not a method to be used or a way of perceiving reality. It's every way, every perception, every method and every path. And in that sense it's simultaneously none of them! Everything & Nothing! It's all inclusive or all encompassing. The pathless path, wayless way, methodless method 🤣 If it could be integrated it would be duality or separate. Wholeness is already perfectly integrated ❤️