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About KyleR

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  1. I’m struggling to comprehend the balance between the I, our true nature and the ego which seems to me is the individual human life guide? But identifying with an ego creates false imagery around the self but without thought or a well conditioned sub conscious mind there’ll be struggles in the myriad situations we inevitably face in the game. I’ve realised the I in me to an extent and had beautiful glimpses but still identify with a sub par mind often, previous bad conditioning which I’m battling to overcome. Don’t know where I’m going with this exactly, but isn’t the mind a crucial aspect that needs moulding through practice and experience? Is this necessary for deeper and deeper awakening? Do the mind and I have to work in sync?
  2. @ajasatya thank will do! @TheAvatarState Someone said it is??‍♂️the body breathes and I feel it. Feeling gives meaning?? Or must mean something. Although that is still just something I am aware of?if it’s not air what is it?
  3. Thanks guys @DrewNows powerful vid mate cheers! @Nahm how do I practice understanding emotions and sensations and staying true to them? I’m out of touch, lot of monkey mind etc think I deny what I’m actually feeling a lot of the time whilst being dragged along with the mind.
  4. How can we judge whether our actions and responses will be/are in alignment with our values?
  5. Just bare ISness?photos look amazing Charlotte, some of them views are unreal!
  6. @Shin Cheers??nonut4life then eh, but still, fap a bad thing? To practice the circulation of energy but no ejaculation? @bejapuskas ah I meant so we can bypass ejacultion during sex easier, would require consciously circulating our sexual energy right? But would be much harder with no practice tugging prior
  7. Yoo what’s the deal with wank but no cum mate?? You said in OP it’s a bad idea but deida and a video posted here a few weeks ago suggest daily practice circulating the energy is healthy and necessary. Plus how is the energy wasted if it’s not shot out? I’ve been trying a little over a month and longest streak is 11 days?best to leave my dick alone yea?
  8. What’s wrong with being authentic and adding value to the girls you approach? Mechanical pick up might be a bit sketchy but if nobody is harmed, what’s the big deal? I’m definitely not talking from experience btw, the last few weeks I’ve only been out three times with 6 miserable approaches, but finally found some local wings. Great to see some live action instead of the YouTube videos and be motivated by these guys, however I couldn’t help feel it was all wrong when I was walking home. Is it because I’ve failed and the fear is still high? Or is it the day game vibe in general? I dunno, bit of both, it’s definitely not normal and I suck atm? I’ll be trying night soon too, sober! And it’s all learning anyway, right? I’m sure the 600th will be better than the 6th! The initial goals are to build confidence, overcome approach anxiety and express better communication whilst being authentic. Overall, I don’t think it’s a bad idea, but the rewards are massive growth from what I gather which transfers to many aspects of your life not just with girls.
  9. @Charlotte Thanks will do one thing I have noticed is I’ll look to past and future like “ah this is what triggers it” or “this what I’m like when this happens” so when a similar occurrence is approaching I’ll freeze up or something, like anticipating it which definitely makes it worse, but am definitely catching it better. Not this, not this
  10. Thanks for sharing Charlotte “checking and reassurance” I’ve noticed myself in these patterns way too often and mental commentary about how it’s all good or labelling a certain event as a trigger and this is just that bla bla. Guess it’s about being present enough to notice then changing the thought process? Easier said than done in a lot of cases tho
  11. @DrewNows cheers what helps you remain aware? Is there anything you do to recentre yourself in the moment when it starts to arise? Feel like I’m getting better with that but can spiral out of control pretty quick.