Psychedelic seeker

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About Psychedelic seeker

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  1. Ofc, just a word-game. Ofc I meant ability. Maybe anti-5-MeO has an ability to show the truth but 5-MeO doesn't and it just gives a feeling of sth being true but not the truth itself. Maybe 5-MeO gives another maya scam and anti-5-MeO gives an Ultimate Truth. Why can't there be two substances with completely opposite effects: one of them gives a feeling of being certain that sth is true, but, in spite of it, it is really false and the other gives a feeling of being certain about Ultimate Truth. How to distinguish one from another?
  2. Why 5-MeO should be right and not this new substance: anti-5-MeO-DMT?
  3. I don't think that meth 100% proves that other people exist 😆
  4. Ketamine or 5-MeO-DMT results in ego death and solipsism. Why can't there be some substance which would result in ego life and proving that others exist through some radically different mental state which shows the existence of all others who are beyond me? Why 5-MeO should be right and not this new substance: anti-5-MeO-DMT?
  5. This sentence implies two distinct experiencers merged in Infinity. The statement "I and you are Infinity" negates solipsism, because solipsism states that only I exist and you don't exist, so if you don't exist, you cannot be Infinity - only I can be Infinity and you cannot, because, as solipsism states, you don't exist, so sth cannot be Infinity, if there isn't such thing.
  6. @Leo Gura can you explain my previously written thought about experiencing as yourself in my other incarnations? Is it right? You even said in one episode that I'll experience life of everybody who ever existed.
  7. @Leo Gura, what about this?
  8. @Leo Gura, you are telling about level of consciousness of various spiritual teachers, yet still state that they do not exist and are just like hallucinated characters in my nightly dream. 🤨🤨🤨 It doesn't make any sense. Do they really have some level of consciousness somehow through me or do you mean implying this only from observing their behaviour but they don't have any conscious contents?
  9. @Leo Gura, you didn't answer my questions. One time you write that I imagine all of humanity, the other time that we imagine all of humanity, and the other time that you imagine all of humanity. A character from my dream doesn't imagine any dreams unless I'll experience a dream from his point of view when I'm asleep the next night for example. In that way he can pseudo-exist through my own experience. So analogically for @Leo Gura to pseudo-exist and simultaneously for solipsism to still hold, I must experience exactly what he's supposed to experience after my death in one of my other incarnations for his qualia to appear in my one and only awareness.
  10. Maybe you can ask Leo to reply to my post and my comments?
  11. But he literally said that other people don't have any consciousness as characters from a dream and are only some visual hallucinations and nothing more, so now you negate what Leo himself has stated.
  12. So other people exist and have consciousness as God's sub-personalities or they do not have consciousness at all??? 😆 If there is only one awareness, other people can exist like I'll experience, what they're supposed to be experiencing, after my death and in the next incarnation or sth like that (but somehow time is still an illusion, so this solution contradicts the illusion of time 😅). Leo has even said in one of his other episodes sth like that I will experience lives of everybody, so if that's the case, they are real. If I have a dream and speak with a character in it, I won't experience the dream from his own perspective the other night, so if that's the case he is completely unreal.
  13. I've watched this video. One time he's talking like only my limited ego is everything that exists and ever existed and he is like a totally unreal character from my dream, but the other time he's talking that my consciousness can be a lot broader and can encompass himself like he somehow exists through me. It's pretty contradictory and I don't understand it. The guy says that others don't exist and are hallucinations just like in a dream, without their own feelings and sensations, and then he says that when one is enlightened, they are "fusing God's multiple personalities together", which implies that other people do have consciousness somehow experienced through me. If, as God, I experience, what they are are supposed to experience, they aren't just like unconscious characters from the dream, because their consciousness exists in the bigger God's Mind… This guy keeps contradicting himself...
  14. I know. I will certainly do 5-MeO one day.