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Everything posted by samedm9

  1. So...there is no point if everything is nothing then how /why ,do “something’s” come about? Why isnt “it all” just still/unwavering total darkness.
  2. Love... just for the sake of it? Because its mechanism is a distraction from the pain of being all alone? Being god. Love. Because it’s fun? A challenge? a game? If love is the point, then what isn’t the point, if everything is love? Love... the continuation of “it all”? Leo how does nothingness relate to love?
  3. Would I be correct in saying that: Just as, atoms are to molecules, molecules to proteins, proteins to organelles....cells to human beings.... ...Just as each scale collectively is part of something bigger... is this current universe we live in part of (just like another cell) something bigger, which would also be ..just another cell like unit to something bigger, and on and on... ? Is there any point at which a sole unit is reached in this manner? If not that means that everything is infinitely large and small at the same Is this understanding infinity ? at this point scale doesn’t make sense, everything is at 0.? A string , or whatever the fuck is the smallest point ( to infinity) is exactly the same size as the universe. (Largest point To Infinity)!?
  4. Just realised this topic should probably be moved to the “consciousnesses, enlightenment and spirituality” section. ?
  5. I recently had a trip with 3 others, close friends of mine. We each took 200ug of LSD. During the peak of this trip (my personal experience only) I noticed that my internal feelings and emotions were being expressed in the body language and words of my friends. At one point, for instance, I began to feel a negative emotion building (which was not expressed only felt internally) and this was mirrored immediately by all 3 of my friends as they began to exclaim that they felt “hot” and seemed to be restless and fearful, I myself was feeling like a boiler at this point. I also noticed that any feeling of egotism resulted in such negative reactions through my friends, mainly through their body language. However this was contrasted by positivity and excitement( in their body language) when I felt feelings such as forgiveness, inclusiveness and acceptance, this felt like pure nirvana at the time. What I feel from this polarity is, fearing losing the sense of “nirvana” resulted in it dissolving immediately and being replaced by a sense of emptiness and shame. However, I was able to return to the nirvana state by literally repenting or accepting the negativity, this also felt like I was surrendering my ego. Sensations or imaginations of climbing and falling from a waterfall. Or constructing then destroying a beautiful structure correlated to the polarity I felt. I had a strange intuition that “a collective body of pure light” was what was at the peak of this waterfall or structure. However, each time I had I glimpse I would fall. as the peak passed, I also had this feeling that I was god being manipulated by my friends, who seemed to me like they were trying to lead me to my death. All in all, a wack trip. Can’t help but feel like I missed out on a potentially spiritual awakening. Feeling rather confused about how to integrate such an experience.