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About AlterEgo

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  1. Hey! Someone on this forum finally said it. 🥳
  2. Yup. At least he has his precious fiat currency that's losing value by the minute. How can these guys not see the writing on the wall? Yes many coins will come and go, but crypto as a whole is not going anywhere. Especially utility coins. It's only getting started and is going to EXPLODE next year. Welcome to new money.
  3. Yet these are still very valid questions to which you have no counter. Proving his point that the best answer the left has is 'it's not OrangeMan!' I 100% understand not wanting Trump in office, but Kamala has made it very clear she is not fit in the least to run the country. Her only 'policies' are the ones she is told to have. Democrats have really fucked themselves this time.
  4. Go get laid and then tell me how you feel about this. Just once
  5. @Leo GuraMaybe he was resentful that Trump grabbed his mother by the pussy 🤡🤡🤡
  6. A so-called enlightened forum calling for death upon political opponents. Real high-consciousness stuff guys.
  7. Not too long ago you called bullshit on David Hawkins claiming he healed his diseases by reprogramming his subconscious. Now you're gonna charge for your own program? Ok
  8. Something I read today: 'Frustrated Love gives birth to fear and hate; it gives birth to evil. The absence of Love is fear. The rejection of love is hate' What do you guys think?
  9. Well he did manage to cure many diseases, so how would you know? There are tons of people who have also healed themselves using belief work. Have you ever tried it?
  10. Porn is destructive. As the wise Steve-O from jackass fame put it: "porn ruins relationships" As someone who has been through this, it's very true. Porn is a drug that has no actual useful benefits to everyday life.
  11. Yep, would you want people to pirate your creativity and hard work that you put a price tag on? On the flip side, many people will move to higher understanding through pirating the right materials. So it depends on the level you're at, but not stealing is definitely the more integrous and higher way. I've stopped pirating anything about 4 or 5 years ago and my conscience feels much cleaner because of it.
  12. I wasn't expecting too much, but this was a really nice message from Sly.
  13. Holy shit, 30 days is insane. How sure are you that you can last that long? Not trying to be a downer, I hope you actually do it, just seems like an extremely difficult thing to do.
  14. 12 And... I find it easy to manipulate people. I don't like it when I find myself manipulating people The toughest one for me. It's both for sure.