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Everything posted by samedm9

  1. I mean, this is absolutely ridiculous. Nice essay. I Just ask you, to support your claim that a law was broken. How hard can that be. Or are you going to stay contracted and unresponsive, deflect the actual discussion by making up a whole thing on how you have the SD “high ground”, so therefore I’m not worth talking to, why idk? In court you’d have to explain yourself... why/how it is that you believe ____ law was broken... Get real
  2. Stop ignoring the actual conversation at hand. Still, no one has correlated any law to the Ukraine call transcript.... you can’t just list a law and say: “this is a law, trump broke this law”. You need to explain with reference to the transcript, how the law was broken. Still, no mention of Adam Schiffs opening statement to congress. Come on guys, there’s a reason you don’t want to discuss this. have any of you actually read the transcript? Or watched the first session of the impeachment Enquiry?
  3. In your view which of these law has been violated and why, bigtree? I could care less if you wish me well, I’m trying to have a discussion about politics. w h e r e I s t h e v i o l a t i o n ive read everything you provided and more... if you have no response, all that I can do is conclude: you don’t know the law well enough to claim that anything Trump said is unlawful. You tried to get all spiritual teacher/ mentor on me... “your just seeing out of a lens” ...blah blah blah... that’s cute. Now prove to me, with third dimensional facts that trump broke these laws. Btw: still nothing on Schiffs opening statement.? Why u avoiding it?
  4. None of these were violated, in regards to the conversation detailed in the transcript of the call.
  5. ? not even joking, low key broke my heart man. Your acting like I’m a complete idiot, when in fact I’ve had direct experience of temporary nirvana states, became god....seen infinite love.thanks to lsd.. I’m not some deranged trump supporter. I’m HIGHLY open. i just don’t think your being honest with me at the moment. and could use some literal help I guess we’ll see if trump is found guilty then.. I’ll be back. Guilty or not. Mannnn you made me feel sad not even joking... ill keep looking for that law in the mean time. “Illegal to ask a foreign gov to investigate a political opponent” without ur help... don’t really believe u but I’ll do it anyway.
  6. I’ve seen all of master Leo’s videos thank you. And POV is not filtered by any “lens”. for the love of god bigtree... would you pleeaasssee help me, by referring me to any written law that would contradict my current stand point of “is bigtree lying or does he actually know about such a law”. You will find that once I have read this law, and have been liberated from the spell of the evil red lens, that you may have helped an individual (me) who you(god) will eventually experience, instead of leaving me, a small fragile little sampling, utterly confused and in a state of informational malnutrition by what I thought was a big giving tree (u ?), always willing to help. Not joking. I’m writing in a very sincere manor and if you could see my emotions and what I feel in my heart- you’d see nothing but love and forgiveness. So please.
  7. AhAhaha, wow this is too funny. Bigtree please don’t be too flattered by your new name. i don’t see you as my adversary at all. Just as an aspect of myself that has come to a misunderstanding. In all seriousness, what are you pointing to that is “more fundamental”?
  8. Spent a decent amount of time searching, have not found such law. its cool that your trying to get all spiritual growth counsellory on me. But for the sake of remaining grounded, I’m just tryna talk bout sum impeachment brother. Can you say, hand over heart that you’ve personally found information regarding the law that you claim is legitimate.? This is not asked from a “show me” orientation. Instead from a “be honest”, I wanna know if I dealing with a truthful person. then I would again request, with all due respect mr BIG TREE, That you please help me as I am unable to locate the law of which you speak. Again not from a POV of show me but simply of I need help. so don’t show me, just help a bro out, so we can continue with impeachment talk
  9. Go head, shun me then. Expand on wether you have searched and found info regrading this particular law? Yes or no? if so, I would ask honestly and sincerely, that you help me so that I can read what you have read and we can be on the same page. im not trying to be a jerk, I just want to truth mate for real.
  10. I get it, you’re calling me a sapling and yourself a tree in comparison. ? had a great laugh over this. Im a “typical trump supporter”, you’ve never meet me other than this particular Issue, how can you say I support trump, let alone am a typical example of someone who indeed “supports” trump. All that I support is truth. I’m 100% centre in regards to everything political. But it’s ok, I’m just ya typical trump supporter!
  11. you claim to know that it’s a law. I’ll rephrase : where can i find it... give me a hand.. what should I search for in order to find it ... have you done this yourself?
  12. You sound terribly self-satisfied. it’s rather condescending and seems like an attempt to indirectly demean me. Well done.
  13. If anyone wins the democratic nominee... Trump will win again. That is why they are pushing this hopeless impeachment bonanza, as a last ditch effort in order to squander trumps image. Its exactly the same thing as “RussiaGate”. Create a groundless accusation, that you know is without actual substance. Have your media mouthpieces push the narrative in thousands of angles every day, hope that people will be mindless enough to not look into the facts.
  14. The rest of your reply is redundant, as This is where I disagree. How can suggesting an investigation into potential deep state corruption, at the hands of their puppets (Biden’s), be equivocated to anything other than textbook diplomatic action. A cooperative, inter-national effort to bring light upon shady dealings that harm both nations integrity. Another point is simply, had Ukraine actually achieved findings in relation to any illegal actions of the Bidens, there is nothing, NOTHING (sry caps) that suggests that this info (that yes would be damaging, so it should be) would have been exposed public before 2020. In this case, how would it have any effect on the minds of voters, and therefore, how would the gaining of such info be equated to “dirt on a political opponent”. As the public would not be aware of the dirt. You see? These president to president calls are Classified, as are the subsequent actions. Funny enough, The one who actually put the dirt on Biden was the whistleblower. BTW: thoughts on Schiffs opening statement to congress; the part where he creates a completely false narrative in contrast to the offical transcript. How can you answer for this behaviour?
  15. His previous business motivated actions in life are clearly not in accordance with his current responsibilities. Don’t be a fool. Again. You wouldn’t know; have you been to the highest level of the US intelligence pyramid in order to see what knowledge is diluted and trickled down to the masses? Didn’t think so. What mistreatment of immigrants? Deportation? at the border? And who said anyone’s ignoring climate issues. Ahhahaha, mate come on. Talk about projection.
  16. Where do you see evidence that Trump “enlisted help” to “dig up dirt” on Biden. All that he did was ask, not even demand, that the situation with the Bidens be investigated, looked into. If Biden is corrupt, (most certainly) then what is the problem with trump asking that he be investigated? At this point it shouldn’t matter wether he’s running for office, or not. Again, should we just “leave the dirt in the ground”, because exposing the corruption would hurt Biden’s chances? And Again, if the dirt is there, So It Should be dug up. Another point is, there is No indication whatsoever, that the Whitehouse would have made public, any of the potential reported findings of Ukraine’s investigation into the Bidens before the 2020 elections, if at all. How would it hurt Biden’s campaign considering this?????
  17. Devil or not. You still haven’t answered anything. No actual crimes listed. Nothing on Schiff. Biden. Lying left-biased media. And just because someone is a devil, doesn’t mean that that they have done something “criminal”, if we’re speaking in terms of the current consciousness level of the “law”. How do you know he doesn’t play down his level of understanding/awareness, in order to seem more accessible and “human” to the masses. You simply wouldn’t know.
  18. How is asking Ukraine to investigate potential corruption, involving a presidential candidate, a bad thing? If he is indeed corrupt, then should trump just ignore that fact because it hurts joe Biden’s chances?. SO IT SHOULD! Your saying that candidates should have total immunity to any “investigation” during their campaign run to avoid the public developing an opinion, SO THEY SHOULD! Are you serious. How would we be able to identify corruption at all then? Btw Pedophile Biden was never an opponent to trump. Zero chance of beating him. So this idea of digging up dirt on a political opponent is ridiculous as he is NOT an opponent.
  19. Thanks for being aware instead of reverting to “orange man bad”
  20. Ok Leo, name some of the “illegal things” trump has done. Please In your reply Leo, you have not mentioned or addressed any of your views on: Schiffs fakery in Congress, Biden’s ties to Ukraine(nor his pedophillic behaviour) or the actual case at hand, you know, the thing I am trying to discuss. You answered nothing, and called trump a criminal with no evidence. Wow. No substance to your reply. btw do you by any chance follow CNN, MSNBC and the other lying corporate mouthpieces?
  21. She’s autistic on record..., appears to be a victim of mind control with all the hyper emotional facial contortions. Shame that people have to hide behind little kids in order for their political view points to be considered, no one feels right attacking a kid. Someone is playing a smart game. “Poor little Greta she’s so emotional”. I don’t buy it.
  22. paragraphs 7-9 of this persons report is EXACTLY what I felt and their description is probably a bit more coherent.!!
  23. A while ago me and 3 other very open minded friends of mine all did 200ug of acid (not that the dosage really matters). The setting was the four of us sitting in a circle by golf course lake, the idea was a picnic sort of vibe. And my set (mindset) was one of “ive got nothing to lose and I’m just gonna let go and let the flow take me”. During the come up it felt as though my emotions were completely based on the position and body language of my friends. At one point I was feeling bliss, and then, I looked to one of them and he was looking very worried and sad. And somehow it felt as if that emotion was suddenly “transfered” to me and our emotions swapped. I was now sad and he was full of smiles. As the trip become more intense, there came a point at which it seemed as though.... my own feelings (and the visuals that correlated in my head) were being expressed through my friends mouths as words. I would feel it...and they would describe it in words, but they seemed to be in trance. An example of this phenomenon was: I began to think of some bad/dark thoughts, which was coupled with a feeling of inner heat. There is no way my friends could have had access to these thoughts, however the very next thing that they all verbalised was the fact the they were feeling a sudden sense of heat. “I feel really hot all of a sudden”. To summarise... I was feeling...and they were describing with their words my “own” emotions( they’re in what seemed like a trance state). after this had stopped, it felt as if I was God, and anyone that tried to talk to me was doing so in an attempt to lead me to my death. Any suggestion they made of what to do next, felt like they were trying to deceive me, like I was being set up.