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Everything posted by Joshuas

  1. Volt is a political movement that wants to work towards a healthy, modern, united Europe. They're a great party and I'll be voting for them today in the Dutch elections. I think you guys would lik this: They're very conscious. They even talk about not left or right, we want to create solutions that work. Which is in line with Leo's view on politics, so that's rather sweet. Would love to hear Wether you heard of them before and what you hink, but mainly I just wanted to share them. Have a good day.
  2. Should you pursue the urge to become a mystic, while not having a job, career or company build up that is aligned with your deeper values? A complementary question — Should you prioritise building and running a career that is aligned with your deeper values over your spiritual inclinations? Or am I fooling myself altogether here with these two questions, and is the only way to get it right finding a way to bring them together? And if this is the case, what would be your advice on working on that constructively over a long period?
  3. What is the relationship between weird phases in life and Personal Growth? By personal growth I mean something specific, explained in the model in the image. By weird phases I don't mean phases of destructive behaviour, but where your mood and motivation are out of whack in a way that feels strange and empty as opposed to lazy. Thanks a lot, Have a good day
  4. I could use some clarification. What does a mystic do? How does a mystic live? How does someone become mystic like? I have hunches, but I mostly have been feeling strangely drawn to the word mystic for years now, even slightly before I found this place which is about 6 years ago now. So I just came up with the idea, why not just ask here. What is a mystic? And how does one become one? Is wisdom the defining feature? Or mastery of consciousness work? an adept spiritual seeker? Someone who yearns to know nature deeply, beyond conventional knowledge out of a deep intuition for more? Someone who helps the people he meets in his life in meaningful and impactful ways in a seemingly effortless approach? Or none of those? I realise giving a hard explicit answer to my questions doesn't actually answer the actual question, but I would still like to know. So it would be very dear to me if you could give an answer, especially if you have a worthwhile one to give. That would be appreciated.
  5. Could anyone give some examples of mystics? be it from history or fictional stories. Thanks for the replies guys! there is some good stuff in there. I think the most essential thing for me is to get more and more acquainted with the vision of becoming a mystics so that it can soak in and take proper roots.
  6. @SourceCodo So you're saying anyone who is inclined towards truth seeking, spiritual growth, goodness can be called a mystic? And those who became better than others at this to a highly significant degree can be considered masters? There is definitely truth to that, but it doesn't seem to be the answer I'm looking for. Also, what is the difference between 'walking through the field of consciousness' and a regular person going through life, they're conscious as well, going through/being consciousness, but you wouldn't call regular people mystics by far. I'm really looking for a comprehensive answer to the question 'what is a mystic?'.
  7. There is more to it than that. I really hope they'll win somewhere between one and 5 out 150 seats in the Dutch government. Which would actually quite a lot since they have only been around since 2018 — the Dutch Volt party, the original party got created in 2017. But yeah, it's a small start, but still exciting news.
  8. The story I have been struggling with addictive porn behaviour for 6 years now. At times my mind is obsessed with it, but it has caused me a big pile of suffering and it affects my intimate relationship, overall mood and energy. Two years ago I went to counseling for it, and some other issues. The other issues have been solved and although my porn usage is at a better place, it is still causes problems and suffering. There are times when I'm able to stay of it, times where I am able to manage it and times where it gets out of hand. So although at times it goes well, I feel that I'm not getting at the root of the problem. my mind is obsessed with it in a way, which brings me suffering — I haven't been successful in properly solving either side of that equation. I had a meditation where sexual images came up in my mind, which I kept labelling. Eventually the images stoped and I was left with utter confusion, to the point where I was even confused with what I was confused about. It felt penetrating and persistent. Eventually that calmed down and I felt relieved. Porn doesn't feel like a healthy form of entertainment to me, it feels like an unhealthy coping mechanism that I can't stop for coping with feelings that I don't know how to deal with. The tricky thing is that my mind is sometimes hijacked by an impulse to look up sexual things in a matter of seconds (sometimes even so suddenly that I surprise myself with it). How do you integrate deep feelings of confusion and struggle when those feelings so quickly trigger behaviour that numbs you from them? I feel like I can't get a proper hold of the behaviour nor the root of the issue. I'm trying, but I could use some advice. I'm not at the worst place in my life with this, but I just feel that I'm not solving the root of the issue here. Concrete questions How do you develop a healthy relationship with porn? How do you get a hold of behaviour that is very impulsive and hard to control? How to deal with persistent, penetrating feelings of confusion? Any advice on solving this problem? Is porn a problem for you? Or do you enjoy it without any issues (emotionally, sexually and in relationships)?
  9. @BartekD Thanks for the thoughtful reply. The war of art is definitely on my reading list. I also agree that it really comes down to just sitting down and doing it. I do tend to struggle with distraction. I'm curious about the inspiration and lessons the war of art will give me on that. @Snader Yes, that's really the really engine to the machine of learning anything. Daily practice and study. Practice x study = learning. @Thought Art Thanks for the recommendations man! I want to set up my life around self-education so I'll look into these and put them on my reading list.
  10. Hey guys, Just wondering, what is your approach/routine for learning new skills? And do you have any tips on learning skill in general?
  11. Look up healthy gamer gg, and perhaps go into coaching with them. They're great! Look it up. I'm surprised it was never mentioned here before. It's is a mental health platform created by a guy who wanted to become a monk when he was young, eventually choose to become a psychiatrists and now helps people on the internet. Their coaching is pretty affordable compared to most life coaching.
  12. @dflores321 I've tried to practice mindfulness around it. Several times I came to the point of overwhelming desire and than just said 'alright, but first lets do at least 10 minutes of meditation'. It was very strange to do it after that, I suppose I should build that habit. A lot of people give the answer of 'just cut it out' which I agree with, but in practice I'm not succeeding. It is clear to me that will power is not gonna cut it, nor will it for any addiction. I've tried tens and tens of things, but the habit is very tricky. Let me know how it goes for you. I can come to a good place with it every now and then, but I want to make it consistent.
  13. @eggopm3 yeah I definitely agree with you, there have been some times where I didn't watch it for about two months and it was great, I felt really at ease and sex was a lot better. It always works well to live actively for me, and do different things everyday. That's a bit tricky right now with covid. But I guess I could go for long walks and see the nature in my area a bit more, that would be good. It has been such a thorny addiction for me. I live pretty sober for the most part (healthy diet, working to minimise distractions, spending time alone on a regular basis, working on learning art), but it feels like this bad habit has been with me all the way the past 6 years with all it's ups and downs (although there have been times where I was off it).
  14. The story I have been struggling with addictive porn behaviour for 6 years now. At times my mind is obsessed with it, but it has caused me a big pile of suffering and it affects my intimate relationship, overall mood and energy. Two years ago I went to counseling for it, and some other issues. The other issues have been solved and although my porn usage is at a better place, it is still causes problems and suffering. There are times when I'm able to stay of it, times where I am able to manage it and times where it gets out of hand. So although at times it goes well, I feel that I'm not getting at the root of the problem. my mind is obsessed with it in a way, which brings me suffering — I haven't been successful in properly solving either side of that equation. I had a meditation where sexual images came up in my mind, which I kept labelling. Eventually the images stoped and I was left with utter confusion, to the point where I was even confused with what I was confused about. It felt penetrating and persistent. Eventually that calmed down and I felt relieved. Porn doesn't feel like a healthy form of entertainment to me, it feels like an unhealthy coping mechanism that I can't stop for coping with feelings that I don't know how to deal with. The tricky thing is that my mind is sometimes hijacked by an impulse to look up sexual things in a matter of seconds (sometimes even so suddenly that I surprise myself with it). How do you integrate deep feelings of confusion and struggle when those feelings so quickly trigger behaviour that numbs you from them? I feel like I can't get a proper hold of the behaviour nor the root of the issue. I'm trying, but I could use some advice. I'm not at the worst place in my life with this, but I just feel that I'm not solving the root of the issue here. Concrete questions How do you develop a healthy relationship with porn? How do you get a hold of behaviour that is very impulsive and hard to control? How to deal with persistent, penetrating feelings of confusion? Any advice on solving this problem? Is porn a problem for you? Or do you enjoy it without any issues (emotionally, sexually and in relationships)?
  15. @Husseinisdoingfine You're right, I moved it to the sexuality section just now. Will delete this one.
  16. @Leo Gura What your opinion is on Andrew Yang as a presidential candidate? You call out for visionary politicians, this man certainly seems to be so. Also to me he seems to range from stage orange to yellow (with a decent amount in yellow without demonising green). He did a Joe rogan podcast - where he was able to outline his points very clearly - and was on the Rubin Report which both are higher quality media than television show which enabled him (so far) to present his points more clearly I ask because you promote Bernie Sanders, it almost seems to me like you overlooked Andrew yang, which would be a shame. (obviously my own opinion is showing through) Yang seems to be more suited for the world to come then Bernie. So i wonder why your vote is not skewing his side.
  17. @Javfly33 Thanks, i had the hunch that this was going on. I had some succeses in the beginning of taking up pick up, but i came in a bit of a funk. I feel like i'm getting stuck in a good place. My social circle has become way more satisfying then it first was, but still no girl. @Javfly33 @daniel695 @LordFall @SFRL So guys, guessing that you made some more progress then me, is getting better at pick up really just about picking up conversation, making them fun with some tension and then sealing a date? That is the basic gist of learning this right? I've been going through RSDMax's the natural and i am taking action on it. And i've been practicing body relaxation, which also helps a lot. Also i want to read Zan Perrion's book. On top of that i'm moving to a different city in about a year, it's up to me where to. I intent to choose an open, social city. I assume that having to socialise in a city where i know no one will learn me a lot and move me forward more. Right now i live in a small, somewhat closed of city, i don't want to use it as an excuse, but it does make things more difficult, especially starting out (that's what it feels like at least). I want to give pick-up/dating/sexuality a place in my life (obviously). What i need is motivation (some real life guidance might help as well) and to man up. I'm not a petty guy, my past is what it is, and in the coming years i'll find my way in this area of life. That said, i'm not sure where to go from here. How did you take action on becoming better with women, specifically, how did you/do you do day game?
  18. Dear reader, thank you for paying attention to my post, Intro: For the past months i have been trying to pick up ways to learn how to get into the dating world. I am 22 years old and i have never had a girlfriend. So far this was a frustrating journey with ups and downs. What have i been doing? The challenge of picking up conversation with three girls in a month (me and a friend of mine figured how crazy it was that we wanted to pick up girls, date and get into a relationship, but we couldn't even start a conversation with a girl in public) The challenge of Picking up conversation with 10 strangers in a month Chatted up a girl at a vegan anti food waste initiative and went out on a date with her > she slept at my place. Got into a very confusing ride with a girl who is by now one of my best friends. It became messy and ugly and i did things i'm not proud of. (We're still good friends, but there are some scars between us)* Asked out a girl directly in the library and we went out once and that was it. I Started tindering. What did i get out of this? a few numbers, i cuddled a few times with the girl who became a good friend of mine and we kissed once (but this really wasn't a pretty ride, it was toxic on my side), i went on two dates i got one girl into my room and she stayed over (which is after one of the two dates) i got a few tinder matches. My social circle changed and expanded and i have more girl friends. So some things did happen and my life changed because of them. But right now nothing really changed when it comes to getting into the pick-up/dating/relationship area. I didn't grow when it comes to approaching girls and interacting with them (i did grow in interacting with them on the surface and i did grow in interacting with girls who i have no sexual intrest in, but i didn't become more authentic in the way i interact with girls i'm sexually interested in yet), i just became more obsessed with it. So i really started thinking this over lately. how do i move further in this? how do i make progress? it feels like i have no footing and no way in. So i brought it back down to these Four core problems. (This is what i am trying to achieve with learning to approach/pick up girls, getting into dating) Curing low self worth and all the nasty patterns that come from that Curing feeling unwanted by women Curing a lack of sexuality in my life. Ending the fear of never having a sexual partner Does anyone have any advice in curing/approaching these? I have the suspicion that i'll have to overcome these before i'll be able to actually, authentically attract a girl into my life. Conclusion I can see that overcoming these is a good move. However, i am also frightened by it. To me it doesn't feel like overcoming yet, it feels like giving into not having a sex life/a sexual partner. I realise that if i actually overcame the fear of never having a sexual partner i would (in theory) be fine with not having sex for two years (for example), but right now giving in to the idea of not having sex for two years seems like never having sex ever in my life and that just shocks my ego. I feel like with those four points i get to the core of it. But i have no lively tangible experience of what it is like to overcome them and i don't know a practical way to work on these four points. Which is why i make this post. So after reading this, here a concrete ways in which you could help me: By giving overall advice after reading my post Do you know a practical way to work on one or more of the four points i listed as core problems? Please share it with me. By giving advice on handling the fear of never ever getting anywhere with pick up/dating/a relationship. I realise that i have to keep going, but i don't know how right now, it feels like i would be doing the same stuff that doesn't work very well (which is part of what i will be doing). For the rest, i am reading psycho cybernetics and i am planning on applying it to this. - Dear reader, thank you for reading the entire post, that is appreciated. I hope you'll be able to help me move forward so that i'll be able to help someone else move forward later on. Any help is MUCH appreciated!
  19. You're welcome, glad that i was able to help some. Just some general advice, be patient, set realistic expectations, find practical ways to work on it and find that wrath in you - stuff is not going to be ease, as you grow you will face harder challenges, which feels very twisted if you're not prepared for it. GOOD LUCK!
  20. Part of the reason people (for me at least) to stick around with a channel is because i resonate with the person. So part of your work will be about becoming an interesting, caring and admirable/strong personality to follow. Also Before people will buy a course they first need to trust that your content is good. The free video's are about gathering followers, attracting people to your message/help/advice/work. By the time they value your work so much that they trust that buying a course of you will help them they won't all of a sudden stop following you after you helped them. If you mangage to actually help them significantly they will value tremendously! If you manage to deliver new insightful/helpful/valuable advice for dealing with self hate and shame they won't stop following you. To summarise: People follow a person as much if not more then the theory this person gives. Becoming a person who people resonate with attracts people. When people are at the point of buying a course from you they are already in with you, by they won't abandon you, the opposite, they value you. Good luck!
  21. @The Blind Sage (Good name) Shinzen Young was asked a question like this once. He has been enlightened for 30 years now and he said that for al those year it has been going deeper and deeper and to him it seems that there will never be an end to it, but he humbly admitted that he does not know. But if enlightenment goes on deeper into noself forever, which i think it does, there is still the option of the death of the ego. reality = 1 sense of self = y (the variable that is the outcome) and presence = x (the variable that you can change) If your presence is low, 1, your sense of self will be 1 aswell. If your presence is high,1000, your sense of self will be very low, but still there. 1/1000 = 0.001 If your presence is infinite your sense of self will approximate zero, which comes down to death of the self. 1/infinity = 0 But there is not one infinity. You can have one infinity larger than another infinity and just like that you can have one enlightened person going deeper then he used to go 10 years ago, but in both cases his sense of self goes to zero, dies. Also this going towards infinite presence doesn't go linear most of the time. it builds very slowly, imagine a curve from math building very slowly coming to a tipping point where it spikes up. This is the reason people have peak experiences, their presence spikes up after gradually building for a time. The approximation of zero is an important concept to understand here. I hope this answer helped you some.
  22. Has anyone here read living the heroes journey by Will Craig? I would like to hear your opinion on it. Did it motivate you? did it give you insight into the heroes journey? did it help you on your journey? I realise that it might be better to start with Joseph Campbell. It is just that his book amazes me because my life purpose is along the line of creating a product like this. It is about combining entertainment with the heroes journey to help people recontextualise self-development/self-actualisation from something hard and a drag into a heroic life journey. I see seeking out products that aim to do that as a good first step for now. So if you've read the book, i would love to hear how it was for you and you would help me a great deal.
  23. The potential for a heroes journey has come My soul, It is afraid yet courageous Where i am now is advantageous. A piece of the way things was grasped My suffering is not just the pain in my past. In it lessons are held By which the seeking side in me was compelled. I’ve been seeking for spring Perhaps now it will come, growing out of the seeds planted by all that I’ve done. Hopefully soon to become or perhaps hard times will come. Still, then my hopes will not be undone I feel the heroes calling There has been enough time of stalling My time has come, I feel a genuine soundless song Singing in my chest this time i see, i must leave behind the rest. I am prepared to face the coming test and let the universe do what it does best.
  24. Hello everyone, What i am hoping to get out of the replies to this post is for this to become a place where people can post their poetry (be it spiritual, philosophical, personal or short story). However, i don't want to keep this restricted to poetry, i would also like to see some philosophical musing, beautiful descriptions, insight full thoughts on life (perhaps having came to during a sessions of journaling) What i don't want to be posted as a replies to this post is discussions, if that happens i will report them (of course i can't do more than that). But, of course, compliments or critiques are always useful and nice. I'll try to post regularly, being someone who started writing poems by himself that should go well (with some periods of being more active and less active). Perhaps nothing will come of this besides me, no threat, i'll keep posting for a while anyways. Don't expect great poems of musings from me, but perhaps some gems will be posted as a reply to this in time (I, do, hope so). Any one reading this who is into writing, poetry, philosophical musing, feel free to post. Lets make this a thing of beauties
  25. @RichardY The book i'm reading right now is about something i'm not going in yet on the forum. But here is a bit of my book list, the books that i want to read in the coming years (not everything, just a few of them) These books i want to use to form a concrete personal framework for self-development, so for personal means. The heroes journey - Joseph Campbell Towards a psychology of being - Abraham Maslow Spiral Dynamics - Don Edward Beck, Christopher C. Cowan The 7 habits of highly effective people - Stephen Covey (i've started it, it's good, but the book i'm reading now is a priority for me) These are books that might help me with some issues Approaching Women - Justin Stenstorm Courage under Fire - John Amodeo Managing oneself - Peter F. Drucker The four hour workweek - Timothy Ferris Break Through difficult Emotions - Shinzen Young And some books that intrigue me King Warrior Magician Lover - Robert Moore Systems Thinking - Jamshid Garhajedaghi Spiritual Emergence - Stanislav Grov Opportunity - Eben Pagan Alchemy & Mysticism - Alexander Roob After finishing my current book I will either finish 'The 7 habits of highly effective people' or read 'Approaching Women'. I got more in my personal book list, but this is what seems to be the juiciest stuff. But really, this post is not about books. So lets not go much more into that.