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Everything posted by thesmileyone

  1. That's actually been one of my best "real life" tangible benefits to come from my path so far. When someone does something that I percieve not right, I automatically step into their POV to understand the situation; it happens often on autopilot now, whereas before I would just see stuff from my perspective.
  2. Funny you bring up Buddhism, because on this forum the general consensus is "enlightenment = nonduality = good/evil don't exist = everything is God = Everything is Perfect = Everything is love (which conflicts with good/evil not existing because love is a polar opposite of hate). Yet in Buddhism, nonduality and therefore all of the above, is the first 3 fetters only. So Buddhism in regard to this forum's take on Enlightenment is, Enlightenment+. Yet how can one be more enlightened than enlightened?
  3. My astrological dates match up to make tomorrow (today technically) "Moon in Aquarius" Mar 30, 2019 01:45 AM Moon enters Aquarius Such things were kept secret by groups like the Freemasons. Interesting to note that the highest order of Freemasonry is the 33rd Rite... Anyway, seen as I have no access to psychedelics, (nor any idea anymore of how to source DMT, or its precursors) until August (liberty cap season) I thought...why not?
  4. Thanks. I think I am coming to realize this. I am struggling with the whole good/evil being perfect though. Let's say for this example that "pizzagate" is all 100% true....all of those "deeds" are perfect? Hard to process that. Some women like it especially when the tip hits the back of their vagina...aint no way you can do that without length even with the best writing in the world...
  5. It's realization not an awakening, and you do keep it every day, it is just no longer new to you. Awakening is just...awakening to truth not necessarily understanding it, which is why psychedelics don't equal instant enlightenment. You could do 1000 5meo trips and reach the absolute end but if you don't have realizations when sober (integration) you aren't necessarily progressing. Like driving a car is no longer new to a 30 year old who learnt to drive at 17, it doesn't mean the knowledge / insight / realization has gone anywhere. On the same flipside, if you drive a car once (awakening) does that mean you are ready to pass your test? (realization / integration).
  6. It is correct that they are one, yet form (the mind) cannot know formlessness (Godhead) like formlessness (Godhead) can know form (the mind). Which is why Is true, because logic = that of the mind, and formlessness, whilst it can know mind because mind is within it, is not mind, because mind is of form. It's heirarchal!
  7. Right but then say that to a child who has been abused...don't worry kiddo it was love! ....
  8. This is kinda what puts me off doing drugs. It's not the first time Leo has sprang up to make a video having not taken the time to integrate his trips. IIRC he made one whilst he was still on 5meo...
  9. I've always wondered why, as a God, why can't I have a bigger penis? I mean, I'm the singing, all dancing God like all of us yet i'm stuck with 6 inches on the best of days? Why can't I have 10? Or 12?
  10. That's something you and I can agree on. Not you, I mean, by that, my own idiocy. Can you educate me on morals / ethics and absolute realization? It seems to me, at the moment at least, that you don't need to be nice / kind etc (and I mean selfless kindness) if everything is God. Yet my nature is actually selfless kindness. Is this tendancy, due to conditioning?
  11. No I am saying that, if you really believed that everything is God, and were enlightened as you claim to be, you wouldn't call people idiots for not understanding, because you would have the realization that there are no idiots, only God.
  12. See, why do you call someone an "idiot" if everything is God? Why does it matter if "this idiot understands" or not, if everything is God? Why does it matter if you are comfortable, and any percentage of comfortability, if everything is God? You almost had me convinced you believed your own words.... then you slip up.
  13. And yet actually a greater gift...
  14. He's not attacking anyone ??? And we are on Leo's community which is based around his videos, it is unrealistic to expect people to not question his videos and to not use the forum to do so.
  15. That sets a dangerous statement though. It allows for moral and ethical savagery, justified by "all experiences are God's".
  16. What if this statement, by you, is incorrect: You then go on to say It seems to make enough difference to you, to point out, without knowing if correct or not, that someone elses concept is "worthless". You seem somewhat certain of your own ignorance, which suggests you are not as enlightened as you think you are (you have a whole video on it). Look, paths are complicated and every so often the ego unknowingly takes authority over your experiences and you end up deluding yourself. It happens to all of us (we are One after all ) so there is some responsibility required to not tell people their concepts are "worthless" when it may just be that you are completely wrong.
  17. You are already God. Underneath all the BS ego stuff you project about yourself. By limiting the ego stuff, more of God-you shines through.
  18. I work just enough to survive - outside of the 9-5 trap - any more I don't really see the point of because things don't make me happy and I am way too antisocial for people to make me happy anymore. So yes, skipped the SA completely. My whole life is devoted towards enlightenment I guess?
  19. There's a lot of energy in the picture, but I would not necessarily equate it to "enlightened master" energy, it's too strong. One thing I have learn't over the years is that enlightened energy is subtle but effective.
  20. I'm at the point where I feel CERTAINTY that Enlightenment will occur for me. So now I am in no rush, just living life enjoying the ups and the downs. I might try psychedelics because...why not? The certainty is there so why not make the path to it fun?
  21. the headless way uses science to prove nonduality exists.
  22. Age doesn't matter. You could be 5 years old but have 30 lifetimes of aescetic style meditation under your belt in comparison to someone who has awakened their first time this lifetime.
  23. I really think people are misinformed that they have no free will. Humans have free will.