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Everything posted by thesmileyone

  1. What's the worst that can happen? Your body dies and you get a new one... Last night my body had a hypoglycemic episode, the blood glucose meter read "Lo" which means "get to a hospital NOW" and it just faintly amused me, drank some orange, and as with all things, it arised and passed. There was no fear, because it is just the body. You are eternal. Allowing the mind to get in the way of progress by worrying that information is misleading is perhaps the ultimate barrier in spiritual progress.
  2. This is ignorance. But other than that, yeah.
  3. The thing is, Tolle was exactly right about being in the present moment. When you are living from future or past, you are living from the mind. Tolle also put his millions into spreading his books far and wide. He has sold so many that you can find them for 29p in bargain book stores... = more potential readers = more potential awakenings. You wouldn't believe the amount of people I have met who aren't remotely what we would call spiritual, yet have read and gained insight from his books. The power of now did nothing for me but A New Earth gave me quite a huge shift back in the day.
  4. Hi All you need is something as simple as "Imagine a big ball of loving pure light above you" "take some of the light" "circulate it around your body" "take some of the light and give it to everyone you can think of" Or my favorite is where I take some of the light, circulate it, then fire it into the ball of light and it explodes, covering the whole universe with pure loving light. It's intent that counts, not how you do it, so do it however you like
  5. I do 24 hour fast once a week. Great for self discipline. Actually the only good advice I ever got from Victor Oddo. Sometimes I do a week long fast but this is for stoicism reasons (purposely acting poor AF so if you are ever poor AF you can handle it, (great tip from Tim Ferris). Clears out all the toxins too. Fasting triggers ketosis and deep ketosis + meditation is like GOD MODE. As for health, intermittent fasting is awesome, I do 18/6.
  6. There's services in every country, completely anon, where you send them a tiny sample with a form you print off, and they post sample results on their websites with the number on your form. Do that for every substance you purchase and you will be fine. example
  7. I watch his stuff but I notice a lot that he changes his attitude towards X based on who he has on. And he is always trying to impress a certain female "comedian" so he changes his views etc to be in line with hers which is quite frankly so beta-male it is nauseating.
  8. LOA works but not in a way that gives you "a harem of pornstars". That's objectivity thinking and LOA doesn't work like that.
  9. Lions mane, reishi, cordyceps instead of caffeine. Ashwaghanda (sensoril works best for me). Vitamin D3 spray in winter. That's all I consume now. Stopped coffee, don't drink alcohol ever. Rarely eat beef or pork etc, only eat chicken animal wise. Fresh orange juice daily. If it was legal here I would just microdose shrooms volumetrically (via powder) instead.
  10. A tip if you struggle with this, is if you can edit or delete your posts, like on FB...let your ego run wild with your arguement so that it gets down "on paper", let it insult the poster, get it ALL out of your system. Post it. Then delete it instantly. Note; this won't work on reddit because if you change the reddit url to ceddit, it will show deleted posts (including moderator deletions which is always a laugh) But as said, you should try and ignore the thoughts in the first place.
  11. All the millionaires I have ever known (and some closer to billionaire) are the most cheapskate people I have that phrase is silly
  12. The entire Selected Ambient Works 2 album is immense. Sadly Stone in Focus doesn't come on the CD.
  13. Can someone TLDR me what this means? This is the test I did for SD.
  14. I agree. I know Dan Ingram calls himself "The Arahant" which is as enlightened as you can get in buddhism (all 10 fetters ceased), however he mentions that he deliberated over the title for a long time, in the end just calling himself that for reference so that people take his teachings seriously. The problem is, in his own words; a lot of people won't read the book BECAUSE he calls himself that title. I find his book(s) too complex to understand; much of the higher path is experiential and it is very difficult to write about experiences because it transcends the limit of human language. On top of that different people interpret words differently. I think this is why Ramana said "be silent and let me work!" or something similar.
  15. Practise. I do most meditation lying down. I used to do it seated but when you have a samadhi for a few hours and come out of it your back will feel terrible. Itches are just like thoughts, they arise and then they pass. I find once the itchey stage passes my body goes numb and doesn't bother me again.
  16. I'm not entirely sure I agree with the whole non-do-er-ship either. It seems like a dangerous path towards nihilism. If everything is mapped out for me exactly, and I have no actual choices, then I should just do nothing (which wouldn't be a choice either) but doing nothing won't allow me to help others (bodhiccitha). There is also some strong evidence that points that pure self realization is not what we call enlightenment either. Pure self realization is only the first fetter.
  17. I wouldn't ever tell someone I am enlightened, it seems like such an egoic thing to declare to me considering there is nothing to be enlightened, the I that is typing to you right now is part of all that exists - Consciousness or whatever you choose to call it. Being part of it makes you it, therefore there cannot be a difference between you and and the most enlightened "person" you can think of. Everyone is therefore enlightened, but some configurations of Consciousness simply don't know it either at all or less than others, so they don't live from the perspective, therefore they are greedy etc. Even calling it Consciousness is incorrect, it is formless yet parts of it (like us) have form, as it is everything. The concept of Consciousness is about as high level as the mind can think; because the mind is of form and Consciousness is formless so the mind can never truly understand it. I guess it is like layers of an onion. Consciousness is at the centre of the onion, all other configurations of Consciousness are in the layers around it, the more a configuration knows it is Consciousness the closer the layer. Yet the whole onion is Consciousness too. So when you ask if I am enlightened, I reply no, but it could be possible that I am a layer closer to the centre than others? Or I could be delusional and be at the very outer layer. Either way it really doesn't matter because the whole onion is it... That is how I understand it.
  18. Yes, it is, however until fully self realized, there is still an Observer, otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell me that you experienced stillness. It is the most subtle of "I"ness.
  19. Jim Carrey btw, he turned up to that event saying that he wasn't going to come because he didn't exist. Notice that he turned up in a $30k suit...if he had turned up wearing jeans and a t-shirt I might have believed him more!
  20. Right, however, until the finale, there is still a duality because there is an Observer who sees the silence you are swimming in.
  21. There's nothing wrong with lying down to meditate. If you do it in the morning you won't fall asleep. Nothing stops you falling asleep whilst seated or in lotus either. The last position they put you in in most yoga, especially kundalini yoga, having moved energy around the body, is Savasana and this is how it looks. Does it look familiar?
  22. Can't take credit for this, but this blew my mind and I was already semi-self realized in the first place. 1. Drop all your preconcieved notions of what you are and what reality is. 2. Make your hand into a point with your index finger. 3. Point at stuff in the room you are in, and name them. 4. Point at your legs, arms, and chest and name them. 5. Invert your hand 180 degrees, point at your head. What do you SEE? The correct answer to 5 is NOTHING. You can't see backwards. Your mind is in your can't see your head so you must be NOTHING aka NO-THING aka emptiness. There's 10 more experiments at this link
  23. Also, who is the one who notices the silence?
  24. There are many ways, but you gotta get past all the shit you have accumulated in this lifetime, possibly all the shit you carry in your karmic body too. For some that is next to nothing. Ramana Maharshi for example, he read a sentence and BANG he was enlightened. No shit to process. For others it can take 30 years no matter what process they use.