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Everything posted by montecristo
montecristo replied to montecristo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
uh ok, this is insightful... -
wow wow wow, glad somebody articulated this. Ive been circling around this idea for a while. All we have is each moment, I see something admirable, something I want in a given moment and I think, oh of course, that's it, that's what i should be doing with my life. then in the next moment i see the next thing and think ahhh yes, that's it right, and on and on. It is so frustrating that I only ever get "perspectives" on what I should do instead of Truth. I get frustrated to the point of chronic indecision. I feel like I can never forsake everything else for the one thing. How could I possibly decide? but then I realize that when I am focused looking at something (in the moment, bc that is all we ever get) that thing is only clear to me BECAUSE im not looking at literally every other possible thing there is to look at. and that i am already forsaking everything i could be doing.
montecristo replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The newer something is, the older it is. -
montecristo replied to Leo Gura's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If our brains were simple enough to understand them, we’d be so simple that we couldn’t. -
is that a ketone strip youre holding up there?
montecristo replied to Dan94's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
he mentions in one of his videos that he might retire soon. Maybe it's a marketing tactic but myself and I suspect others would like to know if he plans to retire from everything or just the martial arts stuff. So maybe you could ask him? -
I came across this short clip the other day, I have no idea where it was filmed or what tribe it is but I was struck by the likeness to how I personally visualize the shape-shifting nature of god. Looks like primitive people doing their best to represent what they know to be true of reality. teotl.mp4
I am looking into buying an eeg machine for home use neurofeedback. There are options out there like https://40yearsofzen.com or https://www.biocybernaut.com/ but I think i'd rather have my own machine to play with for years and decades to come. I have seen @Leo Gura mention in various places that he does this but no real specifics on it. So I have a few questions for Leo or anyone else with experience on this. 1. Are there any aspects of this work neurofeedback can especially benefit in your experience? 2. What specific system do you use? 3. Does it require advanced technical skill to use effectively or simply time and attention? 4. Is it worth the money or would it be better spent elsewhere, psychedelic retreats etc. https://www.biocybernaut.com/40-years-zen-meditation/ Just found this page on their site with some interesting claims about EEG, including a scientific empirical basis for the different stages of attainment: ("At Biocybernaut, in seven days, you can make the same changes in your brain waves as if you were a dedicated practitioner of Zen meditation spending 21 years to 40 years in a serious meditative practice, doing all that which is needed to become an advanced practitioner of Zazen. One study done in Japan by Kasamatsu and Hirai with zen monks from both the Soto and the Rinzai branches of Zen began by asking the Zen masters of the Zen monks to rate their monks for level of spiritual development (beginner, intermediate and advanced). Then they measured the monks' brain waves as they were doing Zen meditation, sitting Zazen. And what they found was that the more highly rated the monks were in spiritual development by their Zen master, the more Alpha brain waves they had in their meditation records. There were important nuances, such that in beginners, Alpha increased at the back of the head only; in intermediate Zen, the alpha waves increased first at the back of the head and then spread forward on the head. And in advanced Zen, Alpha began by increasing at the back of the head and then spread forward on the head, and then the frequency of the Alpha slowed a little, and at Frontal locations of the brain (F3 and F4) the monks began producing Theta waves. SUSTAINED ALPHA BRAIN WAVE STATES This is the exact pattern of brain wave changes that we see in graduates of the seven-day Alpha One training at Biocybernaut.")
montecristo replied to montecristo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
nice to get some feedback about it from others, cant say im surprised to hear that it works though haha. can you tell a bit more about what else youre doing in conjunction to inclining your bed? -
duuuuuuuuuuude i know The most profound technologies (every meaning of the word implied here), are often the most simple and nondescript.
I can relate to this HARDCORE
looks like you inadvertently did the same thing as these Tibetan monks...
montecristo replied to montecristo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Forget that wedge thing, likely won’t be as effective, no need to buy anything just keep it simple. Books allow you to customize the height incrementally. 6 inches is what this guy recommends, I have tried 6 inches but I found I was sliding down and anyway it’s unnecessary given that the dream effect is stable nightly for me at a 3 inch lift. Just pop 3 inches worth of books or whatever under the feet at the HEAD of your bed. Just make sure it’s the same height on either side obv. -
montecristo replied to montecristo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I should have mentioned how efficacious it is for heartburn, that's right. Research shows that side sleeping is better for the glymphatic system to do it's job of clearing beta-amyloid plaques in the brain. To extrapolate that out it would also make sense that adjusting the angle of the bed could have an effect as well. Enhancing the glymphatic system seems it would have all kinds of nervous system health implications especially faster resensitization of receptor sites to dopamine, serotonin etc. In the past before using the inclined bed i would have a weed hangover for 2-3 days post use, I have for sure noticed faster recovery times in this area. Still feel the weed the next day but after that it's seems to clear out quicker than usual and im dopamine sensitive again in no time. I find it makes smoking weed less addictive too as im back to normal more quickly. -
I will have a few weeks free starting on the 25th of march. I really want to attend a psychedelic retreat in a professional setting. I cant access any where I live so I figure the best thing is to go somewhere that facilitates the experience. I am comfortable with the idea of radically altering my state of consciousness, though I have never taken real psychedelics. I know people say thc is not a psychedelic but when you have a low tolerance and take a massive dose of edibles i suspect you are breaking into the realm of psychedlics, I have experienced major shifts in consciousness as well as psychedelic visuals when the right conditions are present with thc. would love some perspectives from those of you who actually know. in any event I’m a mutt, half irish on my moms side and russian italian on my dads, I guess the ancestral psychedelic applicable to me is mushrooms, seeing as they grow wild in Ireland. So I think it is a good place to start, though I want to run the gamut with different substances eventually including 5MEO. my question is where should I go? budget/location is a non-issue.
@Zigzag Idiotcould you elaborate on this, how would you define the difference between these two states you mention? @improvementedwardthe book didnt give you any killer ideas? I havent reaad it yet but intend to, do you recommend?
for me it is talking to a close friend on the phone, or being in a small group discussion. Also trail running is perfect, varied terrain, the nature of the activity is stable yet the novelty is high.
@Leo Gura You seem to think Bernie is the better choice because of electability and the fact that he is at stage green as opposed to yellow like Yang which makes hiim a better fit for an orange society transitioning into green. I think you are getting lost in the spiral model a bit here with that line of reasoning. I'm not convinced for a few reasons. 1. Yang has many of the favorable things trump possessed, business background, non-politician, libertarian bent and doesnt talk down to conservatives in the holier than thou way that many liberals engage in, the identity politics movement is VERY problematic because it does more to alienate the average conservative than anything. Yang being non-inflammatory in this regard affords him a foothold with those people who voted for trump out of exasperation with the status quo. Do you really think a reasonable person would vote for trump in their right minds if they werent desperate for massive structural change? Now look at Yang, he has explicitly stated he will enact a policy that will radically transform the lives of every american, not some pie in the sky vague bullshit about "make america great again". People were so starved for results from their politicians that they even swallowed that line... I've seen a few interviews with Yang on FOX news, and guess what, the pundits on there like him A LOT, and if you read the comments below those clips on youtube you will find countless obvious trump supporters conceding that he makes sense "I know he's a democrat but he sure is makin sense" etc. 2. Why get stuck in this necessity for things to proceed in a stepwise fashion from orange to green, there are actually quite a few people at stage green in the U.S, arguably it seems that population wise they make up more of the electorate than the pure orange or blue people if you look at the 3 mil more votes hilary got in 2016. From this vantage it even fits with the spiral model to jump straight to yellow, and Yang is yellow with shades of orange to ease that transition. Isnt a yellow policy prescription precisely what a highly complex globalized society needs? As a species we are on the edge of a knife and we need the highest level most circumspect leaders we can get. why settle for a more myopic green perspective when a stage yellow leader is more equipped to deal with the realities on the ground? I say this because people really need to take a second look at Andrew Yang. If you read through the detailed policy proposals on his website you will be utterly shocked by the quality of his vision to address the problems of our time. In fact as I was reading down his straight to the point bulleted lists there were a few moments that I was actually moved to tears that a person with this much consciousness is running for president, the distinct feeling of seeing an oasis in the desert was what washed over me. https://www.yang2020.com/policies/
@Sea $1000 dollars a month does not nullify the need to make more money, most people will still be working. some people whos jobs are unnecessary and provide no value will likely stop but overall I see it trimming waste in the system surprisingly. How many people go to work everyday knowing what they do makes the world worse but for need to keep bringing in a paycheck? ive often thought since i was a child that the root of greed and selfishness is that people know they have nothing to go back to and no one to turn to to help them. Why would anyone in their right mind act altruistically under such circumstances? If that Exxon CEO or whoever knew he and his kids/wife would be getting 1k a month he might just be inclined to turn around and invest in environmental solutions perhaps. It's a small amount of money relatively but it could make a huge impact on people psychologically to act in integrity. It is not exactly free money when you look at the history, it more or less brings things back to even when you consider that wages adjusted for inflation have actually gone down over the past 40 years under reaganomics and especially when you consider the massive corporate welfare that has been robbing the middle class blind for decades due to lobbying. Has that welfare stopped corporate america from being extremely productive? No, in fact it seems that when people are empowered in that way they tend to thrive and make their best effort in the world unencumbered by crushing hopelessness. from a high level evolutionary perspective I think anything that brings humanity closer to it's origins is a good thing, the average prehistoric man or native american for example, simply by virtue of being a hunter, was able to generate enough economic value to provide for up to 5 wives and their progeny... think about that and ask yourself have we really gotten richer as a society? most men these days are hard pressed to provide for even themselves while our society is awash in resources. something is very wrong with this. UBI seems like correcting what is already a gross inequality.
ive done 96 hours dry before, no issue. also intermittent dry fasting consistently like youre suggesting. The thing with fasting is that it is intuitive, dont try to be rigid and dry fast every single day, you will feel it out and know what your body wants, always listen to your body, but it is indeed a good practice. dry fasting will increase the autophagy and anti-inflammatory effects of a water fast to be certain.
im all ears
I think this would be useful to the extent that you dont get lost in the untruth. If you are able to utilize the falsehood to achieve a goal while simultaneously holding it in your mind that it is a falsehood, this will allow you to, at some point, transcend the falsehood now that you have achieved your goal.
i didnt watch the youtube video at the top but some things i have come across to potentially physiologically enable enlightenment (i.e decalcify your pineal gland) is to dry fast as well as taking massive doses of omega 3's and sulphorophane. I did a 4 day dry fast and people commented that my teeth became significantly whiter/less translucent, i believe due to extreme depletion of circulating electrolytes leading your body to begin to draw on calcified soft tissue for minerals then redistributing them to heal the body as necessary. just a working theory. I have not experimented with massive doses of fish oil yet though i intend to.