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Everything posted by thesmileyone

  1. You still suffer but you don't attach to it. Toothache still occurs for example. But you don't attach to it. You don't think "I have toothache".
  2. Because you have the amazing awakening experience and then you can have nothing. It is like a roller coaster, you have gone up to this amazing peak and then you go down....and down... and into a trough. The thought of suicide has come up maybe 4 times since my initial awakening. There have been lengthy periods of depression for me especially when meditation unearths supressed trauma memories. Fortunatly for me when I hit rock bottom I always notice that my ego mind is running the show; depression is just the ego mind's reaction. If you get good at catching the mind at work you can somewhat avoid these problems.
  3. Not liking this zen devilry stuff. Everyone is equal... Seems a lot like behaviour I have seen elsewhere.
  4. Right, because it is all already there. In a sense you delete your way to it, not gain. But asking questions from the real perspective doesn't work because the mind which is form cannot understand formlessness. Thank you for answering.
  5. I'm ready for ego death, waiting for the invite! Francis Lucille seems to say it best
  6. No, because blind people use the other senses more.
  7. I didn't want to sign up at all. I was previously in what turned into a cult that amongst other things; banned people reading this forum because "entities" and it took me 3-4 months to heal after leaving it, find the correct path, and correct all the BS I had been told in said cult. Joining this forum is a way of furthering that healing for my mind in the duality. Even now there is some jittery anxiety just browsing here because it goes against the conditioning I recieved in the year or so I was in the cult. I could just turn the mind off by going into non duality (which only occurs in the present moment and not future or past like now) so it is important I get past it. Having said that I don't rely on one place anymore. I tried that, put my trust in the wrong person and got fucked. Now I find other independent sources of information to validate anything I deem reliable.
  8. I would guess, currently, about 60% of reddit users are AI. I see them start arguements all the time. They haven't mastered the ability to be able to write something that is meant to be read in between the lines; the unseen meanings. And if you ask them if they are AI they either say yes or delete themselves. Must be a "directive" in their coding.
  9. For me it was self realization. Once I realized that this person I thought I was didn't really exist, all the stuff that made me antisocial ceased to be. Now I am just awareness that functions in a large thing called an overweight body, yet I don't have any of the preconceptions that stopped me making friends like "im too fat to make friends". Now I can walk into a pub without the anxiety. The problem is now that I don't really want to! Because I am so happy just being awareness in an empty room!
  10. I still haven't done psychedelics and such news puts me off them to be quite frank.
  11. I think i is important to allow people to boast about their "enlightenment" then ask them say, 2 weeks later on, how they are doing.
  12. By enlightened, do you mean fully self realized? Because as I understand it, full self realization, means there is no I to be enlightened. Of course I could be wrong... Do you use the term as a kind of credential, like Dan Ingram calls himself "The Arahant", or do you actually believe you are enlightened? If you do mean fully self realized, may my question pertain to how long it took you between realizing Self as a state and maturing it to full self realization? It has been about 8 months since I had my first "everything inside me (me being awareness and not the "I")" experience and things have been deepening daily. Thanks